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burst amplifier English

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burst amplifier English » English

colour burst amplifier chroma bandpass amplifier

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News and current affairs

And, while the cloud over the eurozone may be the largest to burst, it is not the only one threatening the global economy.
After the burst of growth that arrived with hyperinflation's end, growth slowed, partly because firms in the country couldn't get adequate finance.
That bubble has burst.
Those bubbles may keep expanding, or may burst, leaving many homeowners mired in debt.
The bubble has now burst, and these economies are heading into a steep recession.
The Cold War had lasted so long that change seemed unimaginable until freedom burst forth.
But another housing bubble is not imminent in countries where one just burst.
Second, predicting the exact timing of a break point (when bubbles burst, markets lock up, and credit freezes) is, and will likely remain, beyond our ability.
Exaggerated importance is one kind of bubble that central bankers should always be eager to burst.
So, with emerging market economies from Russia to Brazil mired in recession, will the bubble burst?
Perhaps Asian real currency values will rise sharply as a result of a burst of inflation in Asia.
When Hu also cancelled the traditional closed-door summer caucus of old Party elders that takes place each year at the beach resort of Beidaihe, hopes were raised that political reform might actually burst forth.
They made the bubble burst.
Japanese were told to socialize the losses their banking system incurred when Japan's bubble burst, then re-privatize those parts of it that could still succeed as going concerns and liquidate the rest.
We do not want to inflate another asset-price bubble on the scale of the one that burst in 2007-2008.
Both bubbles have long since burst, and US households are now dealing with post-bubble financial devastation - namely, underwater assets, record-high debt, and profound shortages of savings.
When those bubbles burst, consumers were left with a massive overhang of excess debt and subpar saving.
Now that the bubble has burst, America's current economic downturn is likely to be far worse than previous ones, because US enterprises will have to be rebuilt, slowly and carefully.
The predictability bubble is perhaps the trickiest to navigate, though my instinct is that less would be more. Exaggerated importance is one kind of bubble that central bankers should always be eager to burst.
His inference was that, unless Party leaders were careful, this capitalist bird would literally burst out of its socialist cage, spelling an end to China's Marxist-Leninist revolution.
The excessive boom of the US stock market led to over-investment in the United States and a subsequent US recession when the bubble finally burst.

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