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Examples Port Hedland examples

How do I use Port Hedland in a sentence?

Simple sentences

A whistle blew, and the boat slowly began to pull out of port.
Yokohama is a beautiful port town.
The country's foreign trade totally depends on this port.
The storm will make it impossible for the ship to leave port.
Could you tell me the way to the port?
A pilot guides the ship toward the port.
The ship was unloaded at the port.
The ships reached port.
The ships left the port never to be seen again.
They used to go for a drive to Nagoya Port on weekends.
When the storm was over, we began to make preparations to leave the port.
Owing to the storm, the ship could not leave port.
Could you show me the way to the port?
Hamburg is Germany's largest port and also the third-largest port in Europe.
That ship goes abroad from this port.
The ship arrived at the port on schedule.
Nagasaki, where I was born, is a beautiful port city.
He lives in a port town.
I always confuse which side is port and which starboard.
Every person in Port Alberni seems to be in a turkey-induced coma.
Because of the storm, the ship couldn't leave port.
How many cranes are there in this port?
They see another boat going into the port.
Their ship is still in port.
They probably saw our ship come into port.

Movie subtitles

Oh dear. Port, anyone?
I received a postcard only yesterday from the Port of Havana.
Get photos of the brothers and Xiaoping Li to every port authority on the eastern seaboard.
The shell is picked up by a steamer which tows it to port.
A cabaret of sailors In a large port.
Port Authority Galaz.
The chief of the Portsmouth port.
If he could fly me to Port-au-Prince, I could still catch this morning's plane to Rio.
Port-au-Prince Golf Club.
Twelve miles out of port he can marry you.
He died before they reached port, not before the skipper had a description of the island and got an idea of where it lies.
Will you take me to some port that isn't Dutch?
We won't be putting in at any port where we could leave you.
Sure, and be arrested for mutiny as soon as we reach port.
Some port as you wait?
Ships come in from the sea - tarrying a day or two in the endless journey from port to port.
Look at the port hole.
He's in the port cabin.
Well, any port in a storm.
Land sighted, Port Royal!
His Excellency, the Governor of Port Royal.
Nevertheless, at the risk of boring you. it is my painful duty to inform you that 250 of my men. are now complete masters of the town of Port Royal.
An English ship on the port bow!
Ship on the port side, sir!
Ahoy, English ship off port side!
Get photos of the brothers and Xiaoping to every port authority on the Eastern seaboard.
And they always get to port.
Madeline introduced him on the docks in Port-au-Prince.
Madeline and I planned to be married the moment she arrived, but Mr. Beaumont persuaded us to come here. And he promised to take me out of the bank at Port-au-Prince and send me to New York as his agent.
We can be in Port-au-Prince in half an hour.
Idiot! We're barely out of port!
A bit to starboard, a bit to port.
On the terrace. There's a view of the port.
But she's waiting for you. Her hotel window overlooks the port.
By the time you've finished your port and walnuts, I shall be sailing past the house. The deuce you will.
You know where I think the home port will be?
She's gonna have a real home, electric lights, plumbing, soft furniture and right near the home port.

News and current affairs

Excise taxes may be levied when goods leave a factory or arrive at a port, simplifying measurement, collection, and monitoring, while ensuring coverage and limiting evasion.
Access to market information, for example, can ensure that farmers selling their surplus crops are not cheated by unscrupulous traders, and that fishermen can land their catch at the port offering the best price.
The Chinese even began developing a port on the Burmese coast, far closer to Calcutta than to Canton.
With modern highways, port facilities, and communications links available, a cellular phone manufacturer in Shenzhen might receive just-in-time deliveries of parts several times a day from suppliers that are only hours away.
If developing countries collapse, there will be millions knocking on our front doors, and the first port of call will be Europe.
That epidemic has spread to all ten departments of the country, as well as to the capital, Port au Prince.
And the Port of Hamburg has a digital system to reduce water, rail, and ground traffic congestion.
Russia coveted Port Arthur, and the powers jointly brought pressure on Japan to withdraw from the Treaty of Shimonoseki.
With a diplomatic resolution ruled out, Japan launched a preemptive strike that annihilated the Russian Fleet in Port Arthur and Chemulpo, Korea.
The Japanese aircraft carrier Akagi, which led the attack on Pearl Harbor, flew the battle flag flown by the Mikasa, Admiral Togo's ship when he attacked the Russian fleet at Port Arthur.
The big development success stories are places like Shanghai, port cities with ready access to world markets.
For, actually, there is one bridge left on the lower Danube, at the Bulgarian port city of Rousse - once a buzzing transportation hub but silent in recent years.
During his nine-year tenure, Dalian evolved from a ramshackle port into one of the cleanest and most prosperous cities in Asia.
The council wants Port Phillip to be a sustainable community, not merely in an environmental sense, but also in terms of social equity, economic viability, and cultural vitality.
The Japan Investment Bank's decision to invest in port development in Burma - essential if the economy, too, is to be opened - is one positive sign that the world will keep pace with Thein Sein step for step.
Also, the US Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort will make port calls in a number of Latin countries.
So, too, has the Pakistani defense minister's disclosure that his country recently asked China to start building a naval base at its strategically positioned port of Gwadar, on the Arabian Sea.
Subterfuge is also apparent in China's plans at Gwadar, where a Chinese-built but still-underused commercial port opened in 2007.
Given China's proclivity for strategic stealth, even its work on the Gwadar port was launched quietly.
The port of Calais has become a chokepoint of the crisis, with migrants desperately trying to force their way onto trucks and trains bound for the United Kingdom.
Then again, it probably could not have done otherwise - just as our once-agile rescue vessel never really had the choice of remaining safely in port.
Moreover, the proposed truck route between the Turkish Black Sea port of Trabzon and the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas has not yet materialized because of Iran's hesitation.
More than 100,000 component manufacturers, mostly from Japan or Taiwan, have relocated to China's Pearl River and Yangtze River Delta regions, which always had cheap labor but now also have modern highways, port facilities, and communications links.

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