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Stu Cook

Examples Stu Cook examples

How do I use Stu Cook in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Is your wife a good cook?
Bob can cook.
Onions cook more quickly than potatoes.
She is an appalling cook.
You are a good cook, aren't you?
How do you cook an Italian omelette?
Tom can cook.
I did not know that you could cook so well.
I taught Tom how to cook.
Is Tom a good cook?
Mary can cook everything without needing a recipe.
It is hard to cook for Tom because he is too picky.
It's so hot that you could cook an egg on the hood of a car.
Salt is necessary for a cook.
First of all, we must dismiss the cook.
How do you cook this fish in France?
Tom is a good cook.
The cook was astonished at his incredible appetite.
Susan is a good cook.
Do you know how to cook meat?
I don't like to cook when it's hot outside.
It's true that she knows a lot about cooking, but she isn't a good cook.
Well, I clean the rooms, do the laundry, or cook an elaborate supper.
Jane asked me if I would like to cook.

Movie subtitles

I'm an excellent cook.
There's Abigail's new cook.
Where'd you learn to cook like this?
I love to cook Cambodian food.
One of the strangest combinations in all of Paris was Ragueneau, pastry cook and patron of the arts.
We are overcrowded with cook's children.
If that cook of ours had any guts, he'd try to bring something through.
You're the yellowest baboon that ever drew a cook wagon. and you're scared-- it shows.
Seems like I've been on a cook's tour.
Oh, not the facts, of course, but quite enough to cook their goose here.
Go back and see the cook.
Sort of a man Friday, but the best cook we ever had at the ranch.
You can cook it Newburg.
This is no job for a cook. Get out of here.
Naouel's a better cook.
I feel like I've been on a Cook's tour.
You were attached to me as a cook?
Master cook refuses to roll it thin enough.
I knew him when he didn't have a kettle to cook in.
She can cook and sew and make her own bed if she has to.
How are you going to cook it?
I'm going to cook the fish over the candle.
Put the candle under there and we can cook the fish on top.
No, he sailed there with Captain Cook.
A friend of Captain Cook's when I was sailing master.
Oh, well, it is 10 years since we sailed together with Captain Cook.
I cook.
Wait, I will cook you a hot soup, so you feel better.
Gee, I'll cook for you and wash for you and everything.
And I'll cook breakfast?
And I'll cook you a grand dinner.
I'm a rotten housekeeper and a worse cook.
Cook her something delicious.
You'll have to hurry up, cook, if you want to see them celebrations.
Hello, cook.
Of course, I'm not as good a cook as you are.
I'II cook a big dinner.

News and current affairs

They are trying to cook up ways to discipline financial firms, albeit without conspicuous success so far, as demonstrated by the large sums stashed away for employee compensation by Goldman Sachs after its most recent profitable quarter.
The world's three billion energy-poor people need cheap electricity to cook and keep warm.
They cook and keep warm by burning twigs and dung, producing indoor air pollution that causes 3.5 million deaths per year - by far the world's biggest environmental problem.
Blair also lost his ministers of foreign affairs and of development assistance, Robin Cook and Clare Short, respectively.
In their case, it was a serious policy disagreement - over the Iraq war - that made them go, and Mr. Cook certainly remains a politician-in-waiting.
Almost three billion people still burn dung, twigs, and other traditional fuels indoors to cook and keep warm, generating noxious fumes that kill an estimated two million people each year, mostly women and children.
DAVOS - When Apple CEO Tim Cook announced last year that he is gay, I was inundated by emails and telephone messages from executives around the world.
Like Cook, being in the minority informed my propensity to be an inclusive leader.
Unlike Cook, in addition to being closeted, I was a woman and an introvert, and my politics tended to differ from those of my peers in my heavily male, extrovert-dominated profession.
There is no question about it: Cook's announcement was a huge step forward.
Cook is a great example.
Cook and I share many of the same attitudes about our LGBT identity.
In San Martín Jilotepeque, villagers were rounded up by Guatemala's military, forced to cook for soldiers and dig pits in the earth.
Until Tony Blair and Robin Cook became, respectively, Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom in 1997, four years after the ICTY was established, NATO troops in Bosnia failed to arrest indicted suspects even when they ran into them.
Black carbon is essentially the soot produced by diesel emissions, and - in developing countries - by the burning of organic matter to cook food and stay warm.
Energy poverty is even more acute for the three billion people - almost half of the world's population - who burn dung, cardboard, and twigs indoors to cook and keep warm.
No one lights a fire every night inside their house for fun; they do so because they lack the electricity needed to stay warm and to cook.
The Indian army is using solar steam cooking in Ladakh to cook for the 500 jawans (young army recruits) stationed there, and so is the Shirdi Sai Baba temple in Maharashtra.
Pamphlets have been distributed across the country detailing the kinds of foods that children need, how to cook them, and the need for proper hygiene and exclusive breastfeeding for children under the age of six months.
Village women typically are forced to cook multiple times during the day because the food that they prepare in the morning spoils in the heat.
We use them to communicate, cook, and diagnose and cure disease.
They are ecological radicals, denying the scientific consensus on global warming; they are prepared to let the Earth cook.