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brown peony English

Synonyms brown peony synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as brown peony?

brown peony English » English

western peony Brown’s peony

Examples brown peony examples

How do I use brown peony in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Do you know Mr. Brown?
The quick brown fox may as well go fuck the lazy dog.
The bread is brown.
The walls were painted light brown.
Tom's dog is brown.
Mary has big brown eyes.
Most dogs have brown eyes.
May I talk to Ms. Brown?
Mrs. Brown warned Beth that if she didn't eat properly she would be permanently overweight.
Bob is really a brown noser.
The woman on the bench is Mrs. Brown.
Mrs. Brown understands Japanese.
My idea is that we should talk to Mr Brown.
Mr. Brown made his son learn Chinese.
Mr Brown belongs to the upper class.
Mr Brown is our English teacher.
Mr Brown is a doctor.
Mr Brown always carries a book with him.
Put me through to Mr Brown.
Mr Brown is in charge of our class.
Mr Brown teaches at Harvard.
We were all surprised at the appointment of Mr Brown as director.
I'd like you to meet Mr Brown.
Don't you know Mr. Brown?
Mr Brown is a wool merchant.
Mr Brown speaks Japanese very well.

Movie subtitles

Elder Harris and Elder Brown.
We got Mrs. Brown to sing like an African for you.
Bye, Mrs. Brown!
Shahir, she's the perfect donor for Terry Brown.
I mean, the Charlie Brown theme song, come on.
Brown stuff.
He'd be brown Santa.
He was born last week, and he has pale brown skin like us because our mum is from Poplar and our dad is from Jamaica.
It was those brown leather shoes.
Of course, you could have them black, or brown, or green, or. any color you like, just so long as you're there.
Stealing from Brown, the Thompson business, and gypping old man Clarke. and now this Jordan thing.
She has beautiful black hair and big brown eyes, eh, Roger?
Professor Brown told me it was 500 million years old when I first met him and that was three and a half years ago.
Professor Brown.
Have you heard from Private Brown?
Legionnaire Brown!
Legionnaire Tom Brown will probably come back tonight.
Where is Tom Brown?
Is Legionnaire Brown here?
There is no Legionnaire Brown here.
Has a guy with a brown fur collar been in here?
Lots of guys with brown fur collars come in here.
It was in the young woman's left fist. But she herself had brown hair?
Come here, brown eyes.
Brown eyes.
Matt Brown is an example of that.
Brown is in charge of the vaults, isn't he?
This ball is my family's blood. You see these brown marks?
I like brown.
But I like brown.
He won the technical decision over Sandy Brown.
He won the technical decision over Sandy Brown by claiming a foul.
Not John Brown's.
Because it looked too much like my brown one.
My skin was brown, we'd sleep on deck.
They're so brown!
You're going to kill a brown-haired man.

News and current affairs

If Berlusconi returns to office, he will again seek strong cooperation with the United States, the path now being followed by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown recognized the problem and placed it on the G-20's agenda.
This is what leaders of the Labour party like Alistair Darling, Gordon Brown's Chancellor of the Exchequer, are now saying.
Though only a miniature version of America's imperial predicament, Britain's current policy, as its new prime minister, Gordon Brown, is defining it, may anticipate the direction taken by the next American president.
Blair's legacy has thrown Brown into a confusing oscillation between Britain's transatlantic tradition and its European connections.
But, for Brown's policy to succeed, it must promote social change and political reform in the Arab world.
David Cameron was polished but vague, and the jowly Brown came across as gun loaded with statistics.
To be sure, the Brown precedent is not entirely analogous, for there the Supreme Court gave weight to foreign policy considerations in just the way that the federal executive had urged.
The state faces another large budget deficit, yet Governor Jerry Brown's budget this year includes a substantial spending increase.
According to Brown, the tax hike would be temporary, yet it would last seven years.
Despite these problems, Brown has committed California to a San Francisco-to-Los Angeles high-speed rail boondoggle.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, for his part, has proposed lifting the immunity that past prime ministers enjoyed in connection with the sale of peerages.
So far, thanks to the euro, the ECB, Gordon Brown, and Sarkozy, the EU has worked well in the world financial crisis.
As in Brown v. Board of Education, the case that ultimately broke the back of racial segregation in America half a century ago, the European Court is being asked to give meaning to the fundamental principle of equality.
Just three years ago, Jubilee 2000 made news when civil society groups, rock stars, and a few finance ministers like Britain's Gordon Brown pushed for African debt cancellation.
The developed world's silence suggests that it takes the mistreatment of black and brown women by black and brown men for granted, rather than holding all people to one standard of justice.
In retrospect, three successive British prime ministers - Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, and David Cameron - were on overly familiar terms with a manipulative business leader.
Airy talk about science and manufacturing as ladders out of recession (a favorite image of former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown) is just that - empty words.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown deserves the accolades he is now receiving.
No longer an independent global power, yet unhappy with the London-Washington axis that Blair forged, Brown's government continues to waffle in its commitment to a united Europe.
Brown's reputation for fiscal prudence evaporated with the Great Recession.
This is why British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's proposal to create a fund for climate change is so welcome.
The area is also home to lynx and even a few brown bears.
He and his finance minister, Gordon Brown, stuck to their predecessors' public-spending plans, for example.
Brown, who became prime minister in 2007, let spending and borrowing rip, so that when the global crash hit Britain was already suffering from a structural fiscal deficit and a credit bubble.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has called for a full arms embargo of Zimbabwe, a position clearly targeted at the Chinese.
The sun was high above white-crowned Jade Dragon Snow Mountain when my guide pointed down the gorge at the brown waters churning thousands of feet below.

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