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biomedical English

Meaning biomedical meaning

What does biomedical mean?


relating to the activities and applications of science to clinical medicine biomedical research laboratory

Examples biomedical examples

How do I use biomedical in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Tommy, check the biomedical labs.
It's a noninvasive biomedical scan.
I'm from the biomedical labs here on Campus.
Just so you know, the future of biomedical informatics is at stake.
B.S. in biomedical engineering, Johns hopkins.
BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY 3 Hope you haven't just need this.
My background is biomedical engineering and computer forensics.
Biomedical encoding, satellite tracking, the BEAST chip.
Biomedical and biohazardous abatement and sanitation.
Uh, well, after Stanford, I got my PhD in biomedical engineering.
Biomedical firm in El Segundo.
We do everything: industrial products, biomedical. - cryogenics, defense technology.
I am the one with the biomedical engineering degree from Johns Hopkins, among several other degrees.
And I have a biomedical engineering degree from Johns Hopkins.
Okay. Tommy, check the biomedical labs.
MYLAB? A private biomedical facility conducting important research.
You know the Group's involved in biomedical research.
Here's the deal. I work for a courier service that specializes in the transport of biomedical materials.
The device was developed here in our biomedical research lab.
And I've also studied biomedical illustration at American University.
He's one of the most gifted biomedical engineers in the country.
Our scientific minds are pushing the boundaries of defence, biomedical. and chemical technologies.
Well, as the story goes, Roman's dad was touring biomedical facilities in England when he first met Olivia.
Maxwell could be using it to cool anything from biomedical reactors to-- The fastest computer ever built.
I got my PhD in biomedical engineering.
Mr. Biomedical-Degree. You go ahead.
But thanks to modern biomedical science, the days of waiting and praying are over.
I, on the other hand, had a great night with Bridget the biomedical engineer.
In our biomedical research lab.
He found a strain of peptides in human blood and urine, that had never before been recorded in biomedical research.
About what we saw at the biomedical building.
Been through 10 of these computers we confiscated from Graham biomedical.
We use apes for biomedical research.

News and current affairs

Unlike today's other profound biomedical revolution - a high tech affair involving decoding our genome - stem cell research is a much more low-tech enterprise.
The challenge in biomedical and computational research is to model the dynamics between diverse processes at the level of whole systems.
Another restriction has been recently adopted in the United States, where the issue was explored by the National Biomedical Ethics Advisory Commission in extensive hearings and discussions with ethicists, religious leaders, scientists and physicians.
Today's biomedical research is a collaborative research enterprise, requiring the contributions of patients, universities and industry.
Is there a way to redress the double standard in biomedical research that is both fair and wise?
They view the double standard as a possible source of public distrust in the biomedical research enterprise.
In brief, the introduction of a tissue tax would be both a fair and a wise way to redress the double standard that currently governs the collaborative biomedical research enterprise.
Among engineers and biomedical professionals, however, conservative, even fundamentalist religious leanings are not so unusual.
Often, these entanglements are unavoidable, especially in the case of biomedical research.
But the only European biomedical research that has used great apes recently is the Biomedical Primate Research Centre at Rijswijk, in the Netherlands.
In 2002, a review by the Dutch Royal Academy of Science found that the chimpanzee colony there was not serving any vital research purposes. The Dutch government subsequently banned biomedical research on chimpanzees.
Denial of the fear of mortality and projection of the suppressed wish to transcend nature are the marks of a masked effort to create a biomedical science at war with its own stated purposes.
A humane version of the biomedical sciences would, for instance, acknowledge that it is not about to transcend the limits of the human body, and so it would no longer make promises that it cannot keep.
But a few successful federations, competitions, and partnerships may not be enough to transform biomedical research.
Democratized medicine represents the fullest flowering of the biomedical information revolution.
Unfortunately, the current biomedical research establishment is entirely unprepared for such a scenario.
Scientific research - and biomedical research in particular - largely resembles a race.
But biomedical research has yet to achieve the kind of productivity increases that accompanied the industrialization of combustion, electricity, and electronics.
The problem largely comes down to a decrease in biomedical research-and-development expenditure.
Likewise, universities - the main source of biomedical innovation - are facing dwindling budgets.
Whether these efforts will succeed in putting biomedical research on a more sustainable footing remains an open question.
The classic approach of biomedical ethics is to weigh the benefits for the patient against the risk of the intervention, and to respect the patient's autonomous decisions.
Breakthroughs in biomedical research offer hope that cures for brain disorders will be found.
The Dutch government subsequently banned biomedical research on chimpanzees.

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