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Examples Vener spot examples

How do I use Vener spot in a sentence?

Simple sentences

There is a seven-spot ladybird on the table.
Bob was always in a tight spot with the police.
As soon as he heard of it, he hastened to the spot.
That sure puts me on the spot.
It really hit the spot.
The lake is deepest at this spot.
I can spot you from a distance with your long, white hair.
When you said you'd look after Spot, you knew there'd be responsibilities.
We met at the designated spot.
I paid him on the spot for his work.
The boy has a paint spot on his shirt.
He paid the money on the spot.
He was run over and killed on the spot.
A cold beer would hit the spot!
Do you want a spot of coffee?
We were wont to meet at that pleasant spot.
Bill, did you take Spot for a walk yet?
The goods will be sold on the spot.
The incident left a spot on his reputation.
The policeman arrested the man on the spot.
The detective took down his testimony on the spot, word for word.
The police arrested the burglar on the spot.
I can't make a decision on the spot. I'll have to talk to my boss first.
I have a round bald spot on my head.
He was murdered on the spot.

Movie subtitles

Da Gama set sail from this spot on 8th july, 1 497.
For centuries they can bask in a sweet spot of power and prosperity.
In the grand scope of the cosmos, we've considered ourselves pretty lucky to be at just the right spot and to have all the right ingredients for life to emerge.
I don't even get why there's a spot back there.
I'm just happy I have a spot at all.
Oh, well, this will spot you till you get back on your feet then, huh?
Yes, this is Moutarde's favourite spot.
Oh, I have a soft spot for the Antoines.
I think I found the perfect spot for a garden.
And then when she left, Laura took her spot.
A tender spot in the tenderloin.
Save in one spot, where the linden leaf clung, is he vulnerable as other men!
If you want me to protect him, I have to know the exact spot where the invicible could be hurt!
I shall mark the spot with a little cross myself!
We hope this is the right spot.
Looking at them we feel that this must be the right spot.
You have a soft spot for him.
Not a soft spot.
Anyway you always had a soft spot for him.
So they did spot us after all.
When I get in a tight spot, I shoot my way out of it. Why, sure.
Egg marks the spot.
You either take their beer, or they put you on the spot.
I've been saving her for a spot like this.
And I'm trying to help you both out of a tight spot.
I'd have never left the spot if I hadn't been.
The quickest way to fix that is to put a little lead in the friendly cat. Did the runners spot it?
We'll get you in a tough spot and you'll squeal. Like all the other rats.
Suspended on the spot, get sent home, your parents freak out, and that's why I won't let anybody in my crew touch the stuff.
Oh, I don't work here. Oh, well, this will spot you till you get back on your feet then, huh?
Do you know that Florida is the show spot of America and Cocoanut Beach is the black spot of Florida?
Mrs. Thompson wants to know. if you'd reserve a table for dinner for her in a nice quiet spot.
A nice quiet spot?
This cross marks the spot where the shirt was last seen.
We close him one night and he opens up the next in another spot.
I'm only doing what any decent guy in the same spot would do.

News and current affairs

Within days, Stanculescu was among those masterminding the show-trial of the Ceausescus which ended with their being sentenced to death and executed on the spot.
What matters here are not oilfields, but pipelines, refineries, and oil ports - they influence spot price because they govern the immediate availability of oil.
In my experiences, Africans simply have a moral blind spot on the subject of homosexuality.
Spot the difference!
Ratings agencies wait too long to spot risks and downgrade countries, while investors behave like herds, often ignoring the build-up of risk for too long, before shifting gears abruptly and causing exaggerated market swings.
French civil servants, convinced that they can spot profit opportunities better than the market, engage in a proactive industrial policy with a variety of tools, including the retention of minority or controlling stakes in a number of large enterprises.
Whales cannot be humanely killed - they are too large, and even with an explosive harpoon, it is difficult to hit the whale in the right spot.
By making it harder for individuals to hide behind shell companies, such regulation would make illicit financial flows significantly more difficult to accomplish - and much easier to spot.
Many Hindus claim that the Babri Masjid stood on the precise spot of Ram's birth and had been placed there by Babur to remind a conquered people of their subjugation.
As a result, though the three previous incumbents were Europeans who did not complete their terms in office, another European, Christine Lagarde, won the top spot yet again.
Just a hour-and-a-half flight south of Miami, we might expect that island to be a tropical paradise and a favored spot for offshore US business.
Top scientists, sheltered by anonymity, can usually spot originality and can judge which scientific ideas have real value.
Indeed, the inability to see the advantages of close state-business relations is the blind spot of modern economic liberalism.
Learning how to spot such bubbles and deal with them before they infect entire economies will be a major challenge for the next generation of finance scholars.
If the couple sizzled for cameras with Luxor and Petra as the backdrop, just imagine how hot things could get at the most romantic spot on Earth, the Taj Mahal.
There was also no mistaking the symbolism of seeing President Bush, waving cheerfully from his spot in the bleachers while Chinese President Hu Jintao sat behind what looked more like a throne.
Emerging-market growth is the world's bright spot and looks to be sustainable even as the advanced countries experience an extended period of rebalancing and slow growth.
In effect, America's trade balance is like a water balloon - applying pressure on one spot would simply cause the water to slosh elsewhere.
PRINCETON - As Egypt trembles on the brink of civil war, with alarming levels of violence and hardening divisions on all sides, it is hard to find a truly bright spot anywhere in the Middle East or North Africa.
Indeed, nationalist politicians and religious leaders have been the first to spot the vacuum, and they are rapidly filling it.
NEW YORK - Earlier this spring, I drove to a beautiful spot on the southern bank of Lake Geneva.
An assessment of sovereign risk that is systematic and data-driven could help to spot the risks that changing global headwinds imply.
Any change in government in Havana would leave him in a tight spot.
Voters normally spot political Pinocchios and the lengthening of politicians' noses a mile off.
Indeed, were it not for the 400 fathers who petitioned for the rescue of their kidnapped children who had been sold into slavery, Hongdong County would still remain a tourism hot spot for Chinese people seeking their roots.

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