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branchy stem English

Synonyms branchy stem synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as branchy stem?

branchy stem English » English

ramification branch bifurcation

Examples branchy stem examples

How do I use branchy stem in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Scientists are fighting to stem the spread of the AIDS virus.
A rose has thorns on its stem.
Cosmetic stem cell therapy is in the early stages of development.
Can you tie a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue?
Dwindling resources have hampered the efforts of police to stem the rise of violent crime in the city.
What's a stem cell?

Movie subtitles

The swelling from the epidural bleed is pressing on his brain stem.
Root, stem, flower and all.
A slide valve with a fine screw on the stem.
I'm reupholstering it from stem to stern.
And one pipe stem broken.
This is a stem of that victorious stock, and let us fear the native mightiness. and fate of him.
Bit clean through his pipe stem.
Stem, ammunition, pack, canteen, knife.
I took six inches off the stem.
Stem-winding clock?
Mr. Brady, how do you account for the unfortunate comment that your crusade has aroused the attacks upon me stem from a vociferous minority which happens to control the press?
On your way home, send yourself two dozen long-stem roses from the very best florist.
Long-stem roses.
When I'm free, I'll wring your scrawny pipe stem till your tongue pops out!
A stem-winding watch, maybe.
Hey, Buck, there's your stem-winder.
And a blue gardenia broken off at the stem.
We cannot stem the tide of change.
After a sheltered youth it breaks away from its stem and swims along the coast, out for adventure.
Do your ambitions stem from the dreams That, uh, Eastern potion brings to you, my dear Haman.
Now I will stem the ambitions of that young Macedonian upstart.
You're the leaves, I'm the stem.
I'm afraid I'd have bitten the stem off by now.
Shiver them from stem to stern!
Where does your friendship towards me stem from, priest?
You have chewed this pipe stem down to matchstick size waiting for that bird to arrive.
I'm on the stem myself.
I need a new stem.
To be frank, it needs a new stem.
Gen will replace the stem, and then I'll take it back.
This is a stem of that victorious stock.
With men of his stem one never knows what may happen.
Police and National Guard have been powerless to stem the wild rush away from the doomed city.
I'm afraid so and we can't stem the tide.
We've searched again from stem to stern.
They stem from the very source of our inspiration.

News and current affairs

The highest costs currently stem from espionage and crime; but, over the next decade or so, cyber war and cyber terrorism may become greater threats than they are today.
Iran's growing regional influence does not stem from its military expenditures, which are far lower than those of its enemies, but from its challenge to America and Israel through an astute use of soft power.
Moreover, and crucially, Brzezinski forgets that Obama's determination to stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon does not stem only from his concern for Israel's security or the stability of the wider Middle East.
After being asked about her views on various Bush administration policies, none of them related to the work of the committee, she was asked whether she supports the president's policy on embryonic stem cells.
The eurozone's difficulties, I have long argued, stem from European financial and monetary integration having gotten too far ahead of actual political, fiscal, and banking union.
To begin with, they enacted a general guarantee for the entire banking system to stem panic (providing blanket protection to all but the shareholders).
For bin Laden and those who share his ideas, anger and frustration in the Islamic world stem from outside repression and exploitation of Muslims.
BERLIN - This December, world leaders will meet in Paris for the United Nations Climate Change Conference, where they will hammer out a comprehensive agreement to reduce carbon emissions and stem global warming.
Instead, embryonic stem cells will be derived from its inner cell mass.
Stem cells cannot become a baby.
For the US, the highest costs currently stem from espionage and crime, but over the next decade or so, war and terrorism could become greater threats than they are today.
Claims that Morsi ruled undemocratically stem from his repeated attempts to extricate the popularly elected parliament and presidency from anti-democratic traps set by the military.
That belief lay behind Bush's denial of federal government funds for stem-cell research that could encourage the destruction of human embryos.
Unlike today's other profound biomedical revolution - a high tech affair involving decoding our genome - stem cell research is a much more low-tech enterprise.
In short, more law, rather than less, is needed to help stem the violence.
But such low rates do not reflect ordinary market sentiment; rather, they stem from the fact that the Federal Reserve is now buying more long-term securities than the government is issuing to finance the budget deficit.
And only then could the US stem the rising tide of import penetration by foreign producers.
Italy's new government will have to display leadership and vision to guide the economy toward stable growth, avert a race to the bottom, and stem growing social tension.
To stem the outflow of dollars, the central bank may well be forced to raise interest rates.
But even a larger envelope of official resources is not sufficient to stem the insolvency problems of Greece, Ireland, and, possibly, Portugal and Spain.
Structural pressures have arisen from the shift to a new model of services- and consumer-led growth, and cyclical pressures stem from a tough global environment that has put downward pressure on the old model of export and investment-led growth.
Attempts by the military to stem unrest by taking control of government might be another.
Islam's part in the deal must include a guarantee of human rights and civil liberties, improvement in women's status, and realistic policies to stem the Islamic world's demographic explosion.
As for the economic crisis, bailouts and stimulus packages on the order of billions of dollars, euros, yen, or yuan have been planned or implemented to stem the further slide of the global economy.
After doing little to pressure Sudanese strongman Omar al-Bashir into admitting UN peacekeepers to stem the killing in Darfur, China suddenly found the promise of an unsullied Olympics at risk.
An embryo forms, but it will not be implanted in a uterus. Instead, embryonic stem cells will be derived from its inner cell mass.

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