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arc smelting

Examples arc smelting examples

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In the arc of a few centuries, over 8 million women, men and children were burned as witches.
Another Joan of Arc, George Sand, Madame Curie or Du Barry.
You see, Case, the trouble with me is that I never could decide whether I wanted to be Joan of Arc, Florence Nightingale or John L. Lewis.
The Arc de Triomphe, built to greet Napoleon's army.
Susan, I speak French, but that doesn't make me Joan of Arc.
Here, a few men performed a similar service with an arc of electricity.
Here we have Joan of Arc, a favorite subject of mine.
Cleopatra, Mark Antony, Lincoln, Joan of Arc, all of you.
The figure of Joan of Arc is a traditional exhibit in wax museums.
But why should Joan of Arc have her right ear pierced?
It was he who did the waxwork on the figure of Joan of Arc.
This is where I recreated my Joan of Arc.
Joan of Arc.
One of the destroyers is somewhere along this arc, about here.
Joan of Arc, the trial that ended in her death.
Jeanne d'Arc?
You'll go down in history, Manuela another Joan of Arc sacrificing herself that her people might live.
Here we have Joan of Arc a favorite subject of mine.
And you, my friends Cleopatra, Mark Antony, Lincoln, Joan of Arc, all of you.
This is where I re-created my Joan of Arc.
Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc!
Ms. Madden, how does it feel to be called America's Joan of Arc?
There you are. See the Arc de Triomphe and all the avenues branching off it?
My little Joan of Arc.
There's a photograph of the place Joan of Arc was burned.
Yes, it's flat on one side, on the other an arc.
The funeral procession with MM. Pineau, Schuman, Bidault and other deputies depose a wreath at the Arc de Triomphe.
Like a soft arc.
The descending arc is the past.
Planet's rotation is carrying primary target beyond arc of phaser lock.
Our riders on arc attacking the enemy from the rear and Destroy him!
Rocket passing 20-mile arc and accelerating.
You need a little more heat on that arc. - Start talking.

News and current affairs

The same arc of development can and should be limned for the southern Mediterranean.
Joan of Arc described hearing the voices of saints telling her to free her country from the English.
The arc of EU history seems to be bending to catastrophe - the sort of periodic European disaster that integration was intended to prevent.
NEW YORK - Among today's geopolitical risks, none is greater than the long arc of instability stretching from the Maghreb to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.
With the Arab Spring an increasingly distant memory, the instability along this arc is deepening.
Failure to address the issues and leaders involved risks the creation of an arc of even greater instability running from Jerusalem through Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad and Tehran.
On the contrary, in the Sunni arc today, it means a vicious cycle of expanding extremism, rapid population growth, rising unemployment, worsening water shortages, and popular discontent.
Then there is the Middle East, which remains an arc of instability from the Maghreb to Pakistan.
Today, in an arc that stretches from the Far East through the Middle East to the streets of cities in Europe and the United States, we face a scourge that has taken innocent lives, scarred communities, and destabilized countries.
Across an arc extending from Afghanistan to East Africa, violence now also surges in Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, and beyond, to Sudan's Darfur region.
In a rehearsal studio, a young Cuban ballet dancer turns through the air, pivoting as though some invisible power has unfurled him in an arc.
Anyone who spends nine minutes watching the video presentation of the Arc will see that its potential is nothing short of breathtaking.