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attenuator control

Examples attenuator control examples

How do I use attenuator control in a sentence?

Simple sentences

You must control yourself.
I couldn't control my anger.
She's taking birth control pills.
Try to control yourselves.
You take my self control.
Control yourselves.
Air traffic control systems are unified within the European airspace.
Tom tried to take control of the situation.
He wanted more control of his life.
I think that we're out of control.
A weather modification (also known as weather control) is the act of intentionally manipulating or altering the weather.
Don't worry about things outside your control.
I'm very impressed with your quality control.
Bob could not control his anger.
The ambulance went out of control and came close to running over a pedestrian.
Where's the remote control for the TV?
There is a TV remote control under the couch.
Some think it is based on love, others on control.
In the early part of my study, I allude to work that had already been done on the psychology of crowd-control.
Catholics are against birth control.
Inflation is getting out of control.
The crowd got out of control and broke through the fence.
I would like to stress that it is more convenient to control tariffs as a bloc rather than country by country.
I got control of the works.
To some extent, you can control the car in a skid.
I begin to lose control of myself.

Movie subtitles

I can not control myself.
I will take control of this area.
I can't control my Geass now!
And in a competition for control of the Asian spice trade, capitalism was born and, with it, the foundation for a world dominated by Western civilization.
I've got everything under control!
Mission Control Center.
I'm gonna put this bell jar over to control the environment.
Ran outside, and the sky this just this odd color that I've never seen in my life, and I'm thinking it can't be the show doing this because that's way out of their powers and their control.
I don't like things that I can't explain and that I don't have at least some sort of control over.
Sounds like you're feeling out of control.
That's a separate produce crisper with an independent temperature control.
You may feel out of control, but remember, we are stronger than our damage.
No, no, no! I'm. I'm not letting them control me, okay?
I can't control it!
I've lost control of my own body!
I totally lost control of my body.
I can't even begin to guess how it was made, but this thing serves as some sort of antenna for receiving thought-waves from The Blessed and apparently can control machines.
There's no doubt that The Blessed are exercising their control from within the shadows.
From in there, you should be able to purge the modules, for that matter, control everything else in the station, too.
That's right. I've taken control of the station.
If you were able to gain control of the station, do you think you could possibly just change its course?
How did you escape my control?
I think someone's trying to take control of the station again.
The moment I disconnect, whoever that Blessed is will doubtless try to take control of the station.
You saying you don't control what you sell? We can't be held responsible for every sandwich that we sell!
Me and my crew hang out at the top of the slide so I can see what's going on in the whole yard, most of which I control.
They also control the soccer pitch, which means if you want to play there, you have to ask permission from Frankie and his crew.
The whole situation is out of control.
You know, things get a bit out of control.
She's going crazy and losing control of her powers because she has no idea what she's doing. If we're studying at Scott's house, then where's Scott?
It wants to find an owner, and Gerard thought he had it under control.
We must absolutely not let them have control over us.
I'm. I'm not letting them control me, okay?
Or perhaps he's just out of control, irrational, paranoid and reactionary.

News and current affairs

As a species, human beings have a major self-control problem.
And to understand how something works is also to begin to see ways to modify and even control it.
Governments must not be given the power to control its citizens' moral code - we know that if they had such power, they would misuse it.
His appointees control everything that matters, from Gazprom to the Central Electoral Committee.
Putin's aim was to subject all power to the control of Russia's security forces.
In the absence of Communist Party control, these security officers betrayed their corporate ethic and engaged in horse-trading, applying force when a trade did not go well.
Concentration of media ownership and control further fuels popular mistrust, setting the stage for citizen investigation to enter the vacuum.
He maintains day-to-day control over every aspect of government.
Above all, however, the permanent public provision of cheap credit would ultimately lead to a lingering infirmity, if not to Europe's economic collapse, because the eurozone would become a central management system with state control over investment.
Some people call for the cyber equivalent of formal arms-control treaties.
But the US has argued that arms-control measures banning offensive capabilities could weaken defenses against attacks and would be impossible to verify or enforce.
Suddenly, everyone saw just how much America's system of corporate surveillance and control had deteriorated during the bubble of the 1990s.
A team that is unable to keep going at full speed for the full 90 (or more) minutes, switch from defense to offense quickly with the whole team, and maintain control of the ball to restrict their opponents' movements won't stand much of a chance.
Of course, Annan can hardly control the UN by imposing great strategies on everyone else, as American corporate CEOs do.
The economic crisis was caused by shortsightedness and a lack of control in the global financial system.
But, to the hawks who now control Israeli politics, the key to Israel's security depends on depth of defense, for which expansion of the settlements is indispensable.
The 1976 plan called for sustainable logging and basic forest-fire control, but war intervened, costing Afghanistan half its forest cover.
But forces beyond Madi's control - even beyond his awareness - are restraining cotton prices, creating a global glut that is largely the result of policies followed by the world's richest governments.
At the same time, he imposed increasingly strict central control on his ethnically and linguistically diverse country.
This genuine embrace of reconciliation provided much-needed support to Chinese leaders, who were eager to control anti-Japanese sentiments.
Having fallen from power, it will lose its control of the redistribution of government funds.
Under regional and international pressure, the Saudi ruling family has constructed a Potemkin village of reform while retaining absolute control over all political developments.