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Examples Kakegawa Station examples

How do I use Kakegawa Station in a sentence?

Simple sentences

There is a bank in front of the station.
The station is to the west of the hotel.
The station is two miles away.
Please tell me which bus to take to get to the station.
Please wait for me at the station.
The old lady will often wait for her son in vain at the station.
I'll let you know when we come to the station.
Why on earth did you take him to the station?
Who were you waiting for at the station?
I live miles away from the nearest station.
My house is conveniently close to the station.
I am getting off at the next station.
His wife whom I met at the station, is very attractive.
When I left the train station, I saw a man.
How long does it take to get to the station?
The train from Geneva will arrive at the station.
What time will you get to the station?
The train left the station and was soon lost in sight.
The train was about to leave the station.
On my way home, I fell asleep on the train and rode past my station.
The school is farther than the station.
The school is located within five minutes' walk of the station.
We got to the station at six.
It takes us thirty minutes to walk from here to the station.
Is this the right way to Yokohama Station?
I heard someone in the crowd outside the station call my name.
We will get to Tokyo Station at noon.
Our train had already pulled out when we arrived at the station.

Movie subtitles

If we are to continue, we must find a station.
It looks like you passed out at the bus station.
I got it at the gas station, but in the ten-dollar bin.
Yeah, I've sent a copy through to the station.
The man in the station wagon.
He asked that you call in the police station with your documents.
I was asked to vacate Station One.
Half of Station House Number Four is looking for you.
The dirty, barefoot Britney from the gas-station bathroom.
Get out of my station, Davis.
What Station House are you boys from?
Station Four is done.
My beloved Loupart Be this evening at 3 pm at the Lyon railway station with posts.
I will arrive at Bedarieux station at four thirty.
Fortunately the Dutch Telecommunication Service (PTT) had moved several german radar dishes from the dunes to the radio station at Kootwijk.
We do see the old main building of the radio station and a few other buildings.
Together with a technician from radio station Kootwijk we improved the existing scale-indicators.
Next week, we'll be laying down the last railroad track. We're also inaugurating the new Blida station.
The station is unmanned, you say?
In that case, we'll have to assume it's an autonomous space station.
The station's changing course.
From in there, you should be able to purge the modules, for that matter, control everything else in the station, too.
That's right. I've taken control of the station.
If you were able to gain control of the station, do you think you could possibly just change its course?
You seemed to be laboring under the impression that you'd taken over this station.
I think someone's trying to take control of the station again.
I detect nothing. There's no sign of anyone else in the station.
The moment I disconnect, whoever that Blessed is will doubtless try to take control of the station.
I agreed to let you work out of Station House Number Four, - but there are limits.
Would you mind coming to the station - to assist with a sketch?
Tell me which day and train you will. be arriving on, and I'll pick you up at the station.
Every lot is a stone's throw from the station.
As soon as they throw enough stones, we're gonna build a station.
Stand by for your station announcer.
The name on the railroad station's been shot off.
How far is the dressing station?
After that rainy dressing station. and 24 hours on the train, we deserve to have some luck.
There's only more farms like ours that way That's the road to the station.
Friedrichstrasse Station.

News and current affairs

This work is set to expand as more than 40 million tons of invasive alien plants are harvested for power-station fuel.
TV journalists rebelled, occupying the station's newsroom.
Strengthening democracy means working with the Kenyan developers of a crisis-mapping platform that allows anyone with a cell phone to text information about election fraud or violence to a central monitoring station.
Trying to help resolve the situation peacefully, I was persuaded to negotiate at the Central Jakarta Police Station, but found to my horror that the mob leaders controlled the station.
During World War II, Allied soldiers occupied Iran, using the country as a way station to transport supplies from the Persian Gulf to the Soviet Union.
More than a century ago, the Korean activist Ahn Jung-geun assassinated Japan's first prime minister, Hirobumi Ito, at the railway station in the Chinese city of Harbin, cementing Ahn's status as a hero in Korea and a terrorist in Japan.
What makes a market economy a market economy, I thought, is the fact that you can always find a Texaco or a BP, Elf or Statoil petrol station, or a Seven Eleven store in Alaska, South Carolina or Tokyo.
Before there was widespread automobile ownership, land prices depended on location, and proximity to the central city or to the local railroad station carried a premium.
Of course, it used to be difficult to listen to customers; as a company, you could not station people everywhere to pick up random comments, and few customers cared enough to write actual letters - positive or negative.
One US television station even apologized to a Dutch reporter in the name of the American people.
The Lal Masjid clerics operate with impunity - no attempt has been made to cut off its electricity, gas, phone, or Web site - or even to shut down its illegal FM radio station.
But to greet the elegant and popular President-elect Barack Obama with threats to station missiles on Europe's borders, as Medvedev did the day after America's presidential election, exposed before the world the Kremlin's ham-handed ways once again.
So he closed the opposition-leaning private Imedi TV station (owned by Patarkatsishvili) and introduced a state of emergency for nine days, before calling an early presidential election for January 5.
India gave asylum to fleeing students and a base for their resistance movement (along with some financial help), and supported a newspaper and a radio station that propagated the democratic voice.
Radiation at these levels poses a minimal threat to human health for anyone outside the immediate area of the nuclear-power station itself.
A small power station is operating in Landau, Germany, and others are under construction in France and Australia.
He was handcuffed in his own home and taken to the police station.
The station's US push could hardly be more necessary - to Americans.
Indeed, they became evident six years ago, when the Indian Ocean tsunami in December 2004 inundated India's second-largest nuclear complex, shutting down the Madras power station.
Then the IDF occupied the TV station itself and destroyed it, along with the team's computers and cameras.
Chen was released from detention but remains under house arrest and was dragged back to the police station on September 2 for unknown reasons.
Observing the EU from the outside is like watching a train collision in slow motion - and one that was announced at the station.
In August, thousands of refugees became stranded at Budapest's Keleti train station for days on end when Hungary's vexed and incompetent government deliberately allowed the situation to escalate.
The concept is beguilingly simple: drill at least two boreholes five kilometers deep, inject cold water into one, pass it through the hot rocks, and then bring it back to the surface, where the energy is removed in a power station.
A fusion power station would use only around 450 kilograms of fuel annually, cause no atmospheric pollution, and carry no risk of accidents that could lead to radioactive contamination of the environment.

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