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Examples bicompact space examples

How do I use bicompact space in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The time has come when we can travel through space.
Is there space for another person?
Tickets are selling fast and space is limited.
The bed took up a lot of space.
Space is full of mystery.
There's not enough space for you here.
There's not enough space in my car for anybody else.
Choose the correct answer that fills the empty space.
There is enough space here, even for Tom.
How do you find food in outer space?
Is it necessary to expand human knowledge with space exploration?
With the power of imagination, we can even travel through space.
In the near future, space travel will no longer be just a dream.
Ultimately, space flight will be beneficial to all mankind.
Improved medical technology has been one of the spin-offs of the space program.
Space travel was thought to be impossible.
Space travel will be commonplace some time in the future.
I wonder what it is like to travel through space.
The space ship will get to the moon soon.
There is no air in space.
Space science is still in its infancy.
Fruit trees require a large amount of space in which to grow.
There are countless heavenly bodies in space.
Seen from space, the earth is very beautiful.

Movie subtitles

In the space of just a generation, in the fifth century AD, the Roman Empire in Western Europe essentially fell apart - the aqueducts dried up, the roads overgrown, the circuses deserted.
For Europeans, exploration was the Iate-15th-century space race.
With this in mind, scientists built one of the world's most sensitive telescopes and launched it into space.
First of all, there's a lot of empty space out there.
Our ultra-high frequency and microwave radio signals have been expanding into space at the speed of light.
She was in an enclosed space.
Then I heard that by happy coincidence this space was available.
I'll give you some space.
The gun is fired and the shell disappears into space.
Against the horizon, the Earth is rising slowly into space illuminating the picture with a fantastic light.
She'd been stricken with galloping consumption and had only held out for the space of a year.
Well, if you think so much of these jackmans, why not build them a cottage yourselves? You've got the space.
There's a stable on the ground floor and upstairs a kitchen and living space.
They have sold space in your compartment to a gentleman.
He noticed that the stars did not move randomly through Space, but that their movements had preferential directions.
In the centre part of this disc the stars were densely packed in space.
In that case, we'll have to assume it's an autonomous space station.
Once there, you could deflect all of the virus from Earth's orbit into the void of outer space.
You mean fly to outer space in that?
Maybe not, but. 009, why are you going into space?
You may be a cyborg, but outer space still holds danger for you as well.
The first austronauts have paved the way into Space.
The way into Space is naw OPENED!
Come on, old girl. You can't just sit there, staring into space.
We are therefore in the right to demand more space for the fathers of our children to earn their livelihoods!
We are in the right to demand more space for our people, a wider economic framework even if it means seizing them at the cost of weaker and decaying nations!
To make space for younger people, don't you think?
A sort of vagabond of space.
The Experimental Space Voyage is complete!
If we're meeting at 11:00, get me the quarterly space sales.
They could have gotten the net circulation figures from the post office, and they checked up on the advertising space exactly as we did.
And it is good you've inhaled a little of the spirit of the West, for it has become necessary that our aged Nippon can persist in the struggle for the space of the earth.
Slave in the Magic Mirror, come from the farthest space.
They might be, oh, just masses of color. Or they may be cloud forms or great landscapes or vague shadows or geometrical objects floating in space.
So now, imagine yourselves out in space billions and billions of years ago, looking down on this lonely, tormented little planet, spinning through an empty sea of nothingness.
There may be some space over there by the wall.
Now, everybody lend a hand, huh, and clear a space for the ceremony?

News and current affairs

I just took it for granted that, by the time I was, say, 40, space travel would be a common thing.
A few years ago, however, I started paying attention to space again.
Eventually, I invested in Space Adventures, the company that organized Shuttleworth's trip into space.
Space Adventures was pushing for 2009, but I was pretty busy.
At the top international level, soccer has become faster and more athletic, and the top teams can shrink space on the field more effectively.
Without them, fast-growing seaweed quickly monopolizes space on the reef, preventing restoration of healthy quantities of coral cover.
Compared to 2008-2009, when policymakers had ample space to act, monetary and fiscal authorities are running out of policy bullets (or, more cynically, policy rabbits to pull out of their hats).
The LDP's need for three different prime ministers in the space of little more than a year made plain that the party's power nucleus had melted down.
The Caucasus is too small a space for closed borders and explosive conflicts.
When Einstein added new abstractions to the language of physics, the identity of space and time changed.
And, in a world in which many citizens spend an increasing proportion of their time in virtual space, de facto condominialism is already happening.
But in the absence of a strong civil society, those parties monopolized public space, pushing civic activists to the sidelines.
Of far greater importance is the reawakening of civil society which has, for the first time since 1989, stood up to the political parties to reclaim the public space it relinquished ten years ago.
My father was involved with the United States space program, and we had some moon rocks at home, so I thought it was no big deal.
Once it was dark, a screen was set up and Mark showed home videos from space.
Later, I went on a tour that they organized to watch the launch of Charles Simonyi, the fifth (and soon seventh) space tourist, from Baikonur in Kazakhstan.
Soon after, I started casually discussing the notion of becoming a backup cosmonaut with the Space Adventures team.
So I had vague thoughts that I might go into space sometime in 2011 - the year that Google co-founder Sergey Brin is (very) tentatively slated to go.
In order to gain the breathing space necessary for the reform process to be effective, the Greek government could just announce a simple rescheduling: the due date of all existing public debt is extended by five years at an unchanged interest rate.
And, unlike BCS theory, in which the pairs are isotropic - with identical properties in all directions in space - the pairs in cuprates are strongly anisotropic, resembling a cloverleaf.
As a result, Xi may believe that he now has more space to address the country's economic slowdown, including by lessening the damage wrought by weakening ties with Japan.
During the last four years of his life, Arafat's public space was literally and metaphorically diminishing.
The lesson from Chernobyl is that if nature is to thrive, it must be given space - from us.

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