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congestion English

Meaning congestion meaning

What does congestion mean?
Definitions in simple English


Congestion occurs when there is a blockage of the passage due to the buildup of something. The traffic report states that there is a severe traffic congestion down the road.


excessive crowding traffic congestion excessive accumulation of blood or other fluid in a body part

Synonyms congestion synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as congestion?

Examples congestion examples

How do I use congestion in a sentence?

Simple sentences

We know how to get around traffic congestion.
Our delay was due to traffic congestion.

Movie subtitles

Not to mention some pulmonary congestion, and, neuralgic pains in the temporal region.
Call it acute congestion of the stomach and brain.
I don't see what's so cute about a congestion just cos it's yours.
No, I just felt a little congestion in my throat.
Severe heart damage. Signs of congestion in both lungs. Evidence of massive circulatory collapse.
For years, the city had been plagued By ever-increasing pedestrian congestion.
For years the city had been plagued by ever-increasing pedestrian congestion.
And with relieving the ghastly congestion in our prisons.
Post-operative congestion of the lungs, comatose condition.
That is the congestion.
Congestion of the lungs.
And with the formation of natural groups, I don't know if you understand. In an urban collective place we must think about bringing about a congestion profiting, but in a modest way.
The doctor offers classes ranging from fin congestion and tail rot to pop-eye and bladder bloat.
The AA and RAC have reported heavy congestion on roads up and down the country, particularly those leading to Wales and the West Country.
Congestion-reducer and the distemper remedy didn't help much?
It's not just a simple congestion, there are rales in the lungs.
Oh, not only as a catalyst, but. the mixture also relieves nasal congestion?
Yes, Liebchen, and also breaks up nasal congestion.
Yes, but. I have a little nasal congestion.
Yeah, there's some bad congestion.
Has a little congestion.
Well, heartbeat's normal, congestion is all cleared up.
He's got a little congestion and a little fever.
I know, I know, but you're gonna have to stay in here until you get over that congestion. It's cold out there, yeah.
Well, he's just about over that congestion, but I wanna play it safe.
No congestion.
Signs of congestion in both lungs.
I've got this awful congestion in my chest.
Severe heart damage. Signs of congestion in both lungs.
Congestion on the island fucking shit!
Meanwhile, no one remembers the hopeless pedestrians, who are in no way responsible for traffic congestion.
I have momentarily lost your congestion.
That will take care of the fever and chest congestion.
We'll be seeing a lot more of these, what with the congestion and the reckless driving we're seeing today!
We're seeing congestion in North Hollywood around the Grant Street Elementary School.
With all the traffic and congestion, believe me, this way's faster.
It's called pulmonary congestion.
They get an earthquake,they get released into the air,you breathe it in,you get a cold. turns into sinus congestion,aches,weakness. milky tears. and sometimes. a loss of inhibition and judgment.

News and current affairs

Today's mega-cities, for example, already have to confront dangerous heat waves, rising sea levels, more extreme storms, dire congestion, and air and water pollution.
Private oversight can often produce better and more efficient construction, and, in theory, toll roads help alleviate traffic congestion.
Shifts to more energy-efficient means of transportation ease congestion.
But all of this has come at a price: accidents, congestion, pollution, and an uneasy dependence on oil, among other costs.
Our cities are exploding in size, depleting water resources and creating horrific traffic congestion.
For example, Singapore is harnessing its near-complete fiber-optic network to reduce urban congestion by introducing a spate of measures encouraging workers to telecommute.
At the same time, lower oil consumption would reduce traffic congestion and accidents, limit local air pollution and its adverse health effects, and lower greenhouse-gas emissions, which lead to global climate change.
And the Port of Hamburg has a digital system to reduce water, rail, and ground traffic congestion.
But, as has been demonstrated in areas like air pollution, traffic congestion, spectrum allocation, and tobacco consumption, market mechanisms are often the best way for governments to address such failures.
The plan's proposed congestion charge on automobile use during peak times in certain parts of the city would reduce traffic and generate revenue that would go toward improving public transportation.
Traffic congestion, in particular, is not only environmentally detrimental; it also imposes substantial time and resource costs on drivers.
Due to congestion, New Yorkers face the longest commutes in the US, and their children have the highest rate of asthma hospitalization.
However, despite its many advantages, congestion charges face some skepticism.
Among its many innovations were a paternalistic approach to saving and use of the price mechanism to defeat urban traffic congestion (an approach later adopted by London).
Now, with serious congestion slowing traffic in major cities to a crawl, the land gradient in housing prices is steep once again.
Overcrowded Underground trains and Heathrow's congestion are having an impact, though it is hard to understand why New York wins on these measures.
This does not even take into account social returns, accrued through reduced traffic congestion and cleaner air.

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