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Luz Long

Examples Luz Long examples

How do I use Luz Long in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I don't want to wait that long.
You must be tired after such a long trip.
I hope it won't be long before I hear from her.
Please forgive me for not having written for a long time.
How long have you been waiting for the bus?
How long ago did the bus leave?
How long will we have to wait?
How long will this cold weather go on?
How long have you waited?
How long will you be here?
I suppose it's different when you think about it over the long term.
How long did you stay?
I'm sorry, I can't stay long.
Well, the night is quite long, isn't it?
How long does it take to get to the station?
I wonder how long it's going to take.
It has been so long since I last went to Disneyland with my family.
A rabbit has long ears and a short tail.
Life is not long, it is wide!
Advertising may be described as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.
As long as there's life, there is hope.
Ten years is a long time to wait.
I don't want to wait so long.

Movie subtitles

Your mom was a famous movie star a long time ago. And your brother is one of the top singer in our country. Killer, huh?
How long did the doctor say I have to live?
I'm okay as long as I'm within the school grounds.
Before long, Western civilization became the world's dominant civilization.
We tend to assume that our civilization, the one that's dominated the world for so long, will last for ever.
By contrast, it took the founder of the Ming dynasty 21 years to build a wall more than 20 miles long around his capital city, Nanjing.
Long before the industrial Revolution came to England, China was amazingly inventive.
It's just one long - very long - celebration of local autonomy.
No doubt after nine long days shut in a shoebox, it was the most able, and the certainly most indefatigable, candidates who passed the imperial examination.
And that explains why Zheng He, the personification of early Chinese expansionism, for so long forgotten, is a hero in today's newly gIobaIised China.
Yeah, that was. that was one long trip.
Well, Elder McKinley, I think it's okay that you're having gay thoughts. Just so long as you never act upon them.
We let anybody who wants to join up, so long as they're willing to commit to the Church.
We were put in a small room, door locked, curtains closed, and we sat silently all day long.
Comparable to the spiral nebulae we have known for long from photographic observation, like this one.
You won't live long if you keep this up.
A long time ago, a boat with 10 of our Spanish sisters ran aground here.
He threw himself into everything, while I, the good Jesuit student, weighed the pros and cons for so long, I'd never decide.
I gave you my word, so I will. As long as the uncles agree.
How long will that boy stay in our home?
A bit long.
I'll wait for as long as it takes.
Long live French Algeria!
How could you keep such a secret to yourself this long?
I miss you. all day long.
Has been for a long time.
Kids can get pretty much anything they want in the yard, as long as they can afford it.
As long as it's not too lumpy and shit.
Nick, my people have been patient long enough.
Well, the Ogopogo's a 100- foot-long sea monster, you idiot!
Took a long fucking walk.
How long do they usually keep people in here for?
As long as they want.
Be a long walk back, pal, we've been driving for nearly an hour.
How long would this be for?
I don't know how long.
Took them how long to build a fire?
I'm probably, without knowing it, less lonely than I have been in a long time because I'm interacting with people more often than I have in many years.
As long as you follow this sequence, you'll be able to win.
As long as you don't be a hindrance. I will.

News and current affairs

Some have argued instead that gold's long upward march has been partly driven by the development of new financial instruments that make it easier to trade and speculate in gold.
In the long run, America's growth pattern must undergo a structural shift from reliance on debt and consumption one based on Americans vaunted capacity for creativity and innovation.
Bad accounting frameworks always lead to bad information, and bad information leads to bad decisions, with serious long term consequences.
Science fiction ages fast, but it has a long afterlife.
With a dispassionate eye on the long game, what will the president himself be thinking?
The market will prove one side right before too long.
In the 1920's, some warned about an overpriced stock market, but they did not predict a decade-long depression affecting the entire economy.
Local-currency bond markets could help to develop domestic investor bases and mobilize domestic savings to support long-term investments.
A number of countries, including Denmark, the Netherlands, the US, and Belgium, have long-standing fiscal watchdog agencies, such as the US Congressional Budget Office (CBO).
But that process has a long way to go.
The collapse of world oil and gas prices has wounded Russia's budget, and lack of investment in the country's energy sector over the years is now causing the declining production that economists have long predicted.
As such, the long-term consequences are likely to be regrettable.
Their growth potential need not be severely affected as long as the implications of this new world for domestic and international policies are understood.
How long this state of affairs will last is unknown.
Cutting these programs will lower American economic growth in the long term, with negative consequences both at home and abroad.
But, in a currency union with huge differences in income and development levels, the short term can stretch out for a very long time.
That is one of many recent dramatic signs that our climate is changing and that our planet is warmer than it has been for a very long time.
Others take a flagrantly sexist stance, arguing that a woman president would be a non-starter as long as the North Korean regime continues to threaten national security.
What matters is their output of modern industrial goods (and services), which can expand without limit as long as domestic demand expands simultaneously.