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brazed joint English

Synonyms brazed joint synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as brazed joint?

brazed joint English » English

soldered fitting soldered connection solder joint

Examples brazed joint examples

How do I use brazed joint in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The two companies combined in a joint corporation.
The joint of my left shoulder aches.
They agreed on a joint statement.
The knee is the body's largest joint.
The elbow is the joint between the upper arm and the lower arm.
He's in the joint.
Do you want to work at a hamburger joint all your life?
The forearm and the hand are linked by a joint called the wrist.
My husband and I have a joint bank account.
Which joint did you dislocate?
They agreed to form a joint partnership.
What's the name of the joint we went to last night?
Do you have separate accounts or a joint account?
Iran and Russia will establish a joint bank.
Tom got his nose out of joint when he wasn't asked to Mary's party.
The King's English is not the King's. It's a joint stock company, and Americans own most of the shares.
My wife and I have a joint bank account.

Movie subtitles

Why cant he joint us?
There's going to be a joint orchestra with the girl's grammar.
How about you and I giving this joint the air and indulging in some snappy necking?
Now, you low-down rat, get out. or we wreck the joint! - Come on!
Surprised to see me in your swell joint?
This is the joint where you're working.
The joint's been held up, that's all.
Some joint you got here.
This magnolia is leaving your sweet-smelling vanilla joint.
We've been casing the joint for a whole week.
They're no good to the joint anymore.
I'm sick and tired of this joint.
She's got too much class for this joint.
There's no use arguing with this joint.
Its tail ends in a sixth joint, a sac from which poison is injected by barbed sting.
He left here an hour ago and went down to Dude Finlay's joint.
What do you mean by breaking up that Lakeview joint last night?
Excuse me. What do they give you in this joint?
The UNDC meeting has indicated that it is okay for the North and South joint team to participate.
In the next month, he will be the Team Leader for the joint officer team of the North and South, and compete against the officers from 16 countries attending the third WOC.
Nice to meet you too. I am from now on, not a King of South Korea, but a Team Leader of the joint South and the North Korea team.
How about you and I giving this joint the air and indulging in some snappy necking? What?
Now, you low-down rat, get out. or we wreck the joint!
He's a big cluck or he wouldn't make you live in a joint like this.
I'll see that the police close up your joint.
Kick back with my 50 bucks or I'll fold your joint up like an accordion.
The coppers are crashing the joint, they're busting in now.
All right, all right, I admit all that. You found me in their joint with a gun.
Something's cockeyed about that joint, I'll find out what.

News and current affairs

The national reservations must be go, and a joint strategy for success must be adopted, including a massive increase in civilian and military aid for Afghanistan, if the country is to be prevented from descending into the same abyss as Iraq.
Moreover, a regional consensus among all the players must be rebuilt, including Pakistan, Iran, and India, whose joint responsibility for peace, stability, and redevelopment in Afghanistan must be recognized by Europe and the US.
On the contrary, they are now the government's partners in a joint venture to manage this dishonest scheme.
In the fall of 2000, Czech voters rebuked both parties during regional and Senate elections, with the Social Democrats losing their joint majority in the Senate.
Later that very day, a joint operation resulted in simultaneous arrests in five European countries.
Deeds speak louder than words, and deeds on the transatlantic level have been swift and decisive - for example, joint efforts aimed at choking off terrorist financing - even when we had strong divergences over Iraq.
In the nineteenth century, the joint interests of the authoritarian Russian, German, and Austrian Empires prevented the establishment of a free Poland: such unholy alliances have no place in the twenty-first century.
CAMBRIDGE: Many life and death issues facing developing countries can only be addressed by international joint action.
Joint exploration and development of the resources within and beneath the archipelago could then begin.
In a study of pilots smoking only a single moderate joint, there was a difference between a placebo control group and those taking cannabis, up to 50 hours after taking the drug.
In November, the first ever India-China joint naval exercises were held off the Chinese coast.
Last week, Russia and China held joint military maneuvers in the presence of both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Hu Jintao.
During the exercises, Shenyang units advanced 1,000 kilometers into the Beijing district, where they engaged in joint war games.
If Kim's bombast and nuclear threats lead to China-US bonding over a joint North Korea settlement, the entire world will be the safer for it.
After all, since then the EP's influence and powers of joint decision-making have grown constantly.
Most people have forgotten that the Paris Protocols of April 1994 established a customs union between Israel and the occupied territories, with a joint Economic Council to adjudicate trade disputes.
All were alive and healthy for one reason only: the Joint Clinical Research Center in Kampala, and the drugs that it provides them.
Peter Mugyenyi, who runs the Joint Clinical Research Center, told me that part of the problem is the sheer weight of numbers.
There is thus an imperative not only for regional integration in Africa, but also for a joint strategic vision and partnership to help build global energy and climate security.
He proposed a model of joint-stock banking on a national scale, which ran into immediate opposition (curiously, his proposal was much more influential in Canada).
The expenses and pressure of the dowry system, and the fact that, in most joint families, only sons inherit property and wealth, contribute to this favoritism.
More broadly, we are exploring ways to cooperate in the joint development of defense technologies.
Admiral Mike Mullen, the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, recently defined America's colossal fiscal deficits as the biggest threat to its national security.
Indeed, so competent is Olam that when Wilmar, a Southeast Asian firm run by overseas Chinese and a force in its own right in China and across Asia, sought to expand in Africa, it sought out Olam in a joint venture.
The US and South Korea should, according to Chinese officials, discontinue holding joint naval exercises there, apparently out of respect for China's new power.
Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, then went to Islamabad, where he met the commander of the Pakistani army for several hours.
Some system of joint or international sovereignty over Jerusalem's holy places and the division of the city so that it can become the capital of two states.
Does the recently issued Joint Declaration on Defense Cooperation, which establishes intent to move beyond weapons sales to the co-production of military hardware,mark a turning point, or is it merely a contrivance to placate India?
And the political environment is amenable to their plans: India now conducts more joint military exercises with the US than with any other country.
The ITU, a United Nations body, established the Commission in partnership with UNESCO, and the joint chairmanship was no accident.

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