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coast dart

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News and current affairs

Meles will be sorely missed in Hargeisa, as he planned to run a Chinese-financed gas pipeline through Somaliland territory from the Ogaden to the coast.
Consider the Senkaku incident in 2010, when, after Japan arrested the crew of a Chinese trawler that had rammed a Japanese coast guard vessel, China escalated its economic reprisals.
Power in America shifted first from the East Coast to the West Coast, and then to the South.
The Chinese even began developing a port on the Burmese coast, far closer to Calcutta than to Canton.
In November, the first ever India-China joint naval exercises were held off the Chinese coast.
But, as China grows increasingly dependent on imports of resource commodities to meet its basic needs, its coast will continue to enjoy a transport-cost advantage.
China's effort to develop more evenly, despite the permanent in-built advantages of the coast, takes the form of two-way traffic in capital and labor between coastal and interior regions.
But, even with a road, you still must pay for tolls, gasoline, fleet maintenance, and other costs - and it can still take five days to get your goods to the coast if you want to export.
As some people migrate to the coast, fewer people will share the interior regions' resources, causing their per capita income to increase.
The German navy is defending the Lebanese coast against Hezbollah, while other European nations bear the brunt of policing Lebanon on the ground.
Imagine that community spreading down the east coast of Latin America and the west coast of Africa.
Further complicating matters is the discovery of oil close to the Cypriot coast.
That means that tomorrow it could bid for contracts to build missile bases on the coast of the People's Republic of China.
The dark skies over the northern Russian coast in Leviathan look ravishing, and Jia even manages to make the concrete and glass jungle of Shenzhen, the monster city between Guangzhou and Hong Kong, look gorgeous.
In 2007, huge oil deposits were discovered off Brazil's coast.
Moreover, it extends well beyond Asia, embracing Eastern Europe and the east coast of Africa.
Financial transfers flow from the coast to interior regions, via government fiscal allocation or other mechanisms, to improve infrastructure, including transport.
Palestine from the Jordan River to the coast should be handed to Israel so that the world can end with a cataclysmic Christian triumph.
Such political goodwill is essential for regional stability, particularly given the deterioration in Sino-Japanese relations following last year's confrontation over the arrest of a Chinese fisherman by Japan's coast guard.
Imagine that a highly agile coast-guard vessel is called out to rescue a floundering boat.