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Examples aviator’s ear examples

How do I use aviator’s ear in a sentence?

Simple sentences

He turned a deaf ear to their complaints.
He pressed his ear against the wall.
My ear is itching.
If we were supposed to talk more than listen, we would have been given two mouths and one ear.
Tom is deaf in the left ear.
Tom and Mary were snuggled up to each other and Tom was whispering something into Mary's ear.
Tom whispered something in Mary's ear.
He might hear you better if you whisper into his ear.
David has a keen interest in aesthetics - the qualities that make a painting, sculpture, musical composition, or poem pleasing to the eye, ear, or mind.
I don't think you can gain his ear.
You really have an ear for music.
The mayor of this city was blamed for turning a deaf ear to the people's requests.
I have a discharge from my left ear.
I have a foreign object in my left ear.
I put the receiver to my ear.
I dealt him a blow on the ear.
I have an ear infection.
I often have ear infections.
He played piano by ear.
He whispered something in her ear.
He turns a deaf ear to me.
How many people do you think have an ear for music?
Pus is coming out of my right ear.
It's a pity that I have no ear for music.
I have no ear for music.
I have an itch in my ear.
He listened with his ear to the door.

Movie subtitles

Earthquakes, tsunamis, Bill Cosby, those ear spacer thingies.
And if my love has touched your heart but a little, then I pray you let me whisper it in your ear this night.
Now, over here on this site we're gonna build an eye and ear hospital.
Well, I've got a bit of an ear myself.
Dan Packard owns the best shipping line between here and the tropics. and Mr. Oliver Jordan is out on his ear.
Say, I can do a tap dance on my ear.
With the nose that I redid three times. and the ear that was falling off this morning.
That smooth-talker caught your ear.
First for my ear, second for my honor and third.
Some people are ear pullers.
I am half his ear.
I'm still blind in this ear.
I'm going to the ear doctor.
Well, at first, perhaps, but of course you need a good ear.
If any of you louts try to get too near, I'll punch you in the ribs and bang you on the ear.
And the Czar of Russia doesn't scratch himself behind the ear!
It looks like Dickson's out on his ear.
If you ever cross his path. he'll cut your throat from ear to ear.
Well her talking to Barnaby, is just a matter of pouring one ear into another and coming out the other side.
Soon, you'll be out on your ear. then the Star will be a first-class sheet.
Why if any witness dared to tell you a story like that, you'd bite his ear off.
An owl hooting in my ear all night.
You've all suffered from their cruelty. The ear loppings, the beatings the blindings with hot irons, the burning of our homes the mistreatment of our women.
With your right hand touch your left ear. With your left hand touch your nose.
Touch my left ear with my right nose and touch my right nose with my left ear.
Ever had a cauliflower ear, Quinn?
You'll tear off my ear!
My ear trumpet is no longer plugged!
Don't forget, I have a musical ear and can pick up tunes easily.
If I ever whisper in a cop's ear what I know about you.
First, we must put our ear to the ground.
He always has his ear to the ground.
Walls have ear trumpets.
It hurts her by 'em ear.

News and current affairs

It all sounded a bit like a series of job applications - the war for President Barack Obama's ear.
In Afghanistan, Germany, with its strong military presence in the north, has been turning a deaf ear to calls for help from the Canadian allies fighting a revived Taliban in the south.
In this model, the economy needs a state that eagerly lends an ear to business, and, when necessary, greases the wheels of commerce by providing incentives, subsidies, and other discretionary benefits.
In other terms, they don't want only a receptive ear, but a reassuring, authoritative, and competent figure.
It needs to do so while it still has the world's sympathetic ear.
Professor Yu Keping, an influential Communist official and author of a prominent book called Democracy Is a Good Thing, is said to have the ear of President Hu.
Determined to carry on as they always have, no matter what, the governors turn a deaf ear to the IMF and resist instituting fiscal reforms.
But President Olosugun Obasanjo of Nigeria has, so far, turned a deaf ear to calls to surrender Taylor.

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