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ambient condition

Examples ambient condition examples

How do I use ambient condition in a sentence?

Simple sentences

He can go out on condition he comes home by five.
The house was in poor condition.
I promised Tom to help him on condition that he would stop hurting Mary.
I accept, but only under one condition.
Agreed, but only on one condition.
Your mother is in critical condition.
I will do it on condition that I am paid.
The nurse told us not to enter the room because the patient was in a critical condition.
The patient's condition changes from day to day.
The doctor reassured me about my father's condition.
Of course, to be valuable, an old carpet must be in good condition.
Mr Potter keeps himself in good condition by going jogging every day.
You must on no condition open the box.
I am not at all pleased with the condition.
I will do it on the condition that you help me.
The condition of the patient turned for the better.
The condition of the patients changes every day.
It's a temporary condition.
I will do it on condition that you support me.
You should on no condition touch these instruments.
That car is no doubt in an awful condition.