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Isis English

Meaning Isis meaning

What does Isis mean?


Egyptian goddess of fertility; daughter of Geb; sister and wife of Osiris

Synonyms Isis synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as Isis?

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Examples Isis examples

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Simple sentences

Horus was the son of Isis and Osiris.
What is ISIS?

Movie subtitles

The temple of Isis, in the garden.
They were the sacred virgins of Isis.
The ancient spells are weaker, but some of them are still potent, and I believe that you have in your hut the Scroll of Thoth itself, which contains the great spell by which Isis raised Osiris from the dead.
Isis, the Egyptian symbol of life.
It is not lawful for me, a priestess of Isis, to see or touch an unclean thing.
Then I will read the great spell with which Isis brought Osiris back from the grave.
I'm a priestess of Isis!
Oh, Isis! Holy Maiden!
This is the same genuine, magic, authentic crystal used by the priests of Isis and Osiris in the days of the Pharaohs in which Cleopatra saw the approach of Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony.
All hail Cleopatra, kindred of Horus and Ra.. beloved of the moon and sun, daughter to Isis.. and of Upper and Lower Egypt, queen.
Isis, is it not?
I am Isis.
I taste your food, daughter of Isis.. and if there be harm in it, let the harm fall upon me.
And I am Cleopatra, queen, daughter of Isis!
For the Egyptians it was Isis' wheat, the Incas saw it as golden star dust, for the Eskimos it was a band of snow and the Christians thought of it as the road to Rome.
I have none myself, none at all, though my wife is a priestess of Isis.
The priestess of Isis knows what her faith is.
Isis herself revealed it to me in the temple.
Isis,...Queen of the Mysteries, Mother of Egypt,...Protectress of Rome,...your servant Demetrius offers you sacrifice.
The temple of Isis, sire.
May Isis and Serapis bring victory to your cause.
Who are Isis and Serapis?
Your gods Isis and Serapis must've been good to us.
Behold. O Isis. the eye of ancient Egypt.
All hail Cleopatra, kindred of Horus and Ra beloved of the moon and sun, daughter to Isis and of Upper and Lower Egypt, queen.
This is the same genuine, magic, authentic crystal used by the priests of Isis and Osiris in the days of the Pharaohs in which Cleopatra saw the approach of Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony. And so on, and so on.
Oh, Isis and Osiris, is it meet?
Yes, I heard him, Isis.
Careful, Isis.
I know, Isis.
You're right, Isis.
Thank you, Isis.
Be careful, Isis.
Are you jealous, Isis?
Isis else defend, And serving you so long!
Pray to Isis for me.

News and current affairs

Alasan mengapa ISIS memutuskan untuk melakukan serangannya sekarang masih berupa dugaan; barangkali ISIS memperluas terornya ke tingkat global untuk mengimbangi kehilangan wilayah mereka di Irak.
Sebetulnya, tantangan yang ditimbulkan ISIS justru menjadi seruan bagi kita untuk menerapkan beberapa tindakan, sebab tidak ada kebijakan tunggal yang memadai.
Serangan udara yang lebih kuat untuk melemahkan aset-aset militer, fasilitas minyak dan gas, dan para pemimpin ISIS sangat penting.
Tetapi, deklarasi perang secara simbolis haruslah dipertimbangkan dengan penuh kehati-hatian, jangan sampai ISIS terkesan memenangi perang ini.
Presiden Suriah, Bashar al-Assad, adalah sosok yang layaknya menjadi recruiting tools bagi ISIS dan harus dicopot dari jabatannya.
Siapapun yang meneruskan jabatan beliau harus mampu menjaga ketertiban dan melarang ISIS memanfaatkan kekosongan kekuasaan, seperti yang terjadi di Libya.
Itulah sebabnya penguatan upaya militer diperlukan untuk menjadikan daerah-daerah kantong lebih aman dan luas sehingga mampu melindungi penduduk sipil dan memerangi ISIS.
Elemen lainnya yang sangat diperlukan dalam strategi efektif apapun harus meliputi bantuan tambahan atau memberi tekanan kepada Turki untuk mengambil lebih banyak tindakan demi membendung rekrutmen ISIS.
Pemimpin Arab dan Muslim dapat berperan dengan menyampaikan pesan untuk menantang visi ISIS dan mendelegitimasi perilaku mereka.
Kita tidak bisa memberantas atau menghancurkannya dalam waktu dekat, sebab ISIS merupakan jaringan dan gagasan, serta suatu organisasi dan negara de facto yang mengendalikan wilayah dan sumber daya.
Meskipun demikian, kabar baiknya adalah ancaman yang diakibatkan ISIS ke Timur Tengah dan seluruh dunia dapat dikurangi secara signifikan melalui tindakan terpadu dan berkelanjutan.
It is this initial fighting force - and the ideology that motivated it - that today still forms the basis of the Sunni jihadist insurgencies, including ISIS.
They have a shared and urgent stake in confronting ISIS; all are victims of the terror.
Pertama, militer. Serangan udara yang lebih kuat untuk melemahkan aset-aset militer, fasilitas minyak dan gas, dan para pemimpin ISIS sangat penting.
Their perpetrators - in this case, the Islamic State (ISIS) - must be stopped.
Painful as it is to admit, the West, especially the United States, bears significant responsibility for creating the conditions in which ISIS has flourished.
In any part of Mesopotamia presently controlled by the Islamic State (ISIS), practicing Christians would lose their heads.
The most extreme example of such intolerance today - which much of the world is now fighting - is the religious totalitarianism of ISIS.

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