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Examples Lulworth Castle examples

How do I use Lulworth Castle in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The castle is beautiful.
I would like to live in a castle.
The castle was perched atop the hill.
The castle is not easy to reach.
It is foolish of you to build a castle in the air while forgetting to drive in pilings for its foundation.
Seen from a distance, the big rock looks like an old castle.
The town is famous for its old castle.
There was an old castle to the east of the town.
The castle was transformed into a marvelous museum.
The castle has been restored and is open to the public.
The castle is worth visiting.
When was the castle built?
The old castle is in a sad state.
This is the guide who took us around the castle.
This castle overlooks the city.
We saw a castle in the distance.
The castle was in disrepair.
The castle dates back to 1610.
The old castle lay in ruins.
The old castle stands on the hill.
There is a castle in the background of the picture.
The outside of the castle was painted white.
An Englishman's home is his castle.

Movie subtitles

It was here in the Castle of St George in the hills above Lisbon that the newly crowned Portuguese King Manuel appointed da Gama to command a fleet of ships, to make discoveries and go in search of spices.
You will become a well-digging laborer and enter Edo Castle through the western citadel at Marugoshij Castle. with a pistol.
They get to live in this castle while their factories are poisoning everyone's water.
I mean, she's sitting in that castle while everyone else is.
This movie has been shot in the Belvedere castle in Prague in Lobkowitz and other historical places.
Arrangements are made for the hunt in Count Schwartzenberg's castle.
In the Castle of Loges, near a small city in the sub-prefecture of Saint-Calais.
At Castle of Loges.
Invited to a lunch in the castle of Loges, Judge Pradier spots that Marquise slipped out a letter to a young man.
The ruins of Sendlingen castle, once so proud,. now a playground for the children of the poor.
Wedding at Castle Chanterelle.
On the following day, Johannes recovers the castle Rudenberg.
He takes this message soon to the Llewellyn castle.
I'm gonna bounce in that castle until I puke!
You have to get to the castle quick.
High up in the air is Apelone's dream castle, and there the Devil will fulfill all her secret wishes.
Castle Dracula?
To the castle?
We people of the mountains believe at the castle there are vampires!
I'm sure you will find this part of my castle more inviting.
It reminds me of the broken battlements of my own castle in Transylvania.
Castle. Dracula!
From Dracula's castle?
The walls of my castle are cracked and there are shadows everywhere.
I think you will find this part of the castle more appealing.
Dunno. You will become a well-digging laborer and enter Edo Castle through the western citadel at Marugoshij Castle.
They get to live in this castle while their factories are poisoning everyone's water. It's so messed up.
This movie was filmed in Castle Belvedere in Prague, Palazzo Furstenberg, in Lobkowitz and in other historical places.
Preparations for hunting, at Count Schwartzenberg's castle.
One dreams deeply in this desolate castle, but don't let that frighten you.
The ghostly evening light seemed to bring the castle shadows to life again.
What do you say we build a castle in the sand, honey?
If your majesty could lend him clothing until he reaches the castle?
And you invited them to our castle, even though you weren't allowed to.
The castle owner goes to sleep with the chickens, gets woken up in the middle of the night, and has oatmeal with toast for breakfast, long before sunrise. I can't change everything around on the very first day.
Not exactly. But according to the account books the money has to be here in the castle.

News and current affairs

The atmosphere could not have been more tranquil: a former royal castle in the rolling hills of the Taunus region near Frankfurt, where statesmen and politicians held an annual meeting dealing with the Middle East.
Eight years ago the remains of the Romanov family were publicly buried in the Peter-Paul castle in Saint Petersburg.
Both enter an enchanted castle. They may confront a magic crocodile.
Hundreds of African-Americans live year round in Ghana today, some within a short walk of Cape Coast Castle, the slaving fort that shipped human cargo until Britain halted the trade in 1807.
Yes, Dubai, with its man-made islands, hotels simulating Venice, and roof-top tennis courts, is a real-world castle in the sand.
Slowly, it snaked down the medieval streets behind Prague Castle and into the square in front of the president's palace.
Both enter an enchanted castle.

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