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adjoint square

Examples adjoint square examples

How do I use adjoint square in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse.
What's the square root of 100?
St Mark's Square in Venice is always swarming with tourists in the summer.
When is the next train to Sloane Square?
This does not square with your story.
The output power of a one square meter solar panel is about one watt, so it is difficult to use solar power on a large scale at present.
We were back to square one.
A square has four sides.
A square has four equal sides.
The other day, something horrible happened in the busy square.
We need a square table; not a round one.
We learned at school that the square root of nine is three.
She lived at 56 Russell Square.
Very regrettably, 1,900 square meters of land become desert every second.
There is a statue of Nelson in Trafalgar Square.
Your story doesn't square with the facts.
The square of 5 is 25.
The area of the factory is 1,000 square meters.
The square was illuminated by bright lights.
The inverse of a non-square matrix is a dangerous thing.
Market Square is the historic centre of the city.

Movie subtitles

All I have to do now is count the number of blades of grass in that little two-inch square and then multiply by the number of squares that would cover this whole field.
Now we need the number of square inches in this field.
Wow, that's almost 1 0 million square inches in this field.
She popped out, and I hit her square in the mouth.
Westminster at Madison Square Garden in New York City.
The arrival on the royal square of Bangkok,.. during the military exercises of the Amazons.
And one pyre after another burns in the town square, until the judges will one day move on to the next town.
You know, marrying Polly is the only way for you to square your debts.
You know old Putty Nose always plays on the square with you, don't you?
So we're calling that square, see?
So 47, that's 47 and we take the Ludolphian number. 3.14, the square above the hypotenuse equals the sum o squares above both sides.
If I were walking down the square back home, kids would kneel, everything would stop.
I took on 10 years trying to get from the Versailles to Times Square.
You know I'm square.
Shucks, man, I'd be nothing but a poisonous varmint. and not fit to touch the hem of your pants. if I didn't tell you you've treated me square, mighty square. and I ain't forgetting.
He's perfectly square.
We take 2,000 and call it square.
Everybody knows you're square.
A world where no nation plots against nation. where no neighbor plots against neighbor. where there is no persecution or hunting down. where everybody gets a square deal and a sporting chance. and where people try to help and not to hinder.
Zaleska has a flat in Russell Square.
Oh. Nobody at the Russell Square flat, everything torn up.
But you'll get a square deal. - Come on.
Times Square and Columbus Circle.
At the market square in Cairo.
Cocoanut Manor, 42 hours from Times Square by railroad.
And I've taken you for a square shooter.
How can you do this to a man who's been on the square?
What do you know about being on the square?
I'm trying to help you. if you're on the square and I think you are.
On the square, if you'd seen that kid down there. I'm not holding for him, maybe he is a dirty pup, but he's scared. and so kind of dumb and worthless.
You see, Bates insists that a square tie. is the only possible tie that can be worn with evening clothes.
A square tie, imagine.

News and current affairs

Worse, seldom is it explained how to square the circle.
The obvious way to square this circle is to spend more on imports.
While the Wahhabis could yet be bribed again with oil money, the sect's power-hungry judges eagerly await the next beheading, stoning, or lashing in Riyadh's public square.
By holding these celebrations in Red Square, and thus highlighting the Soviet victory, today's Russia is also celebrating its gains in that war.
Another defining event in 1989 was the Tiananmen Square massacre of pro-democracy protestors in Beijing.
Meanwhile, Square, Paypal, and the start-up company Affirm are already processing a large share of online payments.
We have seen the ferocity of ideologically intoxicated PLA soldiers during the Korean War, and even at Tiananmen Square in 1989.
So is this the time to end the arms ban imposed by both Europe and America after the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989?
Ten days earlier, on June 19, I was with a group of former Egyptian MPs in Tahrir Square.
Depending on the outcome of the ongoing negotiations between SCAF and Morsi, the size of protests in Tahrir Square and elsewhere, and the degree of pressure from the international community, a deadly confrontation cannot be ruled out.
French diplomats have of course informed China about the reluctance of other European countries about lifting the arms embargo, which was imposed after the massacre in Tiananmen Square in 1989.
So how should we square the policy circle?
In August, temperatures there climbed 12.5oC above the surrounding countryside, reaching 40oC - a scorching heat that affected not only the downtown area, but also covered some 8,000 square kilometers.
But what really invigorated politics in Hong Kong was the brutal crackdown in Beijing's Tiananmen Square and in other Chinese cities in 1989.
The shine may have come off the EU, but the gripping scenes from Kyiv's Maidan Square are a powerful reminder of the enduring appeal of Europe's core values.
By opting for the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, the Chinese Communist leadership set their country on a road starkly different from the one on which Russia subsequently embarked.
At one million square meters, T3 in Beijing is the largest terminal in the world, but was much less costly to build than T5 in London.
He signs on, essentially, as a corporate contractor - shades of Blackwater's massacre of civilians in Baghdad's Nisour Square.
Then comes the 20th anniversary of the June 4 crackdown on the Tiananmen Square student demonstrations.
In fact, new models to square the circle of economic growth, social cohesion, and political liberty may be emerging in some of the countries that have grasped the mantle of globalization.
On the Hong Kong-based search engine, Chinese internauts could read about Taiwan, the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989, or the Dalai Lama.
Family and friends assumed that Public Security Bureau police detained them and that the couple would be released after the June 4 anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre of fifteen years ago passed.
For many years, especially since the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989, China has felt a deficit of global respect.
That will not be easy; in fact, it could amount to trying to square a circle.
One moment, the public square is full of bulls; the next you're being clawed by bears.
A former adviser to Deng Xiaoping and confidante of former President Jiang Zemin (whose political influence is now waning), Li was among the first to invest in China after the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989.
For example, rather than sustain trade sanctions against China after the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, the US decided instead to integrate the country into global institutions.
Such optimistic views were re-enforced when Chinese intellectuals--even some official scholars--began writing and speaking out in favor of re-evaluating controversial Party verdicts on historical incidents (such as the Tiananmen Square massacre).