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be spanked English

Synonyms be spanked synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as be spanked?

be spanked English » English

be punished

Examples be spanked examples

How do I use be spanked in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I will be back soon.
You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week.
I hope he'll be able to come! I'd like to see him.
You must be careful not to make him angry.
You must be a fool.
You must be back on Sunday at the latest.
You ought to be ashamed.
You must be less impatient.
You must be mentally exhausted.
You must be tired after such a long trip.
You must be here till five.
He will be studying when you get up.
I'll be back right away.
Learning should not be forced. Learning should be encouraged.
It's because you don't want to be alone.
Sometimes he can be a strange guy.
I once wanted to be an astrophysicist.
If I could be like that.
I don't want to be lame; I want to be cool!!
When I grow up, I want to be a king.
America is a lovely place to be, if you are here to earn money.
I've always wondered what it'd be like to have siblings.
It would be something I'd have to program.

Movie subtitles

What the. How can this place be your territory?
How can that lady be my mom? how can that lady be my mom!
I don't want to be the mom?
Well, we have to go there and see? but I'll be a good match for a husband.
These girls need to be in jail and eat bean rice to wake them up.
Oh, they must be twins.
You should be careful.
We'll be in trouble if the lady comes out. Hurry, let's leave.
How can her life be like that?
And then to abandone Richard who she loved. How hard it must be not to die. Take it easy, ma'am.
He must be hurt because of me.
Am I the only one to be pick on? Am I some kind of passing dog?
On tomorrow's sports news page, it's going to be our headline.
Yeah. Could it be. that she's your girlfriend?
I thought that it would be a little while longer before I could make my move.
I'm sorry! I didn't think there would be anyone below.
I didn't think that a girl would be falling from above either.
At this rate, the loyalty of us, the Purists, will be questioned.
It appears to be a one-sided love.
Then it didn't have to be me.
Don't be so strict.
This is thought to be damage caused by the Geass invading the cerebrum.
So everything would be okay if I were strong?
I wonder if it's bad to be weak.
Wouldn't this be a good chance to get battle data on the Lancelot?
If I have Lancelot, I should be able to stop them.
There will be no shame to your family name!
There will always be the demand.
Kids will always be able to get their hands on PBJs.
And they're willing to pay, so there's a tonne of money to be made smuggling PBJs into the yard.
Well, maybe if I had a bunch of flying reindeer, then maybe it wouldn't be so hard for me to get the product into the yard.
So, anyway, my cousin's best friend's older brother's girlfriend's sister is gonna be bringing some by this afternoon, and I know it sounds a little stupid, but I'm kind of nervous to pick them up myself.
This time it was Johnny, the next time it'll be some other kid.
We could buy EpiPens so the kids who are allergic could be safe.
That would be great, Nick.
It must be killing him. Now his whole crew is like a chicken with one of its wings cut off.
Shouldn't you be over there with your new friends?
You saying you don't control what you sell? We can't be held responsible for every sandwich that we sell!
But nerds tend to be really good Ju-Ji-Mon players, so the other kids are, like, scared to play there.
It must be afternoon recess-- Excuse me.
It must be afternoon recess today!

News and current affairs

Wouldn't it be paradoxical, then, if financial alchemy could make an ingot of gold worth dramatically more?
Indeed, on the surface it seems to be its perfect antithesis: the collapse of a wall symbolizing oppression and artificial divisions versus the collapse of a seemingly indestructible and reassuring institution of financial capitalism.
Yet 2008-2009, like 1989, may very well correspond to an epochal change, whose unfolding consequences will be felt for decades.
Everyone seems to be a loser, even if some are more affected than others.
A different kind of revolution was taking place in Europe's former colonies in Asia, where native peoples had no desire to be ruled once more by Western powers, which had been so ignominiously defeated by Japan.
For a short while, many prominent people - Albert Einstein, for one - believed that only a world government would be able to ensure global peace.
All forms of leftist ideology - indeed, everything that smacked of collective idealism - came to be viewed as misguided utopianism that could lead only to the Gulag.
It cannot be the same as the 1945 consensus, but we would do well, on this anniversary, to remember why that consensus was forged in the first place.
I just took it for granted that, by the time I was, say, 40, space travel would be a common thing.
Some of today's restrictions on habeas corpus and civil liberties have sunset clauses restricting their validity; all such rules should be re-examined by parliaments regularly.
Terrorists continue to be outliers with limited appeal at best.
Drones - unmanned aircraft that are remotely steered - have proven to be effective in killing a significant number of terrorists, including many of the most important leaders.
Terrorists and terrorism cannot be eliminated any more than we can rid the world of disease.
But, in some cases, the harmonized standard could be more stringent than some countries' original standards.
Now, emboldened by continuing appreciation, some are suggesting that gold could be headed even higher than that.
And if you are really worried about that, gold might indeed be the most reliable hedge.
Even so, the fact that very high inflation is possible does not make it probable, so one should be cautious in arguing that higher gold prices are being driven by inflation expectations.
But before this new order appears, the world may be faced with spreading disorder, if not outright chaos.
We can only hope that, in the end, the consequences of 2009 similarly prove to be far less dramatic than we now - intuitively and in our historical reflexes - feel them to be.
In fact, my formal residence is in New York City, but I am about to spend most of the next five months in Russia, training to be a cosmonaut in Star City, just outside Moscow.
It is and would be wrong to make opposition to terrorism the centerpiece of what responsible governments do in the world.

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