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conchal crest English

Synonyms conchal crest synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as conchal crest?

conchal crest English » English

crista conchalis

Examples conchal crest examples

How do I use conchal crest in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I've forgotten. Was House Lancaster's family crest a red rose, or a white rose?
I think the crest on the top of the head of roosters is attractive.
The wavelength is the distance from crest to crest, or from trough to trough.

Movie subtitles

It was very gracious of you to elevate me to that lofty station and I hope Your Highness won't be too insulted but I have definitely made up my mind to remove the crest from my stationery my lingerie, and my life.
I saw the body from the top of the crest and naturally came down.
Haven't I seen this crest before?
Crest View 65723.
The Dracula crest.
Is this Crest View 51733?
Your apartment gave me a Crest View number.
It's all mine. From the crest of that ridge as far as your eye can see to the west, to beyond Old Baldy.
From the crest of that ridge north, around to the west.
The moment we go over this crest, we'll be plainly visible from down there.
Observatory Drive and Crest Place.
With your crest and everything.
It bears the three-diamond crest!
Shogen's crest?
Every good soldier needs a crest for his cap.
There mustn't be anything mercenary about this soldier's crest.
Every good soldier needs a crest for his hat.
Spirits with neither crest nor title.
This crest is not in the proper place at all.
The crest belongs up here.
From the crest of that ridge as far as your eye can see to the west, to beyond Old Baldy.
Cattle baron? What's his crest?
What is your crest, a coxcomb?
I waited for him in the draw over the crest of that hill, but he never did show up.
Your apartment gave me a Crest View number. There was someone with an accent growling: you weren't there, they never heard of you.
Your family crest, I suppose.
We just zeroed gray Ford coupe, 1946. Observatory Drive and Crest Place.
Enlargements of the photos give us quite a lot of details along the crest, at least 12 passenger thrown out on impact and four bodies visible in the tail section.
I wasn't at home. I was on the crest.
The only real thing about me is this crest. and it wasn't my mother who wore it.
This crest belonged to Bart Paxton's mother, who was killed by Morgan.
This is our neighbor, Bill Crest.
While I ride this board over the crest of the inferno all the way to freedom!
This is very bad news 599 01:08:32,470 -- 01:08:35,687 Nobody on the crest! Clean the weapons!

News and current affairs

Greece vehemently opposed its tiny northern neighbor - with only two million inhabitants - using the name Macedonia and symbols from the days of Alexander the Great in its flag and crest.
Did the surge of anger that began in Tunisia crest in lower Manhattan, or is 2012 likely to see an escalation of the politics of dissent?

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