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Mucky Foot

Examples Mucky Foot examples

How do I use Mucky Foot in a sentence?

Simple sentences

You see a white building at the foot of the hill.
How long does it take to get to Vienna on foot?
She was aching from head to foot.
Someone stepped on my foot on the train.
He has one foot in the grave.
I was going on foot.
I went on foot.
I came on foot.
Tom apologized for stepping on my foot.
I will never set my foot there again.
I can go there by foot.
We had no choice but to go on foot.
You just stepped on my foot.
Tom had one foot in the grave.
During the vacation my sister and I stayed at a small village at the foot of Mt. Fuji.
Footnotes are notes at the foot of a page.
I'll foot the bill.
Some of the students went by bus, and others on foot.
It takes you an hour to go to the station on foot.
My right foot is sleeping.
My foot's asleep again!
Not knowing that Nancy had left him, I put my foot in my mouth when I asked Paul how she was.
Tom goes to school on foot.
It is located at the foot of Mt. Fuji.
Don't set foot in that neighborhood.
The church is at the foot of the hill.
At the foot of the hill is a beautiful lake.
In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor the Greeks' chief god, Zeus.
People used to travel on foot.
Why don't you put your best foot forward?

Movie subtitles

I was formerly a common foot soldier under Ukita Hideie-sama.
Yeah, well, I couldn't shake your hand with my foot, or. but you don't want that.
He's about six foot tall, salt-of-the-earth good looks, and by far the oldest person at this party.
I'm putting my foot down.
In the meantime, I'm sure it takes all your energy just putting one foot in front of the other.
Yeah, I just. I guess I'm thinking about how to start off on the right foot with Oliver.
I have lost my way and sprained my foot.
The only person present not belonging to the household was Torarin and his gaze kept returning to the iron-clad chest at the foot of the four-poster bed.
Waiting at the foot of her bed was another Salvation Army sister who had worked alongside the sick girl.
I have such a terrible pain in my foot.
Every toe on my right foot hurts.
One more foot up.
He was black in color and limped slightly with his left foot.
Tentative, my foot!
I will now go on foot.
Setting foot on another tribe's land could start a war.
He set foot on our land.
I'll call the police if he sets foot in here again.
Never set foot in this house!
If you set foot on it again, I'll put you in irons and land you at St. Charles on my way back.
And the captain promised me a necktie party if I set foot on the boat.
Now one more foot up.
It's about a foot too much.
No, the measure's a foot too much.
Take your face out of my foot!
Oh-ho! You know you can't get them over that foot!
One night after dinner, the count took one of our sailors. down to see his trophy room. at the foot of those stone steps.
Well, the Ogopogo's a 100- foot-long sea monster, you idiot!
A foot.
And has been since we set foot in Alvo's villa.
Once I put my foot out there, it's not that scary.
I will not let your foot in my office!
Take this rabbit's foot, boss.
Please. - Tentative, my foot!
Say, when a guy like him marries a doll like you I'll kiss your foot in Macy's window at high noon.

News and current affairs

Both America and Israel have cited foot-dragging in implementing UN Resolution 1559, which calls for disarming all non-state actors in Lebanon and the deployment of government forces all the way to the southern border.
Europe, for its part, could agree not to shoot its recovery in the foot with ill-timed new taxes such as those that Germany is currently contemplating.
Before you start weeping in sympathy with the farmer, ask yourself one question: what would have been the fate of the lambs if there had been no outbreak of foot and mouth disease?
The disease causes a temporary loss of production, and once foot and mouth disease is established in a country, other countries will prohibit the importation of its meat and dairy products because they don't want the disease to spread it to their animals.
In graphic detail, Gore demonstrated how a 20-foot rise in the sea level would inundate much of Florida, Shanghai, and Holland.
With too much power at the European level, national authorities will be answerable to their citizens and be forced to foot the bill, yet they will lack power.
Why, then, should ordinary taxpayers foot the bill to bail out the financial industry?
Similarly, a debt left unpaid too long by a government is a burden on future generations: I may enjoy the benefits of government extravagance, but my children will have to foot the bill.
Some European countries apparently believe that they can maintain an EU consensus in support of Ahtisaari's plan but allow Russian foot-dragging on the grounds that delay is not unreasonable and something better may turn up with additional negotiations.
In deciding to raise interest rates, it will be doing more than simply lifting its foot from the financial-stimulus accelerator; it will also be taking a notable step toward the multiyear normalization of its overall policy stance.
I believe that few wealthy people would refuse to contribute a small portion of their huge wealth for the chance to save the lives of millions of people each year and help the poorest countries get the first foot on the ladder of economic development.
The United Nations panel on climate change suggests a rise of only 1-2 feet during this century, compared to almost one foot in the last century.
Will they be pleased that London has stamped its collective foot, even though Cameron's regulatory demands were not accepted?
The idea of a two-speed or variable-geometry Union, has long been debated, mainly as a way of finessing the Euro-skeptical foot-dragging of successive British governments.
He ignores the findings of his Nobel co-winners, the IPCC, who conclude that sea levels will rise between only a half-foot and two feet over this century, with their best expectation being about one foot.
But America today is on the back foot, economically and militarily.
Indeed, it also grossly neglected to deal with an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in Miyazaki Prefecture, allowing the disease to spread out of control.
Poorer emerging-market countries would resist such a move, arguing that their citizens should not have to foot the bill for fiscal profligacy in much wealthier countries.
Libya's new leaders suffer from something worse than foot-dragging.
Dating from around the beginning of the Christian era, and carved into a 130-foot-high rock, the seated image of the Buddha was second in importance in South Asia only to the Bamiyan Buddhas.
Each leader has been carefully groomed to avoid the sort of gaffes that could cost his party the election, and thus far, not one has shot himself in the foot.
Eventually, thousands of men, women, and children - and even old and disabled people - started to make their way on foot toward the Austrian border.
But the foot-dragging by the nuclear states on disarmament is making it increasingly difficult to add necessary new muscle to the global non-proliferation regime.