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Examples Onur Air examples

How do I use Onur Air in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Flowers and trees need clean air and fresh water.
The air conditioner has got out of order.
Do you travel by sea or by air?
As we need fresh air, so fish need clean water.
The air we breathe consists of oxygen and nitrogen.
How much will it cost you to go by air?
Volcanic ash disrupted air travel.
Air is lighter than water.
Everybody in the park looked up at the hot air balloon.
The country air will do you good.
Marie appeared out of the thin air.
The air conditioner is broken.
An air mattress may not be the most comfortable thing to sleep on, but it's much better than the floor.
Tom opened the window and let in some fresh air.
I went for a walk to get some air.
Avoid opening the window; I have no great desire to feel air currents on my back.
He built castles in the air all day.
To live without air is impossible.
Tiny particles in the air can cause cancer.
Air is a mixture of gases that we cannot see.
Air is invisible.
Air is a mixture of several gases.
Air is a mixture of gases.
The air is soft, the soil moist.
Air quality has deteriorated these past few years.
We cannot live without air.
Without air and water, nothing could live.
Air is to man what water is to fish.
Oxygen from the air dissolves in water.
Because of the problem of air pollution, the bicycle may some day replace the automobile.
Air, like food, is a basic human need.
Air is a mixture of various gases.
Air is indispensable to life.
As for the air, there is always some moisture in the atmosphere, but when the amount increases a great deal, it affects the light waves.

Movie subtitles

If life evolved on a very dense planet where the atmosphere is soupy or water-like, you could see creatures as big as whales or elephants actually flying, not through the air, but through this liquid-like atmosphere.
OK, we're moving more air now.
Legs in the air.
My dad was a fighter pilot, who flew Air Force One and ended up saving the President's life.
You'll do much better breathing in some air.
Nurse Crane needs fresh gas and air and an extra pair of hands at Mrs Antoine's.
Before we both find ourselves in need of gas and air!
Though it's not as warm as your fiancee made it out to be when she insisted I sit out here for a breath of air.
I thought a stroll in the fresh air might perk up our appetites before dinner.
You're unpacking the gas and air, aren't you?
AJ Foster disappeared into thin air.
Well? - No air on the left.
That if the routes were compromised, they'd send in air support.
The shell balances and thanks to the hermetically sealed air in its interior rises slowly to the surface.
From his air intake tube?
Sit tight. I'm gonna send some air your way.
When he gets some air, he should wake right up.
Track all changes in the storm's temperature and air currents.
He's able to change the temperature so drastically by aligning air molecules according to the direction of motion.
He is aware of the movements of every single air molecule around him and can control them.
As it's expelled into the air through coughing and sneezing, it will trigger continuing infection.
Singing in the air and murmuring in the bushes.
Singing from the air, a mocking song from the depths of hell!
Her figure dances before me, peers out of bushes, here and there her dress glitters like a will-o'-the-wisp she rushes me, uphill, downhill, into the air, into the swamps. and yet I held her, after all she was mine!
The floating figure is a devil coming to get the witch by lifting her up into the air.
The witchcraft of the ointment would allow them to fly through the air.
High up in the air is Apelone's dream castle, and there the Devil will fulfill all her secret wishes.
The scent of dollars is in the air!
Get your freaking hands in the air!
They knew CIA protocol, if the routes were compromised, they'd send air support.
How about you and I giving this joint the air and indulging in some snappy necking? What?
I felt as if I couldn't breathe enough air into me.
You should've seen how he leaped in the air.

News and current affairs

Meanwhile, the local population has remained impoverished and beset by diseases caused by unsafe air, poisoned drinking water, and pollution in the food chain.
Giovanni Bisignani, the head of the International Air Transport Association, an industry group, criticized the shutdown, saying that no risk assessment had been undertaken.
Air safety is slightly different, because a crashing plane can kill people on the ground, but the greatest risks by far are borne by the passengers and crew.
For example, simply changing the color of roofs in warm climates to reflect sunlight or planting trees around houses can lead to great savings on energy used for air conditioning.
Most developed countries already have a tax of this size (and often much larger) on electricity and fossil fuels, although this also incorporates the costs of air pollution and supply insecurity.
Should we outlaw air conditioning or television satellite boxes because some people find them luxurious?
The Arthur Anderson, Enron, and WorldCom scandals didn't emerge out of thin air, but had their origins in the mid-1990s, when the US Treasury actually intervened to stop attempts by the supposedly independent accounting standards board to improve matters.
Her poor timing made the initiative appear heartless, as thousands of civilians were being uprooted, killed, or maimed by Israel's efficient but ruthless artillery and air force.
But I also have witnessed how Israel has retaliated with air strikes and armed incursions into the Gaza Strip, including Jabalia.
Today's mega-cities, for example, already have to confront dangerous heat waves, rising sea levels, more extreme storms, dire congestion, and air and water pollution.
By the end of 1999, divergence was complete: the United States and Britain were employing their air power to enforce the no-fly zones while France joined Russia and China in abstaining on resolution 1284.
They condoned or even supported American air strikes against Baghdad in December 1998, and they supported or even participated in NATO's air strikes against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in March 1999.
Most only partially approach the ideal case of clean air, where none can be excluded and all can benefit simultaneously.
Flower growers in Kenya, who depend on air transport to take their short-lived product to Europe, suddenly had no income.
Using more air-conditioning to cool our houses in summer will do the same - although this is vital if we want to save lives.
Reform is in the air - in part because of the scandal, but also because of the UN's inability to deal effectively with challenges ranging from Rwanda and Kosovo to Iraq and, most recently, Sudan.
Shortly thereafter, researchers in the United States found a related material that superconducts above the temperature at which air liquefies.
Although none of them superconduct at temperatures as high as liquid air, they may ultimately be better materials with which to work.
Failure would mean succumbing to a mid-air stall, with tepid forward motion giving way to a sudden loss of altitude.
America in the 1960's enacted programs to rebuild poor communities, to fight air and water pollution, and to ensure health care for the elderly.

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