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as well as English

Meaning as well as meaning

What does as well as mean?
Definitions in simple English

as well as

You use as well as to add more information. We need to look at the positive as well as the negative points. As well as working from 9:00 to 5:00, I've also been studying in the evenings. If you do something as well as something else, you do them both equally well. He plays soccer as well as he plays basketball.

as well as

You use as well as to add more information. He uses his Web page to advertise his products as well as provide information about his hobby. Both the American public, as well as government, were unwilling to begin another war. Logic as well as experience support this choice.

as well as

And in addition. too; likewise; in addition

as well as

in addition to

Synonyms as well as synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as as well as?

Topics as well as topics

What do people use as well as to talk about?

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