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bertam palm English

Meaning bertam palm meaning

What does bertam palm mean?

bertam palm

Any of various palms in the genus Eugeissona.

Examples bertam palm examples

How do I use bertam palm in a sentence?

Simple sentences

That politician won't meet you unless you grease his palm.
Unfortunately, you won't get anything done in that office unless you grease someone's palm.
Tom had his palm read.
Introducing foreign plants, such as palm trees can damage ecosystems.
I am climbing a palm tree.
Tom is planting a palm tree in his backyard.
We are climbing the palm tree.
He knows how to plant palm trees.
She planted a palm tree.
Tom fell over his dog when he was jogging and skinned his knee and the palm of his right hand.
Tom's new puppy is so small he can fit into the palm of your hand.
I greased Tom's palm.
The rainforest was cut down and replaced by a palm oil plantation.
Palm oil production is the leading cause of deforestation in Indonesia.
Be like the palm tree - the more it gets pressed by the cliff, the quicker and more beautiful its rise to the top.
How many palm trees are there in this oasis?
Maria has a cut on the palm of her hand. They say she got it peeling potatoes, but I don't buy that.
I have a splinter in the palm of my hand.
This thy stature is like to a palm tree, and thy breasts to clusters of grapes.
Palm oil is destroying the rainforest.
Perhaps the palm trees on the walls and pillars of Solomon's Temple can be identified with the faithful to God the righteous from the seventh chapter of Revelation, who hold palm branches in their hands.

Movie subtitles

The consultation: the bark of palm.. is considered a good remedy to make the tail come out.
But after another 10 years, the tail,.. despite the packs of bark of palm, had not come out yet,..
In the dark of night, Ramphis slips into camp, Releases Theonis and ties the slaver to the palm.
You know, Berryman practically built Palm Beach and Miami, but he said he wouldn't touch this.
If I were to buy, I should prefer someplace like Palm Beach.
Some friends of mine, private car. Palm Beach.
Wire Palm Beach.
All aboard for Miami, Palm Beach and Point South.
I am proud that our nation bears the palm and that this major victory was achieved at the clinic of my great teacher and predecessor Lilienthal.
My palm looks like an oyster shell.
You, and the Fraziers and the Keefers and the rest of those rotten politicians you've got in the palm of your hand.
You know, I recognized you just as soon as you came in, though I haven't seen you since that night at the casino at Palm Beach.
It should be in a conservatory, you in a white frock with a red rose in your hand. and a violin playing in the distance, and I should be making violent love to you behind a palm tree.
I remember for three months, every time I bade her goodnight I would kiss the palm of her little hand, astonished at my own boldness.
If you'd wanted something all your life and fate laid it right in your palm?
All we've got to do is to capture Diavolo and we've got another fortune right in the palm of our hands.
Palm Beach, Savannah, Jacksonville New York, Philadelphia.
You know he's got those Allenburys right in the palm of his hand.
Pile into my car and drive up to Palm Beach.
You, and the Fraziers and the Keefers.. andtherestofthoserottenpoliticians you've got in the palm of your hand.
I had them in the palm of my hand.
She puts perfume in her palm and in the crook of her arm for him to smell.
You palm it in this hand. You grip it in the palm of the hand like this.
You were certainly very funny showing Harry how to palm a card.
Don't you remember he showed me how to palm things?
I was on my way to Palm Springs.
The film was produced with an unbelievable effort (two real palm trees) partly in Egypt,(a chalk quarry by Ruedesordorf).
After all, you have the power of God in the palm of your hand.
Palm Beach?
Palm Beach, Savannah, Jacksonville.
Nothing. My palm looks like an oyster shell.
Remember the big palm tree in the second act?
Well, I suppose as a member of the Cuban consulate, I should paint the castle as a palm-fringed paradise.

News and current affairs

Indonesia depends less on exports than its Asian peers (let alone Russia), and its asset markets (timber, palm oil, and coal, in particular) have attracted major foreign investment.
Research to identify alternative energy sources to stop the conversion of maize, soybeans, oil palm, and other foods to bio-fuel should become another high priority.
Symbols range from the open palm of the ruling Indian National Congress to the lotus of the Bharatiya Janata Party and variants of the hammer and sickle for India's profusion of Communist parties.
Moreover, farmers have few alternatives to operating palm oil or timber plantations.So every dry season, more and more land is burned.

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