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Examples Ukrajina-state examples

How do I use Ukrajina-state in a sentence?

Simple sentences

She was in a piteous state.
This solution would replace a racist apartheid state with a democratic state for all its citizens.
New York is both a city and a state.
Tom had a state funeral.
If Tom doesn't take the prescribed medicine, his state of health might deteriorate.
Spain declared a state of emergency Friday.
I'm trying to figure out whether I can leave the state.
Lansing is the state capital of Michigan.
Ned comes from the state of Utah.
New York State is almost as large as Greece.
The capital of the state is right on the equator.
The old castle is in a sad state.
No one can say for sure how this awkward state of affairs came about.
State your name and social security number, please.
What's the height of the Empire State Building?
Laws differ from state to state in the United States.
The country was in a state of anarchy at that time.
The country is in a bad economic state.
Georgia is his native state.
The common state of this matter is solid.
Americans pay both federal taxes and state taxes.
State your case briefly.
Water in a solid state is called ice.
The United Nations makes efforts to keep the earth in a state of peace.
In my opinion, we should pay more attention to the present state of affairs.

Movie subtitles

Thanks to Zero, Britannia is in a state of confusion!
A self-confident one-party state.
And the consequences - the birth of the nation-state and the rise of capitalism - would lead to a remarkable reversal of fortunes.
As we'II see, there was more than one killer app, but the one that really started the ball rolling was surely competition - both the main driver of capitalism and of the fragmented European state system.
There's, um, the Chino Hills State Park, the Azusa Fish Canyon Falls.
Unfortunately the letter was better than her application, but she did get into Cal State Northridge, which is the Harvard of Northridge.
MAN: State your name.
It wreaks of it. He drove in that state?
Well, he's 16 years old, and in the state of New York, he's still a minor, so if I want him to talk to me, he's gonna talk to me.
The state of South Milligan is studying the project.. to transport Niagara Falls into its own borders.
At the vicarage - the state known as Solberga - the vicar, Sir Arne, ate his supper in the company of his housefolk.
I find it outrageous that the King is settling affairs of state while in the pleasure quarters of his Mistress.
At last I can put the Caligari theory to the test -- I now shall soon know if this patient can be compelled to perform deeds he would shrink from in his normal waking state.
Having learned of your courageous endeavor to visit the land of the Bolsheviks, we are sending you some New York magazines that depict the barbarous state of Russia today.
He's in a sorry state.
The state highway is riddled with signs of an attack, and after we had followed those signs, we came upon this scene of devastation, which could be mistaken for a battlefield.
In other words, while you're accelerating, your brain is in the same state as if it were being overclocked.
Now I shall discover if it is true that a somnambulist can be compelled to perform acts that in a waking state he would never commit and would be repugnant to him.
In the factory district a State Liquor Store was smashed, looted and burned by the strikers. The crowd was dispersed with water hoses.
Are you in a state of grace?
There are families here from every state in the Union, I reckon.
This is a fine state of affairs.
Not if you turn state's evidence.
When you come out of this state, you will remember nothing of what I am telling you now.
Captain, he. Because of this mission, the records still state that he's on a mission abroad.
You wrote Jastenity that letter to get into Harvard. Unfortunately the letter was better than her application, but she did get into Cal State Northridge, which is the Harvard of Northridge.
He doesn't want to talk to you. - Well, he's 16 years old, and in the state of New York, he's still a minor, so if I want him to talk to me, he's gonna talk to me.
I find it unacceptable that the King performs the affairs of state here in the pleasure palace of his mistress.
Address that to Skunk, the minister of state!
Do you know that Florida is the greatest state in the Union?
Do you know how many alligator pears are sent out of this state every year and told not to come back?
Just look at the state you're in.
He's even put his filthy hands on policemen, state's attorneys.
State Secret.
Gentlemen, I give you the holy state of matrimony, modern style.

News and current affairs

And the post-war social-democratic welfare state is being eroded more and more every day.
For everyone else, a kind of state of emergency was proclaimed that has allowed state interference in essential civil rights. Controls at borders have become an ordeal for many, and police persecution now burdens quite a few.
In other words, liberty is not the right of individuals to define their own lives, but the right of the state to restrict individual freedom in the name of a security that only the state can define.
Yet in all probability he would have been even more deeply disappointed in the inability of the Palestinians to come to terms with the existence of the Jewish state.
How it is received may not only determine the state of Israel-Palestine negotiations for a considerable time to come, but Saudi Arabia's domestic peace as well.
By putting paid to any revanchist tendencies in Russia concerning the Baltics, Europe is made a safer place, and Russia is helped in its effort to redefine itself as a national state and not an empire.
In 1977, when I served in President Jimmy Carter's State Department, I was sent to India to dissuade that country's leaders from developing a nuclear bomb.
This state of affairs represents a failure of economics and law that urgently needs to be corrected.
The voter-turnout problem partly reflects frustration about the present state of the EU, and also people's impression that they can exert little influence by voting one way or the other.
State monopolies undo what private businesses created.
This party will be centralized under personal leadership and will reduce the state to a legal fiction.
Boris Yeltsin forbade party cells in state-controlled institutions by decree.
For everyone else, a kind of state of emergency was proclaimed that has allowed state interference in essential civil rights.
As the boom turned to bust, the losses threatened to overwhelm the capacity of the Spanish state, and the problem became European, because it threatened the very survival of the euro.
Abroad, Egyptian lawmakers were so exercised over the prospect of the French head of state sharing a bed with his girlfriend that several vented their disapproval on the floor of the parliament.
But it does facilitate a full and rigorous public debate over key questions of a state's foreign and domestic policies.

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