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center grinder

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British Prime Minister Tony Blair has declared that the two issues at the center of the G-8 Summit this July will be African poverty and global climate change.
During any lull, a fanatic from either side could jump to center stage and, through an act of utter madness, kick up the settling dust and dash the hopes of the many on both sides who still long for a lasting peace.
Afghanistan poses particular difficulties in reconstruction, as it is not a society with a strong political center.
In a fast changing world, this skepticism of the center is the only sensible attitude a responsible political party and government can strike.
On the other hand, a center-right coalition between the Christian Democrats and the Free Democrats could spark the ECB into action.
But the heady glow of America's return to center stage in Asia has obscured key challenges in remaining the region's principal security anchor in the face of China's strategic ambitions.
Yet the Obama administration continues to deny that China is at the center of its strategy.
Second, they existed without any fiscal transfers from a common center, because such a center did not exist.
London, in particular, has no inalienable right to be a global financial center.
But even if Vladimir Putin's associates had nothing to do with Politkovskaya being gunned down in an elevator of her apartment building in the center of Moscow, his contempt for law created the climate in which the murder was carried out.
While product markets have held center stage in the creation of the single European market, services continue to be fragmented by national regulatory, anti-competitive practices.
President Putin's success, however, has bred its own problem: he consolidated power at the center so well that opposition is brewing in Russia's regions.
In the past, that dividing line separated right and left, but the line at the forthcoming elections will run between the federal center and the regions.
Indeed, emerging giants from Latin America and Asia will be at the center of worldwide investment in the coming decades.
All were alive and healthy for one reason only: the Joint Clinical Research Center in Kampala, and the drugs that it provides them.
Peter Mugyenyi, who runs the Joint Clinical Research Center, told me that part of the problem is the sheer weight of numbers.
Voters of the center or even the center-right are disappointed, too, by their president's lack of charisma, if not sheer incompetence.
This year, one of the conclusions that such reflection yields is that the United States remains firmly at the center of the liberal world order.
They center on the social policies that would accompany a broadly similar set of economic measures; and, here, the differences between the candidates are consequential.
Until recently, few believed that Africa, too, could become a center for modern manufacturing.
In 1986, Nakasone went to Beijing at the personal invitation of Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Hu Yaobang and laid the cornerstone for a Sino-Japanese Youth Exchange Center, promising to forge future friendships with China.
As the world's center of economic gravity shifts east, the balance of financial activity is bound to move with it.
After all, Egypt is the heart, brain, and nerve center of the Arab world.