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black lenbane English

Synonyms black lenbane synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as black lenbane?

black lenbane English » English

radix hyoscyami henbane root

Examples black lenbane examples

How do I use black lenbane in a sentence?

Simple sentences

A crow is as black as coal.
There was a black jacket on the book.
The dog knows black from white.
I'm the black sheep of the family.
She has two cats. One is white and one is black.
This car is black.
A woman's wardrobe isn't complete without a little black dress.
Tom has two cats. One is white and the other is black.
I have a black eye.
Mary's eyes are black.
You've got a black eye.
You see everything in black colours.
Tom drinks black coffee without sugar.
She was wearing a black hat.
My black shoes need heel repairs.
Did you buy it on the black market?
It was pitch black outside.
We often associate black with death.
We have two cats; one is white, and the other is black.
We have two dogs. One is black and the other is white.
Simply follow the instructions below, and in no time you will be printing full color documents just as easily and quickly as black and white.
Black smoke came out of the chimney.

Movie subtitles

What about the Black Knights?
This is an order to all Black Knights!
The ravages of the Black Death, the bubonic plague that had devastated Europe in the early 1 4th century, had reduced the city's population to around 40,000, less than a 20th the size of Nanjing's.
I know, she is such a hot shade of black, right?
And I believe that in 1978 God changed his mind about black people!
The black one with the 20 thou on the clock.
You see black orzo in a spicy seafood broth and a celeriac puree.
All right, this one goes out to all the fellas in the front row with the, uh, construction boots, the, uh, button-down shirt, the cropped black hair.
I'm a black man, okay? All I got to do is puff up my chest and act a little gangster.
What if they're black?
Black people hate crazy.
Um, I've got a black wig and some 60s clothes.
Man, if you was a black man driving around with a dead white guy in the back of your ice cream truck, you'd know the answer to that!
The rug there now also has three diamonds but a black border.
He's the guy on the black stallion.
Every herd has his black sheep.
In Mlle. Carolotta's correspondence there appeared another letter, edged in black!
A black lake, hidden from man and the sun, leading to the Phantom's rendezvous.
In my little black bag, in the right-hand corner.
This is Black Elk, an old friend of mine.
It's Black Elk and some of his braves.
I've never told Black Elk a lie yet.
Black Elk here says that you and your sister were so good to him, when he come in to visit that he wants to give you all them ponies.
Say, Black Elk was telling me that all the Injuns in the West was gathering to keep you all from passing' through.
Black Elk and the Cheyennes are going west to hold a powwow with the Shoshones.
Black and white looks all right.
Black. and white.
Narco-finance is a major revenue stream - for American black ops.
It's a black name.
I guess a black whiskered whale really has no sense.
By making everything either entirely black or white that makes them feel better.
Between white and black there is gray.
A black and white one too.
All right, this one goes out to all the fellas in the front row with the, uh, construction boots, the, uh, button-down shirt, the cropped black hair. - Okay, they got it, Kells.
Dude, that's not gonna happen. I'm a black man, okay?
What if they're black? - Then I just act crazy, man.
It was my mum who told me Carrie was going to marry a black man.

News and current affairs

The fact that the man was black might or might not have made the cop go for his handcuffs even sooner than he might normally have done.
The complexities of black anger, white guilt, and of black, and white fear, are so vexed that most Americans prefer not to talk about race at all.
The black, red, and gold German tricolor adorns the entire country as never before, but almost nowhere are there nationalist undertones.
Immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Turkey proposed the Black Sea Economic Cooperation.
We do not yet know what combination of black-box computer programs and electronic trading algorithms, interacting across more than 50 market centers, caused this catastrophe.
After all, Ukraine managed to eliminate its nuclear weapons and reach accommodation over the Black Sea fleet without joining a private economic bloc with Russia.
Not all of this is black.
This summer, friends who live a few kilometers from us in rural Montana in the western US had to interrupt their dinner when a black bear suddenly came out of the trees.
This year will afford us ample opportunity to examine the black swans that are already among us, and to prepare for the arrival of even more.
While a distraught world is still trying to fathom the consequences of this global crash and to mitigate its impact, the call of the next black swan can already be heard: the global climate disaster.
So the black swan of the climate crisis is already preparing to land.
For now, it may only be black humor (e.g., the New Orleans waiter who asks diners whether they want their shrimp leaded or unleaded).
High employment costs and nominal tax rates promote small scale enterprises that only thrive on black market employment and tax evasion.
He saw one black male standing inside the house and asked him to come out.
He said something about black men in America being singled out, and asked the cop, who was white, for his name and identification.
One thing to be learned, if we didn't know this already, is how close racial sensitivities are to the surface of US life, despite the election of a black president.
The complexities of black anger, white guilt, and of black, and white fear, are so vexed that most Americans prefer not to talk about race at all. The field is too full of mines.
However, the world's black populations are the prime victims.
In the United States, one-eighth of all black males between the ages of 25 and 34 are in jail, and three out of five black American households with children are headed by a single mother.
The developed world's silence suggests that it takes the mistreatment of black and brown women by black and brown men for granted, rather than holding all people to one standard of justice.
While ideas about this abound, new theoretical breakthroughs most likely will be needed to develop the machinery required to solve such electron-electron theories, perhaps even involving black holes.
Is Bangladesh headed into the black hole that consumed Afghanistan under the Taliban?
After all, what kind of faith allows putting instruments of mass murder on sale in the black market.

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