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barrelhouse jazz English

Synonyms barrelhouse jazz synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as barrelhouse jazz?

barrelhouse jazz English » English

rough-and-ready music

Examples barrelhouse jazz examples

How do I use barrelhouse jazz in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I like jazz.
He likes jazz.
Tom is a jazz musician from Australia.
Tom used to be a jazz singer.
According to this magazine, my favorite actress will marry a jazz musician next spring.
Do you also like jazz?
I like not only classical music but also jazz.
I like jazz music.
I like listening to music, especially jazz.
Many Americans are interested in jazz.
He likes jazz, and so do I.
He has a prejudice against jazz.
They are crazy about jazz.
She likes jazz, and so do I.
She is interested in jazz.
Modern jazz is not to my taste.
Modern jazz is not my line.
Jazz uses the same notes that Bach used.
I can't figure out why you don't like jazz.
I like to go to a local jazz club where I can enjoy live music.
Japanese young people like rock and jazz.

Movie subtitles

Hot jazz?
Seat the lady, hmm? Ah, I love jazz.
Jazz. Just jazz.
What's the matter? Evidently the man doesn't like jazz.
Warners is making a picture with it, The Jazz Singer.
The Jazz Singer, that's what's the matter.
The murder mystery has a jazz beat and I don't want it to.
When I start playing jazz with Louis Armstrong and Gene Krupa, I'm lucky if I come in third, isn't that right?
Asking grown-up people to believe that kind of jazz.
I'm sure Mr. Everett's interested in jazz music.
I say atonality is just a passing phase in jazz music.
So I'm gonna honor that contract, providing I don't hear. any more of that jazz about good faith.
She was singing that draggy jazz.
It's nice to hear French music once in a while, isn't it? Yes, people must be getting fed up with jazz.
No ex-con is gonna jazz up a schedule for me.
I think I'm going to give a jazz concert smack-dab in Aeolian Hall. I'm going to make a lady out of jazz.
Blue themes and jazz rhythms?
There's an American station on at this time that broadcasts jazz.
I'm talking about that broken-down Under the Stars jazz.
We were in the thankless business of piecing little notes and phrases of music together into a mumbo jumbo that somehow turned out to be jazz.
Play a little jazz?
Tell me about jazz.
Something about jazz releases inhibitions.
I gather you don't like jazz.
Do you like jazz? Hot jazz?
Ah, I love jazz.
But, Jane dear, I like jazz.
All this jazz and whizzing about.
There's always an American station playing jazz at this hour.
Evidently the man doesn't like jazz.
You meet jazz musicians.
From milan, I'd brought my books, my jazz records, reproductions of modern ar.
Champagne, jazz. the whole works.
Does that mean you play that very fast music. jazz?

News and current affairs

I am a husband and father, a Buddhist, a jazz aficionado, a molecular biologist, a marksman, and a reader of modernist fiction.
It is impossible to take in at once all of the innumerable symphonic or jazz concerts, or parades celebrating ethnic or sexual minorities.
Cities like Paris, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam offered refuge to black American jazz musicians, who needed a break from institutionalized racism.
Another example is a jazz jam session.
Rock music was severely restricted in Communist dictatorships, just as jazz was in Nazi Germany, for all the Platonic reasons: uncontrolled passions were seen as a threat to the perfect order of the state.
The Soviet state saw itself as being at war with almost everything - foreign spies, class enemies, people wearing jeans or playing jazz.

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