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collimated light English

Synonyms collimated light synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as collimated light?

collimated light English » English

parallel light

Examples collimated light examples

How do I use collimated light in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Kelly brought the matter to light.
Moths are attracted by light.
Do you mind if I turn off the light?
I didn't turn off the light.
Please turn off the light before you go to bed.
Don't turn off the light.
He forgot to turn off the light.
Be sure to turn off the light when you leave the room.
Put out the light and go to bed.
Rather than light-hearted and cheerful men, I'm attracted to sober men with a bit of a dark side to them.
Tom forgot to turn off the light.
Don't forget to turn off the light before you go to sleep.
Please be sure to turn off the light before you leave.
A child is not a vessel for filling, but a fire to light.
It's just five in the morning, but nevertheless it is light out.
Could you turn on the light, please?
Can you turn on the light, please?
I have extremely light skin and never tan.
You ran a red light.
A mirror reflects light.
Though it was cold, he didn't light the fire.
It is still light outside.
Give me a light, would you?
I'd like something light.
In the light of what you told us, I think we should revise our plan.
As for the air, there is always some moisture in the atmosphere, but when the amount increases a great deal, it affects the light waves.
The sky is getting light.
Heat and light are necessary for our existence.

Movie subtitles

If it has the property of light, then reflection is also possible.
Like a light switch Just go 'click'!
Or are we part of something bigger- a web of life that stretches light years through the universe?
In 1 995, astronomers discovered a planet orbiting a star 50 light years from Earth.
It gets darker because the planet is blocking the light from that star.
When this planet passes in front of the star, it blocks out a tiny fraction of the light, dimming the star by a very small amount.
Wherever there's liquid water - no matter the amount of light, the temperature, the acidity - life thrives.
With the closest stars light years away, is it possible to actually travel there?
The very nearest star to us is four light years away.
What about communicating with people across the galaxy where there are tens of thousands or a hundred thousand light years in between?
After all, radio signals travel at the speed of light.
I Love Lucy and Gilligan's Island have been broadcast to the galaxy, travelling at the speed of light, and they are our emissaries, they are our diplomats to the galaxy.
Our ultra-high frequency and microwave radio signals have been expanding into space at the speed of light.
These radio, radar, and television signals fill a sphere nearly 1 00 light years in diameter, so any civilisation within 1 00 light years of Earth might be hearing our voices or watching our television shows.
What about that band of nebulous light, the Milky Way?
In the direction perpendicular to the disc the size was much smaller, of the order of 7,000 light years.
I can reveal what I have known from the beginning, that Calvin Roberts and Sarah Lane will succeed me together as co-leaders of the movement and guardians of The Light.
That's for The Light, man.
This baby will be born into a community of Light.
He's in The Light. - How could that not be right?
I miss your Light.
Tell Cal to fuck The Light.
Steve, are you with The Light?
There is no Light.
Steve is not in The Light.
As soon as you find the cyborgs, you have the green light to terminate.
To shine a light on the doubts in one's heart and, through mere illusions, to lead one to one's choice.
The sky went from dark to light, and it looked like it was on fire, just like Victoria said.
Those light lips.
When she starts to feel dizzy, everything inside her goggles will fade to a bright white light -- another cue to the brain to trigger the surge.
Block off the red-light district!
Don't let Musashi get out of the red-light district!
Making an uproar in front of the main gate to the red-light district is uncouth.
The light has already turned poor for today.
It will be fine for you to leave at first light tomorrow.
Don't you go into that light, - you son of a bitch!
I told him don't go into the light!
There's no virtue in making light of it.

News and current affairs

Thomas Jefferson compared knowledge to candles: when one is used to light another, it does not diminish the light of the first.
You might imagine that people could choose the right light bulbs for themselves.
But it is not just light bulbs that policymakers have tried to ban.
NATO troops should be given the green light to help the Afghan army fight opium - destroy the heroin labs, disband the opium bazaars, attack the opium convoys, and bring the big traders to justice.
For now, we have a World Cup filled with soccer that is being shaped by a new, young generation both on and off the playing field - light-hearted, enthralling, and beautiful to watch.
At a red light in New York, a squeegee kid or two might approach your car; in Accra, a stopped car is immediately surrounded by a virtual supermarket.
BRUSSELS - The recent death in Brussels of Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi finally brings to light what lay behind his mysterious two-month disappearance from public life.
Interpreted in light of even the most optimistic global warming scenarios, this is disturbing news.
On the contrary, before the Civil War you could start out splitting rails, light out for the Western Territory, make a success of yourself on the frontier, and wind up as President - if you were named Abraham Lincoln.
But 30 years of hindsight enable us to judge which elements of the Thatcher revolution should be preserved, and which should be amended in the light of today's global economic downturn.
After all, blaming the US is predominantly a way of shifting light from Europe's failed leadership to another country's struggles for a safer world (including the continued existence of Israel) and a stronger world economy.
There is no green light for opportunistic predators in and around the Kremlin who now control Yuganskneftegaz to grab other companies' assets at will.
The light seems to be better there.
In a time of official lies, healthy investigative energy should shed light, not just generate heat.
Other resources like fuel oil, diesel, light crude, solar, and gas are also available as means of electricity generation, but their costs are all quite prohibitive.
The classical concert that preceded the magisterial fireworks that ended the day was the closest thing to a French version of the Proms in London, mixing light classical and popular songs.
To those who view China's rise in a negative light, the country is simply becoming ever more arrogant.
But Europe's leaders must reconceive these concepts in light of today's challenges.
The key is to capture the window of opportunity for industrialization arising from the relocation of light manufacturing from higher-income countries.
Indeed, ever since the Industrial Revolution, the rise of light manufacturing has driven a dramatic rise in national income.
In Belgium, France, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, and Switzerland, light manufacturing led the way.
The LRZ would enable local people to improve their livelihoods though the production of agricultural goods, the efficient delivery of services, and light manufacturing.
In this uncertain context, the APEC summit could shed much-needed light on the intentions of Abe and Xi, thereby providing crucial insight into the trajectory of Sino-Japanese relations - and thus the future of East Asia.

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