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consumers English

Synonyms consumers synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as consumers?

Examples consumers examples

How do I use consumers in a sentence?

Simple sentences

One in four consumers thinks that prices will continue to rise in the future.
Many consumers are concerned about the health risks of genetically modified food.
Europeans are the largest consumers of alcohol in the world.
We consumers must buy more domestic products.
The majority of consumers are opposed to plastic bags.
Sensitized consumers seek orientation.
They presented a laundry list of arguments about how he is trying to fool consumers.

Movie subtitles

In a conjuncture such as the present, which represents in large strata of consumers. the danger of a complete glut on the market.
Thanks to their productivity and loyalty as consumers? Just so.
Today's children are tomorrow's specialised consumers.
Recruitment of new consumers.
They want to supply the 190 million consumers in the six countries of the Common Market.
The cold winter has apparently not effected the orange harvest..consumers can expect orange juice prices to fall.
Alliance and Dublin? - Consumers' orders?
Good morning, consumers. The Springfield Mall is now open for your spending needs.
Now we're more sophisticated as consumers.
We're consumers,Jim.
But that's what makes pop culture. so significant to. all the little consumers out there.
The business insures its own survival by training consumers to focus on arbitrary styling distinctions, rather than quality and durability.
Compact discs were forced upon consumers so that record companies could increase their profit margins.
I don't want to be here to meet its consumers.
Thanks to their productivity and loyalty as consumers?
Open up! Good morning, consumers.
Even in hard times consumers still flock to quality.
Steam-powered conveyor belts. Carry the product to be shaped, cleaned, inspected and delivered to discerning consumers worldwide.
I am so happy you cheap consumers used your free shampoo.
We're consumers.
The state has laws to protect consumers against cuts in medical services.
My opinion of Canadian consumers just went up a notch.
And what do the consumers think?
Just twelve years old to re-motivate our consumers!
As we speak, consumers everywhere need reminding. of just how fat and unattractive they are.
I grant you, we are misrepresenting our product. And that it is a liquid totally unbeneficial to its consumers.
Without us consumers, you producers would be the real parasites.
All this is fine, but it's just a consumers, cooperative.
Consumers under the guillotine and everything is fine!
Good morning, consumers.
We're consumers, Jim.
Consumers. Right.
In two days, China signs a UN trade agreement ending 50 years of isolation, not only culturally, but commercially opening the door to 1.5 billion new consumers.

News and current affairs

To be sure, fiscal deficits and emergency measures in advanced economies and some major developing countries have cushioned the sharp decline, substituting in part for missing consumers.
America's zombie consumers need to repair their damaged balance sheets, and US workers need to align new skills with new jobs.
Neighbors that used to be transit states for drugs are now major consumers, owing to similar dramatic increases in opium and heroin addiction.
The reduction is even more impressive when one considers that 57 million additional energy consumers were added to the US population over the past two decades.
And it will not reassure consumers or investors.
One day, the country is on the brink of a double-dip recession; the next, it is on the verge of a turbo-charged recovery, powered by resilient consumers and US multinationals starting to deploy, at long last, their massive cash reserves.
In such conditions, most firms and consumers will be cautious about spending - an option value of waiting - thus further weakening the economy.
Instead of feeling the pinch of wartime privations, like in any ordinary country, American consumers are binging as if it were Christmas all year round.
Those true believers argue that America's consumers can long pursue their spendthrift ways because their country's economy is better than everyone else's.
Since reducing the trade deficit requires increasing exports and shrinking imports, the international value of the dollar must decline to make US products more attractive to foreign buyers and US goods and services more attractive to American consumers.
What is unexpected is that the new wealth is flowing not to the shareholders of dot-com companies, but to purchasers and users of high-tech capital and the consumers they serve.
Effective advertising campaigns, appealing to unconscious urges - typically related to food, sex, and status - create cravings for products and purchases that have little real value for consumers or society.
US consumers are shopped-out, savings-less, and debt-burdened.
Because crude oil is priced in US dollars, and the dollar has depreciated against the euro, European consumers have gotten off relatively easy from rising energy prices.
As legions of new consumers gain purchasing power, demand inevitably rises, driving up the price of scarce commodities.
Prior to the crisis, American consumers, on average, either saved nothing or accumulated debt.
And the incomes of the moderately educated middle class failed to benefit from deregulation-led growth (though it improved their lot as consumers).
Foreign borrowing can enable consumers and governments to live beyond their means for a while, but reliance on foreign capital is an unwise strategy.
To consumers in industrialized countries, uninterrupted power supply is a given.
Another factor working in Africa's favor is its private companies' and consumers' low dependence on borrowed money.
In short, we need to transform the Mediterranean countries into producers rather than consumers of regional stability.

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