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che English

Examples che examples

How do I use che in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Che dice?
Che bella voce.
Inutile dire che Mr Talbot ha un grandissimo. - Mr Talbot your call to Rome.
Ma che guai? Lisa, listen to me.
Che! Good morning, Miss Mossie!
Che bella!
Che stupido!
Che cosa?
So we go on to you, che.
Che Guevera.
No, Che Guevara.
Che Kang is a top kung fu expert.
General Che, Lord Teh, and many others!
Che musica!
E tu che fai? Why not come?
Che guevara.
Marti, ma che fai qua?
Dio mio. Che cretino che sono..9956.
The. giudice istruttore che inquisisce sulle morti violente.
Io sono il direttore. Che cosa desidera dal signor Armbruster?
Che cosa e lo stucciacatori di polli?
I remember feeling ashamed that he had an Italian name. Cassetti. Che mostro.
Che peccato!
Last year there were 3,000 writings for Mao, 10,000 for Ho Chi Minh 1,000 for Che Guevara and eleven for Marcuse.
We must s ystematically che ck out e v eryone listed in the victim's address book.
Correct, Verdi. Che elegant!
Mr. Che you Boil?
The father of my girlfriend wants her daughter to be marriedvuole che la figlia sposi to somebody that produces cannons.
CHE, detention centre, borstal.
Well, a pity about CHE, Community Home with Education appealing both to your intellectual brilliance and your public spirit.
What used to be called an approved school, a CHE.
Che Guevara, South American revolutionary, ends up as a boutique.
Nice try, Lao Che.
Che cazzo succede down here?
Ma ho sposato una donna che preferisce lavorare in giardino a fare I'amore appassionato.

News and current affairs

Hugo Chavez may not be financing Morales and Bolivia's other dissidents, but are Venezuela and Cuba really not tempted to meddle in the country where Che Guevara died leading a guerrilla war nearly 40 years ago?
Unlike in Chile, where modernized Socialists recently secured the presidency for the first time since the coup against Allende, even Uruguay's moderate Leftists cling to a passionate militancy, Cuba, and Che Guevara.
In first place is Evo Morales, an Amayra Indian running under the Movement Toward Socialism banner who is sometimes seen as Che Guevara's second coming.
Steven Soderbergh's new film about Che Guevara, however, does that, and more.
The same goes for the legendary Che.
No teenager in rebellion against the world or his parents seems able to resist Che's alluring image.
But once there was a real Che Guevara: he is less well known than the fictional puppet that has replaced reality.
The true Che was a more significant figure than his fictional clone, for he was the incarnation of what revolution and Marxism really meant in the twentieth century.
Che was no humanist.
As could be expected, Che applied Soviet policies to the Cubans: agriculture was destroyed and ghost factories dotted the landscape.
Indeed, without his ideology, Che would have been nothing more than another serial killer.
In the name of History, Che, too, saw murder as a necessary tool of a noble cause.
The left, inspired by the siren call of Che, chose armed struggle instead of elections.
Those nations that rejected Che's mythology and chose the path of democracy and the free market, such as Brazil, Peru, and Chile, are better off than they ever were: equality, freedom, and economic progress have advanced in unity.
For those of us in Cuba old enough to take a similar trip, our journey with Che, the young man with the funny accent and starred beret, began with less romance.
The chant became so tedious that inevitably, the class clown would ask if the incantation would end up turning us all into asthmatics, as Che was.
Che's life and deeds all became part of a modern bible for young Cubans.
In his speeches, I discovered the brilliant Che, mercilessly railing against inefficiency, false politics, and double standards.
I discovered the Che who scribbled love poems and coveted his solitude.
Then Che's face flooded our lives, staring at us from T-shirts, banners, walls, and key rings, with a look as vigilant as those on the faces in the murals of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution.
To rediscover the Che who could inspire, I returned to the young Ernesto of Che's diary.
While chavismo arrived in power via the ballot box, its leaders wished it had done so with bullets, like their hero Che Guevara.
Like those tall tales, Fidel's myth of Che bears a superficial resemblance to historical facts, but the real story is far darker.
With the crisis of the 1990's brought on by the collapse of our Soviet patron, many Cubans returned to what Che said about economics, and admit the value of what is achieved with effort.
Just wearing a Che t-shirt is the shortest and cheapest way to appear to be on the right side of History.