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Hubert English

Meaning Hubert meaning

What does Hubert mean?
Definitions in simple English


Hubert is a male given name.


male given name

Examples Hubert examples

How do I use Hubert in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

Hubert and Tristan, heads of the senior and junior branches fought over custody of the child.
If our new baby is born before I get back. talk Molly out of naming him Hubert will you?
She wants to call him Hubert.
I'm Gilbert Hubert from Tennessee.
You recommended sending Gilbert Hubert, Seaman Second Class, to Naval Hospital Guam, where the services of a chiropodist are available.
Hubert is not military, and he's not sanitary, but he's important to the ship's safety.
Hubert and I collected all these things when we lived in Africa.
Hubert was my husband.
So Hubert used to call him a witch dentist.
Hubert was so witty.
Yes. My father's Dr. Hubert Van der Mal.
Their Royal Highnesses, King Hubert and Prince Phillip!
Thus, today would they announce that Phillip, Hubert's son and heir, to Stefan's child would be betrothed. And so to her his gift he brought. and looked unknowing on his future bride.
No sign of her yet, Hubert.
I'm here for Odilon Hubert, the Algerian MP.
Mr. Hubert?
Allow me to congratulate you, Mrs. Hubert.
Medical officer, Major Odilon Hubert.
As for you, Hubert, you'll handle the cholera epidemic, which has hit our troops very hard.
I know. Hubert will treat everyone equally.
I'm worried, Hubert.
Don't forget, Hubert, that the emir is a prophet as well as a military man and a poet.
Ladies and gentlemen, I raise my glass to Captain Hubert who just earned a well-deserved third stripe. To his lovely wife, our hospital's head nurse, whose beauty and competence will support her husband's brilliant career.
You'll be his interpreter and Hubert, his medical officer.
Coming, Hubert?
Squadron leader Hubert, on behalf of His Majesty Louis-Philippe, I appoint you Knight of the Legion of Honor.
Congratulations, Hubert, and thank you again.
You must be kidding, Hubert.
Hubert, open the door for Mr. Taylor.
He shut his eyes every time Hubert hit me, then he told him to hit me again.
As for you, what would you do if I were to call Hubert?
Is this where we send for Hubert and his rubber shillelagh?
Well, if it isn't Hubert.
Can we drop you anywhere, Hubert?
Hubert said three whole sentences.
Hubert was with me all that night.
Was she here too, Hubert?
Mr Hubert? Hold the line.

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