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anxo-action English

Synonyms anxo-action synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as anxo-action?

anxo-action English » English

promoter action

Examples anxo-action examples

How do I use anxo-action in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The police took immediate action to deal with the riot.
We need less talk and more action.
Between 13th and 15th February 1945, British and American bombers fire bombed the city of Dersden, Germany. These action were later deemed a war crime.
A time will come when you will regret your action.
We need action, not words.
I leave it in your hands what course of action to take.
The soldier was killed in action.
Our son was killed in action.
Can you justify your action?
Now is the time for action.
The football game is now in action.
The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action by stealth and have it found out by accident.
The government will have to take drastic action to solve the problem.
Prompt action is necessary.
All we need now is action, not discussion.
The action took place in a mountain village.
Not words but action is needed now.
I take full responsibility for the action.
The situation seemed to call for immediate action.
The familiar argument against a proposed action that it is premature.
His plan was put into action.

Movie subtitles

Let's see how it looks with some nice B-cup action in there.
Looks like it hasn't seen any action in a while.
Action stations for me, too!
You still have to see him in action.
That's the kind of guy I am, a man of action.
You realize. that an implication of this kind may be grounds for a criminal libel action.
Tap In To Your Inner Action Hero.
Okay,Mexicans Don't Have Action Herry.
I am ready for action and I will do a first-class job.
I want action, Lovington, action.
Now we'll get some action!
This action only responds when the current is applied.
Give us some action! I'm buying!
In order to put together the first map of the Galaxy, Oort, the director of the Leiden Observatory, organised a crash-action.
You'll do the next on the army's anti-confinement action.
One of my men was killed in action due to their unique powers.
I'm afraid that springing into action is out of the question.
Looks like somebody's back in action, aren't they?
I'd like to warn you for some reasons, but I know the futility of such an action and how he who warns is detested by him who loves unfortunately.
The boys are taking action.
A man whose heart seethes with passion, a man whose eyes promise lots of action!
A man whose heart seethes with passion, and whose eyes promise lots of action!
My husband was killed in action.
Well, captain, those impractical tanks went into action in the Somme yesterday costing your country 2o kilometers of front and 18,ooo casualties.
You're forcing us to take action against you.
Go ahead, take all the action you want.
We are talking about it just as a physical action measure. But the important thing is that these things are being mentioned over and over again.
It was Gjermund who was driven to this confused action by insane jealousy.
I hate still life, Bill. Put some action in it.
I'm looking for action tonight myself.
For a little action? Heh-heh.
Okay, start your action.
Start your action. Go.
Start your action.
They understand my signal for action?
I want action, Lovington!
True, a check without funds. is a banking action punished by the penal code. It's only fair that it should be.

News and current affairs

Germans certainly use this argument to stay out of the action wherever possible.
Some can migrate, but others (such as polar bears) are likely to be driven to extinction unless we take decisive action to head off climate change.
This pattern of action and inaction by the Council has given greater credence to those who believe the UN's highest human rights body is inherently anti-Israel.
Prior to the crisis, many suspected that the mix of aggregate demand that was supporting high growth was unsustainable, though the problem perhaps seemed too hypothetical to compel collective action.
But the collective action problem is no less daunting, and it requires urgent attention if the world's growth aspirations are to be achieved.
By means of a binding UN Security Council resolution, Kosovo could be granted full and exclusive authority over its citizens and territory, as well as limited capacity for action on the international scene.
Although President George W. Bush says he believes in markets, in this case he has called for voluntary action.
But, first, they must anticipate the associated financing requirements, which will soon surpass the current capacities of governments and international donors, and take action now to activate new, reliable sources of financing.
The US promised action to fight man-made climate change as a signatory to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) in 1992.
After the US military action in Iraq, the tables may be turning in surprising ways.
The legal system, schools, and the media could bring change, but no official entity takes the problem seriously enough to initiate effective action.
The world needs a united continent, ready to go into action.
The effort to reduce greenhouse gases will require decades of action, but, given the long lead times in overhauling the world's energy systems, we must start now.
People lack the determination to take the action.
Spain is taking global leadership in combating hunger by inviting world leaders to Madrid in late January to move beyond words to action.
On October 24, people in nearly every country will be taking action to raise awareness of the need for an international treaty to bring our atmosphere back to 350 ppm of CO2.
As such, action by central banks will repeatedly fail to gain sufficient traction.
During the early stages of the crisis, Germany, which had bet heavily on Russia's modernization, was averse to taking any consequential action.
To be sure, the EU recognized its need for a coherent strategy, and attempted to resolve it by establishing the European External Action Service and the position of High Representative for Foreign Affairs.
The facile Clausewitzian wisdom that military action ultimately leads to a political solution is no longer convincing.
Another reason for cynicism is that the G-7 didn't move mainly on their own initiative, but rather in response to a growing cry of international civil society for action on behalf of the world's poorest.
The motivation for urgent action on behalf of the poorest nations is clear.

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