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Jesse window

Examples Jesse window examples

How do I use Jesse window in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Tom broke the window.
The boy must have broken the window.
The morning sun came in the window.
Close the window.
Keep the window closed.
The boy pressed his face against the shop window.
I can hear a cat scratching at the window.
I asked him to open the window.
Do not throw anything out of the window.
She saw him break the window.
The window is made of glass.
Could you open the window?
Tom asked Mary to open the window.
We could see the sunset from the window.
Avoid opening the window; I have no great desire to feel air currents on my back.
He jumped out the window.
Did you break the window on purpose or by accident?
Did you leave the window open?
Would you please open the window?
Would you mind opening the window?
I feel cold. Do you mind closing the window?
I'm cold. May I close the window?
I feel cold. Would you shut the window, please?
The broken window was boarded up.
We looked out the window but saw nothing.