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bogey pad

Examples bogey pad examples

How do I use bogey pad in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The rockets were fired from a launching pad.
I need a writing pad.
I need a mouse pad.
The restaurant tried to pad our bill with extra drinks.
Lend me a memo pad or something.
I wrote the phone number on the writing pad.
Write your telephone number down on this pad.
The rocket exploded on the launch pad.

Movie subtitles

So. scribble scribble on your pizzle pad.
Oh, my God, it's her prescription pad.
And second of all, as far as the breaking goes, you have no idea of my intent to steal your prescription pad.
Just now the spaceship has reached the launch pad because the spaceship is built too light to stand freely, it's submerged in a water-basin in which it floats upright.
Epidemics of every kind must break down any resistance on the pad of the people.
We also need a dance director who can count to 40 without a pad and pencil.
Did you ever see a scratch pad in a telephone booth?
When they find out who you are, they'll pad the cell.
I've got my pad right here.
Just a pile of papers to shuffle around, and five sharp pencils and a scratch pad to make figures on, maybe a little doodling on the side.
What are you doing with my memo pad?
We found the twin stocking hidden underneath this blotting pad.
Well, you better get that pad.
Have you got an ink pad around the house?
Shorthand pad and magnifying glass.
He used this writing pad?
Just a pile of papers to shuffle around, and five sharp pencils. and a scratch pad to make figures on, maybe a little doodling on the side.
Then today I'll go looking for a new pad.
A pad is something, well, nasty. I would almost say uhh, immoral.
A student at a reputable institution of higher learning. should not have a pad but rather a proper room, with proper, well intentioned people.
Get a pad and envelope.
But you wrote nothing on the pad this morning about visiting him.
It will be your launch pad.
I almost like it better than your other pad.
Dr. Akop.? Oh, my God, it's her prescription pad.
I want you to see how the crutch works with the pad.
Shorthand pad and magnifying glass. And the money we just leave here?
Barney, do you have any pad and pencil?
While someone like me, who's really got something, Can't even afford a decent pad of drawing paper Or a piece of chalk, or not to mention paints.
They're electric brakes actuated by a magnet which is connected to the brake pad.
I almost like it better than your other pad. It's quieter.
You better get that pad.
I'm nothing more than a sort of memo pad for Mr. Hoff.

News and current affairs

Cambodian authorities can help build their credibility by curbing the temptation to pad bills and inflate salaries.
But at the end of the day, few Turks doubt that if the US decides to send ground forces into Iraq, Turkey will provide the launching pad, and may even participate.
But, as a significant component of Europe's policy toward its most crucial neighbors, the successes of the Barcelona Process were modest: a great idea on the launch pad had difficulty getting off the ground.
Thaksin's sins are voluminous, and became the basis of the rise of his yellow-shirted opponents, the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), which entered the electoral arena as the New Politics Party.
The PAD wants to maintain the 2007 charter.
They pad along barefooted, with the mud sucking at their heels in the wet parts.
PAD ringleaders now denounce all politicians as corrupt and extol the virtue of the monarchy.
The PAD depicted the UNESCO registration of Preah Vihear as a treasonous sell-out of Thai sovereignty, and used it to destabilize the pro-Thaksin government.
When the PAD seized control of Government House and Bangkok's two airports, its protest leaders hectored Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and likened him to a hooligan.
Hun Sen had scores to settle with the anti-Thaksin coalition of the Democrat Party, the PAD, and the army.
The spate of armed clashes along the border this year stems from PAD provocations.
Although some of its members entered the cabinet under Abhisit, PAD leaders felt betrayed and abandoned by Abhisit and some of his powerful backers.
The PAD's yellow-clad supporters returned to the streets, this time under the banner of ultra-nationalism over Preah Vihear and a domestic anti-corruption campaign.
The PAD has openly called for a military coup to clean up Thai politics.
The PAD initially found little traction.
The Thai army stayed out of the Preah Vihear controversy, and Abhisit's government shrugged off the PAD's machinations.