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Examples arm slideways examples

How do I use arm slideways in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I'm afraid I dislocated my right arm.
I took her arm.
He scratched his arm with the nail.
I fractured my arm.
You wanna arm wrestle?
Tom puts his arm around Mary.
Tom put his arm around Mary and kissed her cheek.
You broke your arm.
I can barely bend my left arm.
She fell asleep on my arm on the bus.
I can't straighten my right arm.
Tom's arm hurts.
It costs an arm and a leg.
I've got mosquito bites all over my arm.
Somebody caught me by the arm.
I felt something crawling up my arm.
I can't stretch my right arm.
I can't lift my right arm.
I think my right arm is broken.
I can't bend my right arm.
The grenade blew up before the terrorist could throw it, and his arm was blown off!
The man took my arm.
The man regained the use of his left arm.
That diamond ring cost an arm and a leg.
I have a very sore arm where you hit me.
You have tennis elbow. Soak your arm in warm water.
She screamed with horror as someone took hold of her arm.

Movie subtitles

Oh, my God, look at her arm.
Look at her arm.
Um. I just need you to lift up your arm for me.
Has she said anything about any pain in her arm?
Particularly her left arm?
Let me take a look at that arm. Don't come near me.
Arm yourself, Inspector.
Maybe the other arm.
That woman walking arm in arm..it's my Suzanne!
This morning, Ambroise's arm feels weak and has none of the usual skill.
Ambroise gathers all his force to raise the sail with his only working arm.
Suppose he breaks your arm.
All I need is a napkin over my arm.
Here is the Sun, here the Galactic Centre and the hydrogen clouds form an arm around it.
The outer arm, that was also observed in the previous survey, and the dark coloured areas in the inner parts of the Galaxy.
Because I went by the city center - and Cal had his arm around him.
Signorina, your arm!
Why did you arm yourself with a knife before going to the victim's dressing room?
Right on the arm.
My old arm's giving out.
See, I've saw Zeke do that till he broke his arm.
The others are asking when the cast is coming off my arm.
We weren't able to save your arm.
I only got one arm.
My arm's gone.
What good's a guy with no arm?
Frankie and his grew broke Youssef's arm and what did they get?
How do you break a kid's arm in self-defense?
An arm.
She safely got close to me and pulled on my arm suddenly.
I'm asking you to go see a movie with me after passing through it arm-in-arm.

News and current affairs

The Commission, not the Council, is traditionally the bureaucratic arm of the EU.
In 2000, the EU's executive arm - responding in part to the growing popularity of anti-immigrant and neo-Nazi political parties - enacted the most far-reaching anti-discrimination legislation in the world.
As recent events in the East and South China Seas show, China sometimes attempts to strong-arm its neighbors.
All this is done in the name of creating and supporting a national energy champion which also serves as a foreign policy arm of the Kremlin.
The United States, Israel, and some Arab governments plan to arm and train forces loyal to Abbas, especially his presidential guard.
While theories of just war instruct us not to hurt non-combatants, Hamas and its military arm have made a conscious decision, banking on global humanitarian concerns, to ensure that Israel hits as many civilians as possible.
First, it is a clear indication that Hezbollah is, indeed, the long arm of the Iranian regime - its base on the Mediterranean and on Israel's border.
Oddly, the European Investment Bank, the EU's financial arm, is authorized to provide only loans and guarantees, not equity investment.
Public officials should hold private interests at arm's length and never cozy up to them.
No health issues, except that a few years back she broke her arm catching a football.
Avoiding this perception is sometimes difficult: in much of the region, US media are perceived as an arm of a supposedly omnipotent America.
Arm some of these manufactured minority structures so that they can demand autonomy at the barrel of a gun, and you get the kind of chaos the Kremlin can use to reassert its control.
But, while the Pentagon is the best-trained and best-resourced arm of the government, there are limits to what hard power can achieve on its own.
In my view, the US could work with Turkey, Saudi Arabia (taking care not to support Islamic extremists), and its NATO allies, especially France and Britain, to create a prospective successor government for Syria, and to arm its military element.
Militias have taken advantage of this system to strong-arm prosecutors into issuing arrest warrants.
Unless, of course, some of those whom they arm are themselves tempted by the prospect of controlling all that wealth.
In that case, the FARC might use peace talks - as it has several times in the past - to bid for time, re-arm and regroup.
Should it be banned, as Sarkozy has suggested, or should such private matters that concern so few be beyond the long arm of the law?
From Libya to Mali, France and Britain are largely seen as the extended arm of an America that is increasingly reticent to commit its own troops - or even weapons.
But keeping Russia at arm's length from Europe has only strengthened the sense of isolation that many Russians feel, tempting them to define the country's interests in ways that are irreconcilable with those of Europe.
Instead, its aid arm, the US Agency for International Development, has now retreated into low-yield programs conceived as randomized experiments.
In Japan, the Koizumi government wants to privatize the behemoth postal service, whose giant financial arm is wrapped like a python around the country's banking system.
Some of the innovations associated with the sub-prime crisis - notably option-ARM's, when extended to borrowers who couldn't handle them - seem to have little redeeming value.
Implicit threats of a unilateral Israeli attack, together with conspicuous meddling in the US presidential election campaign, have compounded Netanyahu's effort to twist Obama's arm.
More precisely, Russia's aim is to rescue (after a long period of arm's-length support) a dictatorship that American and French authorities describe as being responsible for causing more than 250,000 deaths since 2011.
Following the revolution, the US helped to arm Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s, in which an estimated one million Iranians died.
NATO's intervention in Kosovo was underway, and critics claimed that prosecuting Milosevic made the tribunal an arm of NATO and would prevent a settlement.
The World Bank Group and its private-sector lending arm, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), are trying to harness this potential to support national education systems.
Israel should follow Obama, whose recent decision to arm the Syrian rebels, though belated and still ill-defined, is a choice for the Sunni alliance.

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