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appreciable harm

Examples appreciable harm examples

How do I use appreciable harm in a sentence?

Simple sentences

It will do harm to us.
They don't care about doing harm to themselves.
It does us more harm than good.
Yesterday, Tom did more harm than good at work.
It will only do harm to Tom.
No harm will come to you.
Some medicine does us harm.
Lack of exercise may harm your health.
I meant no harm.
I meant you no harm.
Bad books will do you harm.
Do you think television does children harm?
Some people insist that television does more harm than good.
Rather than doing any good, the rain did a great deal of harm to the crop.
It will do him no harm.
Smoking will do more harm than good.
Smoking will do you a lot of harm.
You must not read such books as will do you harm.
Smoking does you harm.

Movie subtitles

Would aliens really want to do us harm?
Science is meant to help, not harm.
So if you caused harm to someone else, even inadvertently, would it not make you question everything your life has come to stand for?
Do you know of anyone who may have wished your mother harm?
No one she would have known would have wanted to cause her any harm.
No harm will come to him, Doctor, I promise.
Sofren had heard that Dame Margarete might be a witch. But he did not feel it would do him any harm just to enter the house.
Do not harm the sons of my mother!
Vigo. I'd never do anything to harm you!
I don't want to harm Gwymplaine.
So, the koulaks decided to harm.
Doctor, this time he can do no harm.
They cannot harm that bat.
He won't be able to cause any harm.
The Blessed will only bring harm to humanity, and that means they're an enemy the Guardians should take down.
It is a human's inalienable right not to bear arms or harm another, and you should just follow your heart in these matters.
It's as I suspected. You mean to bring harm to the human race.
I didn't harm her, not so much as a scratch.
Ah, they look to me as if they're out for harm.
You'll never harm that bat.
Dont dare harm him.
We've to make him understand we mean him no harm.
Jack won't do me any harm.
There's no harm in your coming to see us.
No harm intended, sir.
I will not do you any harm.
I didn't mean no harm, because I loves you, Mr. Nick.
A bit of rest would do you no harm, though.
And my own dear Mama, wherever she is, God bless her, and keep her safe from harm. Amen.
Nice little chap, wouldn't harm a fly.
Let me catch my breath. I didn't do no harm.
I have already stood beside one of your number tonight, without harm. that lovely girl in the garden.
Why, there's nothing to harm you!
It wouldn't do any harm, though, to find out where he is.
And when anyone does harm to the spirit of my SA. then the SA will not be harmed. but those who do this harm. will injure only themselves!

News and current affairs

The advanced countries might mean Bangladesh and the disappearing island states no harm, but no war could be more devastating.
Third, the richer nations are better able than less well-off nations to absorb the costs of fixing the problem without causing serious harm to their populations.
Of the harm that inequality inflicts on our economies, politics, and societies, the damage done to children demands special concern.
Indeed, if oil were truly America's only or paramount interest in the Middle East, its special relationship with Israel would be mystifying, given the harm that it implies for US interests among Arab oil exporters.
However vague, the alliance of civilizations idea certainly cannot do more harm than war against Islamic extremism.
The sledgehammer of invasion could easily cause far more harm than the ills it seeks to stamp out.
Bankruptcy law thus protects creditors from each other by preventing an outcome that would needlessly harm all of them.
Laws prohibiting prostitution do no evident good at all, and may well do harm.
In the US, at least, breaching sexual norms still brings with it a moral opprobrium that is unrelated to any real harm it may do.
Democracy certainly did the Japanese economy no harm.
While this threat lacks credibility (it would harm Russian interests most) it has a certain logic.
None of these cases are identical to the others; they include varying degrees of danger, harm, or reconciliation.
It could help parents have children with a higher likelihood of being healthy, without bringing direct harm to anyone else.
Successful leaders are careful to identify their company's blind spots and introduce mechanisms to ensure that no harm will come from them.
In the rush to concentrate wealth, for example, majority owners of corporations must not be allowed to harm the interests of minority shareholders, who as a rule are honest common citizens.
Avoiding harm to civilians should be the top priority.
The United States' planned withdrawal of troops from Asia, which President George W. Bush announced on August 16, need not harm peace and stability in the region and particularly in Korea.
Third, as the IFIs play an even more crucial role, further delay in reforming them to include major emerging-market economies will only harm their effectiveness and legitimacy.
The Internet, one of the great inventions of the modern Western world, has shown itself to be a weapon that can be used to incite and train those who wish to cause harm to that world.
Adaptation could allow for higher carbon emissions in another way: reducing the damage and harm that we experience from global warming, giving us more time to implement alternatives to reliance on fossil fuels.
Where the atheist assault is often correct is in pinpointing the amount of harm frequently done in our world by such fundamentalists.