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caddis-worm English

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caddis-worm English » English

caddis worm

Examples caddis-worm examples

How do I use caddis-worm in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The early bird catches the worm.
I don't care if the early bird gets the worm, I want to sleep.
The early bird gets the worm.
Early bird gets the worm.
You can feel the worm as a painful strand under the skin.
Try to pull out the worm by turning it around with a match stick.
He writhes like a worm.
It writhes like a worm.
When Tom looked down at the apple he was eating, he realized that he had eaten half a worm.
She writhes like a worm.
Tom found a worm hiding behind the rock.
The early bird catches the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!
This is a worm.
The worm turns.
Some people say stepping on a worm makes it rain.
Even a worm will turn.
The worm wriggles.
I ate half the apple before I noticed there was a worm in it.
He who behaves like a worm can't complain of getting stepped on.
A slow-worm is a limbless lizard, not a snake.

Movie subtitles

One of the dominant organisms was what we call a tube worm and these were 6, 8 feet tall, and they had human-like blood.
Yeah, the worm.
He's a worm, and I'll step on him.
So listen, worm.
If I were you. I wouldn't miss this opportunity of seeing the early worm get the bird.
Even a worm couldn't get through.
In a moment I shall lift my foot and crush you. insect, beetle, worm that you are!
Could be she might be needin' worm cakes.
An hour early, but the early bird catches the worm.
It's old and worm-eaten and rotten.
I'm a cad, a rat and a worm.
We'll be very friendly and let the boys worm the information out of her.
A worm's-eye view is so often the true one.
The worm.
A worm.
You worm!
Did you get your worm this morning?
What do you think I am, a bIood-worm?
And lo, the worm turns.
An early bird who caught his worm.
That little worm is trying to break up my happy home!
You worm. You miserable little pipsqueak.
What's a little worm?
You worm. If I'd known you'd do anything to that horse, I'd have run you off the track.
He's got a nice, fat worm for you.
A worm isn't dirty.
Come on. If I were you. I wouldn't miss this opportunity of seeing the early worm get the bird.
They're stationed all around the field. Even a worm couldn't get through.
You worm.
He's no man. He's a worm.
Don't you dare crawl in like a worm.
You poor worm!
She could worm the secrets right out of a sphinx.
It is the sludge worm.

News and current affairs

Many parasites are worms: hookworm (800 million people infected), roundworm (1.5 billion), schistosomes (200 million), and the worm that causes Elephantiasis (150 million).
Intelligence collection is a good example, and the elaborate Stuxnet worm that disabled Iranian nuclear centrifuges seems to have been a government creation.
First, humanity's Book of Life has only 30,000-35,000 different words, or genes. This is surprising, because the genome of a tiny worm that had been sequenced earlier contains about 20,000 genes.
How we make do with only one-third more genes than this simple worm remains an unanswered puzzle.
Indeed, whereas the misery that worm diseases cause is extensive and the burden excessive - as much as tuberculosis or malaria - they do not kill immediately.
This is surprising, because the genome of a tiny worm that had been sequenced earlier contains about 20,000 genes.
Similar efforts are underway on many other fronts - the control of worm infections and leprosy, and now a major global effort to bring malaria deaths nearly to zero by 2015.
Indeed, India alone accounts for one-quarter of intestinal worm infections worldwide and more than one-half of all cases of elephantiasis, leprosy, and visceral leishmaniasis.

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