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anchor stirrer

Examples anchor stirrer examples

How do I use anchor stirrer in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The ship is at anchor in the harbor.
The ship dropped anchor.
To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it- but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.
Drop the anchor!
Every ship needs an anchor.
The boat is attached to the anchor by a chain.
It's you you the fallen angel. The perpetual falling over death. The endless falling from death to death. Bewitch the universe with your voice. Anchor yourselft to your voice bewitcher of the world. Singing like a blind man lost in eternity.
Tom threw the anchor overboard.
I have a tattoo of an anchor on my right arm.
They usually use an anchor to hold a yacht in place.
This ship is outfitted with a windlass to heave up the anchor.
Let's drop anchor here.

Movie subtitles

I'd like a set of brass buttons, with an anchor detail, if you got 'em, please.
I'm a regular anchor around your neck.
For anchor chains and tools.
Drop anchor!
Where's the anchor?
The anchor, the anchor.
Hey, you sure this anchor belongs up here?
Let go your anchor.
Whose anchor chain is that a-rattling like it's full of rust and roaches?
She drag her anchor all time.
Get that anchor in!
Hey, get that anchor in.
You don't think that anchor's going to float up out of the water, do you?
Shall we hoist anchor, Peter? - Aye.
Up anchor!
Her anchor's up.
Remember, your work is finished when we drop anchor in Portsmouth Harbor.
Anchor all clear.
Anchor the Albatross in a secluded inlet, land my men and supplies.
We're swinging at anchor.
Here comes the anchor.
Immediately upon weighing anchor, each ship will display her number by a hoist of flags of the International Signal Code.
They told him to take three anchor ropes, one of hemp, one of. Wait a moment. - Flax.
No, no, no, no! Anchor chains, plane motors and train whistles.
Staffed by experts but under the supervision of men who know what it is to top a boom, to batten down a hatch, to weigh an anchor.
The New York will anchor in the morning.
Hoist anchor!
Hoist the anchor.
Now behold Jonah. taken up as an anchor and dropped into the sea. into the dreadful jaws awaiting him.
The hook dragged anchor at 18 fathoms.
You will be our anchor.
I never slept better. I had the most wonderful dream. I was still on the yacht and the anchor broke loose.
When do we up anchor, Captain?
I've become the anchor of her existence.

News and current affairs

But the heady glow of America's return to center stage in Asia has obscured key challenges in remaining the region's principal security anchor in the face of China's strategic ambitions.
France needs to become a second anchor of growth and stability.
Saudi Arabia, with its burgeoning oil revenues, could use a big deal to reinforce the country's image as a major anchor of global financial stability.
Such a constraint also provides a welcome anchor for domestic decision-making in member states with weaker political systems.
Even more important, inflation expectations have started to de-anchor: forecasters and investors expect the undershooting of the target to persist over the medium term.
Second, Turkey shows that an external anchor, such as membership in the European Union or pressure from the International Monetary Fund, can be decisive in triggering change and, therefore, in enhancing prosperity.
Central banks are increasingly using such guidance to communicate monetary policy and anchor market expectations.
Credible measures that deliver and anchor savings in the medium term will help create space to accommodate growth today - by allowing a slower pace of consolidation.
After all, Germany's traditional low-key foreign policy made the country an anchor of NATO and helped secure reunification.
Similarly, China's sovereign wealth funds have served as important anchor investors in the vehicles designed by the World Bank's International Finance Corporation and the EBRD to bring long-term institutional capital into their projects.
Exchange rate stability is the key anchor when a country's reform process is underway.
When the International Monetary Fund comes around asking what their nominal anchor is, many declare themselves to be inflation targeters.
Though the system was highly vulnerable to bank runs and there was little scope for a monetary stabilization policy, people's confidence in the system enabled it to anchor expectations.
They were the anchor of society, acting in effect as priests, teachers, and judges.
Challenges to the established order, with the military-monarchy-bureaucracy triumvirate as its anchor, were repeatedly put down.
Indeed, two recent developments may help anchor Kazakhstan as a Western ally.
Indeed, to get into the Great Power maritime game, China needs Gwadar to redress its main weakness - the absence of a naval anchor in the Indian Ocean region, where it plans to have an important military presence.
Yet Germany is also part of a highly challenged neighborhood, if not its anchor.
Current indications, albeit incomplete, suggest that the three will continue to anchor the global economy in 2013.
The bad news is that their anchor may remain both tentative and insufficient to restore the level of growth and financial stability to which billions of people aspire.
The main anchor of central banks' monetary policy over the past 20 years was an inflation-targeting framework that developed from academic interpretation of the problems involved in targeting monetary aggregates.
The third and fourth scenarios can unfold even if the US remains the principal security anchor for Asia.
And it is not just the Kurds' unity and bravery that have raised their prestige; they have increasingly become an anchor of stability and a reliable pro-Western partner in a region that is short on both.
As they successfully eliminate malaria, they will provide a new malaria-free anchor that will enable their neighbors, which have been pursuing aggressive control measures in the interim, to embark on their own eradication campaigns.