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Examples ausstellendes Land examples

How do I use ausstellendes Land in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I found a land planarian in the garden.
Aliens will land on Earth.
A fog settles over the land.
Tomorrow, he will land on the moon.
Elephants are the largest land animals alive today.
I saw land in the distance.
A helicopter is able to take off and land straight up and down.
Tell those people to back off so that the helicopter can land.
Those peasants badly need land to grow rice.
It then became necessary to settle the best route for the line to follow; and that was determined, in the first place, by the shape of the land it had to cross.
The two boys traveled throughout the land.
A quarrel arose about what to do with the land.
The land descended from father to son.
The land descended to his family.
The land is out of crop this year.
The land slopes gently toward the river.
The most expensive thing is land.
Immigrants streamed into the land.
Holding on to the rope firmly, I came safely to land.
The land yields heavy crops.
The land is clothed with woods.
The duke holds a lot of land.

Movie subtitles

The amount of land that a country controls.
They ruled over a land that was in some ways still mired in the Dark Ages.
For centuries, the old spice route ran from the Indian Ocean over land across the Arabian peninsula, into the Ottoman Empire, and then from Venice into Europe.
Land of gnomes! And trolls!
Land of soy sauce!
Feel free if you'd like to come along with me to the promised land!
They kept searching for that promised land, no promise there would be.
And you'll reach the promised land too!
And on the plates were written the directions to a new land.
There is no promised land, and there is no salvation. Oh no!
He travels the land, accepting only those pupils Who are willing to commit themselves fully To his training regimen.
Which will land at some point.
All across the country. I'm a historian, telling the true tale of this great land as her iconic birthday fast approaches.
I woke up early, rode out to Jack's land.
Another world. A land of extremes.
Everyone had their own ideas about what to do with this newly conquered land.
You're sending him to Algeria, a war- and cholera-ridden land.
We did invade his land.
The land, Toussaint.
The land.
That's why I created the first Arab offices in this land and why I set up the first Zouave regiment, made up of Muslim volunteers who are now our brothers in arms.
After all, this is his land not ours.
What's the use of conquering land if no one settles there?
No one wants to settle on a foreign land that hasn't been completely pacified.
They've giving land to young soldiers who've completed 5 of their 7 years of service.
Friends! After having conquered this land in the name of France, you will now farm it and make it your new home for you and your children.
We're stealing the Arabs' land, General.
That he take me and my family to a Muslim land.
I'm a historian, telling the true tale of this great land as her iconic birthday fast approaches.
Scheduled to land at Andrews in an under an hour.
The ancient Egyptians believed that high mountains surrounded land and water on all sides.
If those cannbals find out you're the voodoo we'll land in the stew-pot!
Are your mothers so weak that they cannot send a son. to defend the land which gave them birth?
Those big fellas just make a lot of noise and land about five miles behind the line.
As soon as we land, I'll manage it so you can see Johnny.
The bank's just notified me we've got to get off this land.
By that time, this land will no longer belong to me.
You hadn't offered cash on my land, the bank wouldn't be foreclosing.
Because it is called the land of the living dead.
What do the people of this sterile land eat?
The best animal for such infertile land is the goat.
How do the Hurdanos prepare the land to grow their crops?

News and current affairs

The use of land is also receiving more serious scrutiny.
A Dutch analysis of land use has shown that by employing the best technical and ecological means on the best available land, substantial gains could be made in food production.
Europe also needs a restructuring policy for land use.
Many structural improvement programs have been financed at the European level, but agricultural production and land use are not among them.
Reforestation and the repair of natural ecosystems should also be part of a land use policy.
Metropolitan agriculture in a rapidly urbanizing world can provide high-quality produce on small amounts of land.
And it should not be a defensive policy of the sort that tends to concentrate on poor-quality land.
They could make a real contribution to cleaner, more productive, and efficient farming and land use, while addressing social needs.
Likewise, in many parts of the world, tropical rainforest is being cleared for pasture land and food crops.
As a result, the new pasture land or farmland is soon abandoned, with no prospect for regeneration of the original forest and its unique ecosystems.
Simply restricting the practice of land clearing probably would not work, since farm families and communities would face a strong temptation to evade legal limits.
On the other hand, financial incentives would probably succeed, because cutting down forest to create pastureland is not profitable enough to induce farmers to forego payments for protecting the land.
What, then, might be the prospects of a negotiated peace between two peoples with claims to the same land?
There is now widespread agreement on the need for increased donor financing for small farmers (those with two hectares or less of land, or impoverished pastoralists), which is especially urgent in Africa.

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