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convective cloud

Examples convective cloud examples

How do I use convective cloud in a sentence?

Simple sentences

There wasn't a cloud in the sky.
There isn't a single cloud in the sky.
There was not a cloud in the sky.
Viewed from a distance, the island looked like a cloud.
A cloud floated across the sky.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
The cloud was in the shape of a bear.
Look at the cloud over there.
The whole soccer team was on cloud nine after winning the championship.
A cloud passed across the moon.
The car passed by, raising a cloud of dust behind it.
That cloud is in the shape of a fish.
That cloud bodes rain.

Movie subtitles

I basically paid for a cloud.
I don't have the cloud 'cause of Edward Snowden.
If you insist. Well, they say there was some question of the accounts, that your wife left under a cloud.
A cloud floated right into my soup plate.
The edge of the cloud crossing the moon.
No, when a clumsy cloud from here meets a fluffy little cloud from there. he billows towards her. she scurries away and he scuds right up to her.
When a clumsy cloud meets a fluffy little cloud.
He died, as peacefully as the passing of a cloud's shadow.
It's a cloud.
Or they may be cloud forms or great landscapes or vague shadows or geometrical objects floating in space.
And then a cloud came upon the moon. and hovered an instant like a dark hand before a face.
I predict he will make his exit. in a cloud of rotten oranges and dead cats.
It's a cloud of micro-drones.
He'd killed 'em both and raised a big cloud of dust a mile and a half the other side of them.
That little cloud of dust he raised grew into a whirlwind, turned itself into a cyclone and wiped out one-fourth ofTexas. before they could stop it. Jimminies!
They say it's like a long cloud in the distance.
Now a cloud passes over the sun.
We're staying at the St. Cloud Hotel.
St. Cloud Hotel.
Yesterday I unloaded a whole case of shells before I seen I was firing at my own shadow on a cloud.
See that cloud of dust?
Men of the nations, there's a black cloud coming from the east to cover us all.
Well, Dad. I've been in a blue heaven dancing on a pink cloud.
There's that cloud.
A cloud of vultures always hovers over the house of the living dead.
I'm going to Saint-Cloud, to my uncle's.
They might be, oh, just masses of color. Or they may be cloud forms or great landscapes or vague shadows or geometrical objects floating in space.
Don't let grief cloud your reason.
And then a cloud came upon the moon and hovered an instant like a dark hand before a face.
Oh, how that black cloud's advancing.
But then it's no cloud, it's the enemy forces.
Into a cloud bank?

News and current affairs

And, while the cloud over the eurozone may be the largest to burst, it is not the only one threatening the global economy.
So the only rational response is to research aggressively into the many unknown factors: the physics of cloud formation, the dynamic coupling of the upper stratosphere to the lower atmosphere, the accumulation of atmospheric water vapor.
There is also a dark cloud over the mortgage market following a judgment by the Supreme People's Court in 2003 that banned the repossession of homes that are a primary residence.
But the world must not allow their freighted narratives about the past to cloud our actions to build a better future.
War and its huge cost; the falling dollar; mounting trade and budget deficits; the chicanery that hollowed out companies like Enron and WorldCom; the bursting of the high-tech bubble: capitalism American-style is both under strain and under a cloud.
Another promising approach is marine cloud whitening, which sprays seawater droplets into marine clouds to make them reflect more sunlight.
This, one hopes, is the silver lining in the cloud now hanging over the World Bank.
Likewise, cloud computing is already starting to revolutionize the way content is delivered and accessed both by teachers and students.
In steps the Bush Administration, facing a divided Congress and a cloud over its legitimacy.
Some proposed climate-engineering technologies - in particular, marine cloud-whitening technology - could be cheap, fast, and effective.
This is a key theme of the report, entitled Corruption in Egypt: A Black Cloud That Never Passes.
As a result, we tend to see an invisible cloud behind every ray of sunshine; we seem to think that our achievements have meaning only for ourselves.
Eight myths cloud debate over stock market policy in China.
A single story, true or not, about a small amount of aid being misused can often cloud the entire field.
The interim deal is Iran's first compromise on its nuclear program in more than a decade, and a diplomatic victory in a field long overshadowed by the looming cloud of military intervention.
This augments the natural process, where sea salt from the oceans provides water vapor with the cloud condensation nuclei.
Marine cloud whitening would not lead to permanent atmospheric changes, and could be used only when needed.
Advances in cloud computing alone are expected to create 2.5 million additional jobs in Europe by 2020.
Allowing the past to cloud our critical faculties undermines Israeli democracy, and will have further dangerous consequences in the future.
Moreover, the cloud of rising budget deficits at the end of the decade - and exploding national debt after that - is also discouraging investment and consumer spending.
Nevertheless, at a time when finance is under a cloud, the party that defends the freedom of the financial gamblers over the freedom of the individual is winning favor with the electorate like no other.
Jerusalem - As a result of misguided American policy, the threat of another military confrontation hangs like a dark cloud over the Middle East.
A cloud hung over his predecessor.