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Terry Fox

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For example, star-struck female film fans may be especially prone to believe any utterance from Hollywood's most famous silver fox.
President George W. Bush has been skirting the question ever since he committed himself to an immigration agreement with Mexico when he visited President Vicente Fox in Guanajuato almost exactly five years ago.
Fox has said that he is willing to break with old Mexican taboos, but the Bush administration has never taken him up on it.
That is unfortunate, because Fox will not be around forever.
Mexico's President Vincente Fox will govern through 2006.
Fox's term, along with the four last years of former President Ernesto Zedillo's mandate, were hardly a failure.
Likewise, while Fox can be criticized for not clamping down on protesters and a disruptive, extremist opposition, he never resorted to the bloody repression for which most of his predecessors came to be known.
Four days later, Mexico highest electoral court ruled that Fox had improperly interfered in the election but unanimously reaffirmed Calderon's victory.
Now comes the hard part. Incoming President Vicente Fox will soon discover that you make a first impression only once.
Unless he stakes out a set of clear policies before he comes to the bargaining table, Mr Fox will find his powers and his mandate eroded in no time.
That is the new game President-elect Fox must play, just as he must be more skilled at domestic politics than the PRI ever was, because of the democratic divisions in Mexico's congress.
These are two good reasons for Mr Fox to stake out a powerful position on the currency front that does away with uncertainties and offers a genuine free lunch in the form of a collapse of interest rates and the cost of capital.
A currency board is no panacea but it is a powerful tool that can provide the new Fox government with a chance to make a quantum improvement in Mexico's economic outlook.
Against that background, President-elect Fox will have a stronger opportunity to evict government from its stranglehold on many areas of the economy, thus reducing both poor performance and corruption.
Then former President Vicente Fox ordered a crackdown.
Incoming President Vicente Fox will soon discover that you make a first impression only once.
Moreover, though Mexico elected its first president, Vicente Fox, from an opposition party after 71 years of one-party rule, this new democratic government appears ineffective.
CAMBRIDGE: With Vincente Fox assuming Mexico's Presidency on December 1, Mexico celebrates much more than a simple leadership transition.
Yet when Fox defeated the PRI candidate this summer, Mexicans were treated to a peaceful transition of power based on an honest count at the ballot box.
He carries with him into office the goodwill of most of the country, impressed by Fox's sincerity, intelligence, and eagerness to lead Mexico in an open and professional manner.
Fox lived up to this promise with his choice of cabinet ministers.
With a democratic transition and an economy primed for growth on the basis of inward investments into Mexico and an export boom to the US, President Fox assumes power at a time of great promise.
The Fox Administration will benefit from a basically sound framework for Mexican economic growth, in which Mexico's economic prosperity will emerge in part from increasing economic integration with Canada and the US.
With the arrival of the Fox Administration, Mexico's chances for democracy and prosperity are the best they've been at any time in Mexico's modern history.
It is understandable that he wishes to distinguish himself from his predecessor, Vicente Fox, who was unable to get meaningful reforms through Congress.
Opposition groups here applaud President Vincente Fox's recent anti-American stance in the UN Security Council, while Mexican businessmen oppose it.