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Slavic people English

Meaning Slavic people meaning

What does Slavic people mean?

Slavic people

a race of people speaking a Slavonic language

Synonyms Slavic people synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as Slavic people?

Slavic people English » English

Slavic race Slavonic Slav

Examples Slavic people examples

How do I use Slavic people in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I hate it when there are a lot of people.
Most people have great disinclinations to get out of bed early, even if they have to.
Most people only want to hear their own truth.
Wolves won't usually attack people.
Fear of pollution discouraged people from building homes near power plants.
How many people were present at the meeting?
Thousands of people wanted to know the answer.
There are people who don't like spinach.
Many people were waiting in line.
A lot of people were waiting for him.
The shop was crowded with young people.
Those people appreciate clarity.
Few people think so.
Most people think I'm crazy.
I may be antisocial, but it doesn't mean I don't talk to people.
Most people write about their daily life.
Thanks for having explained to me at last why people take me for an idiot.
Foreign people intrigue me.
One million people lost their lives in the war.
With so many people around he naturally became a bit nervous.
The people from Madrid are crazy.
The people from Madrid are lunatics.
Many people drift through life without a purpose.
Computers make people stupid.
Why do people go to the movies?
Mathematicians are like French people: whatever you tell them they translate it into their own language and turn it into something totally different.

Movie subtitles

With just this one shirt, I can feed 5 people in my family.
People live in poverty, But I hope she's living well!
When other people say something, you act as if nothing happened but when I say something..
I hate persistent people.
To tell you the truth, I'm being chased by bad people.
The story about being chased by bad people.
Kind people are the ones who have one-sided loves.
People had finally begun to return, but.
Capture the enemy of the empire's people!
Over twenty thousand people have applied to join the Nippon special zone.
People don't care about reason. But they can't resist a good miracle.
I can't believe Euphy would order all those people to be exterminated!
Henry V himself became King at the age of 26, and was dead from dysentery by 35 - a reminder, by the way, that most history is made by young people.
As England's population growth accelerated in the late 1 7th century, trade brought an influx of new nutrients like potatoes and sugar, while colonisation allowed the emigration of surplus people.
Eh? To tell you the truth, I'm being chased by bad people.
The story about being chased by bad people. Meow.
For twenty years people searched for a solution.
And Henk went to Leiden, and from time to time we received news about his stay, the people at Leiden, the things that were going on there.
Warn your people, so they can't say they weren't given fair warning.
I'm fighting for you, the children and the Algerians, so people will respect your religion, values and the color of your skin.
We have to stay, change these people, give them laws, civilize them.
I thought we were discussing people - and not things.
Arabs are a superstitious people.
Well, I saw what was happening when the wrong people ran it.
The game, the life, it makes people do things that they wouldn't normally do.
Nick, my people have been patient long enough.
I cannot do this part with people watching.
The reason I want to be a doctor is because I don't believe people should suffer, but I'd love to see Frankie get his ass kicked.
It just goes to show you, even when you're dealing with violent people, you can have a peaceful solution.
It's where they bring people to question...when they don't want anyone to know they're doing it.
Things I thought people should see.
Nah. Just bitching about the food and the way they treat people.
How long do they usually keep people in here for?
I wonder what people would really make of all this back home?
Security activities they don't want people to know about.
Why can't you just tell them, all right, that we're not the people that they think we are?
Come on, move this thing along. Come on, people.

News and current affairs

No doubt, millions of people at the end of the war were too hungry and exhausted to do anything much beyond staying alive.
For a short while, many prominent people - Albert Einstein, for one - believed that only a world government would be able to ensure global peace.
Few people can muster great enthusiasm for the UN.
Neoliberalism filled the vacuum, creating vast wealth for some people, but at the expense of the ideal of equality that had emerged from World War II.
People feel uneasy and worried, especially when traveling.
In a matter of hours, more than 3,000 innocent people, mostly Americans, but also people from 115 other countries, had their lives suddenly and violently taken from them.
For almost two generations, Abba Eban was Israel's voice - its messenger to the high and mighty among the nations as well as to the Jewish people all over the world.
Since he first appeared at the side of Dr. Chaim Weizmann in the late 1940's during the struggle for Jewish statehood and sovereignty, few people could articulate the Zionist and later the Israeli case with comparable eloquence and conviction.
With his Churchillian prose and almost Shakespearean cadences, his mellifluous phrases and sonorous voice carried for decades a message of hope from a people that could have lost all hope and trust in humanity after the horrors of World War II.
But nation-building requires moral stamina, and Eban provided it to his people and the world in abundance.
In this Abba Eban was a true representative of the people he so gloriously represented.
When the idea was first floated some 10 years ago, expansion into the Baltics was taken seriously by few people.
Nearly one billion people are trapped in chronic hunger - perhaps 100 million more than two years ago.
At the start of the crisis, many people likened it to 1982 or 1973, which was reassuring, because both dates refer to classical cyclical downturns.
MOSCOW - Most people who know of me think of me as an information-technology expert, someone who probably lives in California and invests in edgy Internet start-ups.
Most people in the US know that if you talk back to the police, they will get nasty very fast.
Outrage about a professor who is not to be messed with is not the best way to discuss the plight of countless, poor, anonymous people, whom most of us find it too easy to ignore.
Sarkozy, of all people, should know that a large part of the gravitas of office derives from pomp and circumstance.
It is worth noting that the people who went into the streets of Cairo and Damascus calling for change were not shouting the slogans of Al Qaeda or supporting its agenda.

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