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afterlife English

Meaning afterlife meaning

What does afterlife mean?


life after death

Synonyms afterlife synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as afterlife?

Topics afterlife topics

What do people use afterlife to talk about?

Examples afterlife examples

How do I use afterlife in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Do you believe in afterlife?
He believes in an afterlife.
She doesn't believe in an afterlife.
He wasn't concerned with his afterlife.
I laughed at his reasoning about the existence of afterlife.

Movie subtitles

It means the afterlife!
It's the joy of remembering an afterlife. or previous life.
Previous life or afterlife?
Is there a way for me to take my spirit to the afterlife and return it again to live in the flesh?
You don't believe in no afterlife?
If we knew for a fact there was an afterlife, and that the afterlife was bliss eternal, we'd all commit suicide in order to be able to enjoy it.
Do you need a reservation for the afterlife?
The afterlife?
Is this the afterlife?
As a priest you should have a concept of the afterlife. higher.
Is there an afterlife?
Afterlife mints.
He wants us to read poetry to one another and talk about the afterlife and play duets on the piano.
You don't believe in no afterlife? No hereafter? Tales for children.
You'd better think of your afterlife now that you're so close to it.
Now I rule over the afterlife.
Three chosen souls were sent to the afterlife to be purified. I now beseech you for the return of their souls.
We all want to retain our personalities in some idyllic afterlife.
Well, come on down and see me, the afterlife's leading bio-exorcist.
In the afterlife, they become civil servants.
Afterlife kids.
In the afterlife, maybe?
So now you know that Mr. Cross is seeking a peaceful and fulfilled afterlife.
Fresh flowers adorn the vast halls over there in the afterlife, and it smells intoxicating sweet.
The treasures that Pharaoh has sent for his journey to the afterlife will be placed inside.
Mr. Death. Is there an afterlife?
And in the afterlife he will go to.
Legend has it that if the color of the setting sun. and the color of the burning ship were the same. then that Viking had led a good life, and in the afterlife. he would go to Viking Heaven.
So there's a downside to the afterlife.
I never believed in an afterlife. But now, I don't know.
It's sort of an afterlife, isn't it?

News and current affairs

Science fiction ages fast, but it has a long afterlife.
Since he is an agnostic, his gift is not motivated by any belief that it will benefit him in an afterlife.
They began to study religion alone, insisting that only those who study religion - particularly Islamic jurisprudence - gain merit in the afterlife.
Terrorism became more brutal and indiscriminate as motivations changed from the limited and political to unlimited or retributive objectives reinforced by promises of rewards in the afterlife.
Unlike mere mortals, dictators do have a good chance of enjoying an afterlife.

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