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clutch shifter English

Synonyms clutch shifter synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as clutch shifter?

Examples clutch shifter examples

How do I use clutch shifter in a sentence?

Simple sentences

A drowning man will clutch at a straw.
He'll clutch at any straw.
The car stalled because you didn't step on the clutch.
The truck had a clutch failure.
He slowly let the clutch out and drove off.
The clutch isn't working right.
Tom pushed the clutch pedal down with his left foot.
Tom released the clutch too fast and stalled the engine.
Take your foot off the clutch.
I broke the clutch.
Put it in first and slowly let off the clutch while giving it a little gas.

Movie subtitles

I recommend you dip your clutch.
Shove in your clutch.
I'm in a clutch at the moment, Mr Marriott.
Come, let me clutch thee.
Sometimes as we watched, she; d clutch my arm or my hand, forgetting she was my employer, just becoming a fan, excited about that actress up there on the screen.
Crazy got his clutch overhauled.
I can use my peg leg on the clutch and the hand throttle.
Fats knew the game was in the clutch, so he had to do something to stop you.
Old people clutch at the past and won't accept the new.
But age, with his stealing steps, has clawed me in his clutch, and has shipt me intil the land, as if I had never been such.
Gomez, you're riding the clutch again.
Use the clutch!
The clutch is frozen.
And when I get it going fast to let his clutch out.
When it's fast, let your clutch out.
Sometimes as we watched, she'd clutch my arm or my hand, forgetting she was my employer.
Is your foot on the clutch?
I think we lose time give the clutch.
I think we lose time give the clutch. If he drinks whole.
You know, Pop, I think when you shift, you ought to use the clutch.
Here's the clutch.
Sounds to me like a cracked cylinder head or. Or a broken clutch plate.
I'm in a clutch at the moment.
He'll come to them at night like a terrible clutch at their soul.
Friction clutch?
Here's a clutch plate.
Shape the clutch ears, 20 to 15.
I'm pushing, step on the clutch goddammit - Sorry Sister.
A man will clutch at any straw to save his skin.
A clutch.
A clutch, captain.
Four on the floor, double clutch, compound low, four-wheel drive and a hydraulic shovel.
Come let me clutch thee.

News and current affairs

Coincidentally, the deadly attack on Gaza came at the same time that a clutch of America's most distinguished would-be Middle East peacemakers published books about how the task should properly be tackled.

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