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blue-baller English

Meaning blue-baller meaning

What does blue-baller mean?


(vulgar, slang) A sexually frustrated person; an incel. (vulgar, slang) A prickteaser

Examples blue-baller examples

How do I use blue-baller in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The sky is blue.
When it rains, she feels blue.
You are very attractive in blue.
He was blue from the cold.
She selected a blue dress from the wardrobe.
Who's wearing the blue T-shirt?
The blue car is expensive.
Blue movies are rated X, which means that only people of 18 and over can watch them.
Franco has blue jeans.
The car is blue.
I like blue.
Tom had blue eyes.
This blue backpack is heavy.
I would like to try the blue striped skirt.
Phosphorus provides nourishment for cyanobacteria (blue algae) which multiply and release toxins.
The sky is as blue as blue can be.
Do you know the reason why the sky looks blue?
The chairman resigned out of the blue.
How blue the sky is!
If it is seen from a spaceship, the earth looks blue.
The doctor was in a white gown over a blue suit.
If I were you, I would paint it blue.
You can talk until you're blue in the face, but you'll never convince me.
Scientists have come up with many explanations for why the sky is blue.
If we pay the rent to the landlady, we won't have any money for food; we are between the devil and the deep blue sea.

Movie subtitles

The blond-haired, blue-eyed voice of God?
Code blue, E.T. wing 203.
Oh, my God, your teeth are blue.
We at least know he's not Maori and he's got blue eyes.
If the artificial silk is too clingy over pantyhose, and the Crimplene shift makes me look like a librarian -- thank you, Valerie -- then I really only have the ice blue Lurex and that's still at the dry cleaners.
You can't wear ice blue Lurex to a week night supper date.
Christopher's sports car isn't ice blue!
You might have blue eyes like one of your parents and blonde or ginger hair like the other one.
He'll wait for you until he turns blue.
All my life I've wanted a little white house. out in the country, with blue shingles.
I don't like blue shingles.
Oh, Mary, I'd rather have them blue.
I mean, your eyes. your eyes, they shine like the pants of a blue serge suit.
The Blue Angel.
What in the blue blazes?
You can't bring blue pens.
I said you can't bring blue pens.
When you enter the grotto, a blue light dazzles your eyes.
Do you see the blue light up there?
Mr. Chandler should have the Blue suite.
And the old blue one.
Other boys bore me, they just leave me blue.
Other girls bore me, they just leave me blue.
I know those blue-noses.
I've been sitting here for a half-hour looking at you, and I don't know yet whether your eyes are blue or violet.
I can't tell whether they're blue or violet.
And I don't know yet whether your eyes are blue or violet.
She's got a blue dress.
There goes a blue.
I mean, your eyes. your eyes, they shine like the pants of a blue serge suit. What?
The old blue number, eh?
I bet a blue.
All blue.
You probably don't know there's an old blue law that classifies a racing form as gambling paraphernalia.
Once every blue moon.

News and current affairs

Debt crises tend to come out of the blue, hitting countries whose debt trajectories simply have no room for error or unplanned adversity.
He will be remembered for accepting the painful secession of Eritrea in 1993, rather than prolong the civil war, and for his efforts to reach an agreement with Egypt over the use of the Blue Nile waters.
Gradually, however, the quest for it has become a global trend, one that continues to conquer new territories, just as blue jeans once did.
By contrast, employment in middle-skill, white-collar, and blue-collar occupations fell, particularly in manufacturing.
While blue-collar workers incur income losses, their losses will be overcompensated by the gains of landowners, capital owners, entrepreneurs and white collar workers.
To many, it was a glorious moment, emblematic of the West's victory in the Cold War, and one that seemed to come out of the blue.
And now, seemingly out of the blue, he has defied and even offended Uribe by undertaking negotiations with the despised FARC, after having delivered such devastating military blows to them that perhaps, this time around, the peace process will prosper.
Supervised by a blue-ribbon commission of college presidents and distinguished jurists, they have all been honest, fair, and peaceful, with the results accepted by winners and losers.
Simple items like blue jeans, cola, or Hollywood movies helped produce favorable outcomes in at least two of the most important American objectives after 1945.
There are now roughly 100,000 troops from various countries wearing UN blue helmets around the world.
But then fans of the Honduras team were set upon, and even worse, the Honduran national anthem was insulted, and the country's white and blue flag defiled.
The engineering behind it was technically complicated, but what you got was pretty rough: a page of text, broken up by ten blue links.
Instead of us providing you with images, maps, the weather, news, or translated versions of foreign-language sites, they would rather go back to ten blue links.
What is immediately striking is Clinton's youthful appearance, bright laugh, and blue eyes that appear a little too round when she gazes at us with curiosity.
When Obama attracted a crowd of 200,000 to a speech in Berlin last summer, Republicans criticized him as an elitist who appeals to crowds overseas but not to blue-collar workers at home.
Textbooks - pink for girls, blue for boys, each with different contents - emphasize the rules prescribed by Imam Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, an eighteenth-century cleric and the founder of Wahhabism.
Such loans, of course, would require a major global initiative, at a time when even blue-chip companies cannot borrow overnight, much less for 25 years!
Meanwhile, information technology and digital networks have automated a range of white- and blue-collar jobs.
Blue Jeans?
In the United States, it should be remembered, the need for a fiscal stimulus developed, so it seems, out of the blue.
This ongoing debate has impeded decisions on the future of deep wells in Blue Amazonia.
For example, while one in eight Americans is black, one in three is employed in sanitation or other blue-collar jobs.
He has appointed Anand Panyarachun, a former Thai prime minister who recently headed a United Nations reform panel, to select and direct a blue-ribbon national commission to seek reconciliation with the southern separatists.
They also adopted a blue print for cooperation over the next 10 years.
Although they are physically a fantasy sci-fi mix of blue skin and cat-like movement, they are culturally a mix of Native Americans and Vietnamese, with Arabic accents thrown in.
But if you are a blue-fin tuna of the western Atlantic stock, your mood will be decidedly more pessimistic.
In the case of the western Atlantic stock of blue-fin tuna, several countries argued that the existing management body - the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) - is best placed to manage the stock.

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