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chafing piece English

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What other words have the same or similar meaning as chafing piece?

chafing piece English » English

chafing rod

Examples chafing piece examples

How do I use chafing piece in a sentence?

Simple sentences

It's a piece of cake.
Give me a piece of chalk.
The train was derailed by a piece of iron on the track.
He gave me an orange in exchange for a piece of cake.
He cut his sister a piece of bread.
She wanted a piece of cake, but there was none left.
A rook is a chess piece.
Tom ate a piece of garlic bread.
Who wants another piece of cake?
Aren't you going to eat that piece of pie?
In chess, castling may only be carried out when both the king and the involved rook have not been moved, all the squares between them are free and not dominated by any opposing piece and the king is not in check and would not be put in check by castling.
I thought you'd like a piece of pie.
I want a piece of candy.
We got an interesting piece of information.
Finishing the job by Tuesday will be a piece of cake.
I'll give you a piece of advice.
Let me give you a piece of advice.
May I have another piece of cake?
Would you like another piece of cake?
He took out a piece of chalk.
I'll give you a piece of good advice.

Movie subtitles

We showed that we actually got solid pieces that survived impact, and embedded within that solid piece are amino acids.
Are we simply one small piece in the cosmicjigsaw puzzle or are we truly the only special beings in this vast universe?
Okay, we will cut a piece of her aorta, use it to make an arterial cuff around the renal arteries, and then we'll have one in anastomosis instead of three.
Uh, you know, uh, two-piece, halter, mesh dress might work well for you very lean ladies, but, yeah, not for this festival of back fat going on.
I am Ahab. And the Tooth Fairy, that fat piece of shit, is my white whale.
It's a lovely piece.
I accept that, Sister Julienne, but we're still trying to piece together what happened yesterday.
He's coping well with that and can feed himself using his feet, which is quite the party piece.
But I am sprucing up my navy two-piece because, as of tomorrow, I am back at work.
Oh, I've decided to write to my sister and borrow her cream two-piece that she wears for parish high days and holidays.
Yes. In examining the dog's stomach contents, we found a barely digested piece of beef steak.
It all leaves for Iceland in two days, which means every piece gets ID'd, sized, and carefully packed so that we don't have any problems with customs.
I just thought I'd find some missing piece to the puzzle.
I'm sorry if it's not the piece that you wanted to find.
Good piece, Benjamin!
And the Tooth Fairy, that fat piece of shit, is my white whale.
He's merely an inconsequential piece of junk.
I'll thank you not to compare me to that piece of junk.
That strange piece of technology Lucy brought us and Ivan, you haven't forgotten them?
He sure was a piece of work.
What's this piece?
Clip me off a piece of that.
What is the title of that piece?
Then speak your piece.
A rifle and a fowling piece.
Fine piece of beef. Ah!
Get me a piece of stone, anything. It will help me drive the stake through their hearts.
After all, it's only a piece of dead tissue.
Which is why removing you is an easy piece of damage limitation.
I will give you one piece of advice.
Oh, so, Dustin wore a 1930s high-waisted vintage tux that had a tear in it that he patched over with a piece of gabardine from his father's wedding suit, so.
You useless piece of crap that calls herself a mother!
In examining the dog's stomach contents, we found a barely digested piece of beef steak.
A piece of his mind.
Can I meet the painter of this piece?
You do not have a piece of bread among us?
Keep the whole piece!
And a mighty fine piece of property you got there, buddy.

News and current affairs

This small piece of Russia, with 1 million inhabitants and bordering on the Baltic Sea, is squeezed between Poland and Lithuania, two future members of the EU.
It is a sad reflection on the state of the EU that it seems unable to agree on the one clear productivity-advancing piece of legislation when improving productivity is held out as a shared goal.
Their piece was a story in itself, but what followed was even more interesting.
Another piece of good news is that the Europeans have now given up their claim on naming the IMF's managing director (as have the Americans their corresponding claim on the World Bank presidency).
But by now it is clear that this is a worthless piece of paper.
Even so, the explosion of exports coming out of low-wage regions like China and India is at least a piece of the puzzle.
In fact, with the emergence, piece by piece, of finance capitalism, circa 1820, productivity took off in one European country after another - Great Britain, Belgium, France, Germany, and Austria.
Every piece of good news suggesting that America's recession is about to end is followed by bad news suggesting otherwise.
The most obvious piece of advice is that America's financial system should follow more faithfully the advice its advocates dispensed to others.
The issue is Kosovo's status - the last unresolved piece of the bloodstained Balkans puzzle.
One piece of good news is that deregulation of product markets has been largely achieved, so there is less need to play the Brussels blame game.
The EU also needs common initiatives to replace piece-meal bilateral agreements on tax evasion and tax havens, which undermine the goal of a fair society.
While that might enhance the EU's popularity in the periphery, it could increase resistance to EU membership in Germany - a country that, despite its waning economic strength, remains an important piece of the integration puzzle.
The fact is that any piece of legislation purporting to embody human rights is entirely vulnerable to a political system in which parliament is supreme.
The tariff proposal - contained in the central piece of global warming legislation now before Congress - would impose emission controls on domestic industries starting in 2012.
Still, despite all the changes, when foreign commentators nowadays want to spice up a China piece with a literary allusion, Orwell remains the seasoning of choice.
It is worth considering whether Aldous Huxley, who taught Orwell at school and who wrote another great and portentous piece of political fiction, Brave New World, provides a more relevant perspective.
This fits with yet another curious piece of the Chinese puzzle.
CAMBRIDGE - Two years ago, a piece of faulty computer code infected Iran's nuclear program and destroyed many of the centrifuges used to enrich uranium.
Indeed, the regime has hinted that it may be willing to compromise on the issue - the delineation of the 1967 border along a tiny piece of land on the Eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee - that wrecked the negotiations eight years ago.
Having unsettled many of his neighbors, not just the Americans, his upcoming visit to Vietnam, and his prime minister Li Keqiang's visit to South Korea, are of a piece with his dinner-hour diplomacy with Ma.
That particular piece of wisdom referred to the situation of companies in an economic crisis. But it can also be applied to countries and economies.
Equity capital will come from the US and from the Far East to claim a piece of the action, which may be a replay for anyone that missed the show in the US or just wants to see it once more.

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