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Examples Homebush Bay examples

How do I use Homebush Bay in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The bay is full of boats and people.
Standing as it does on a hill, the hotel commands a fine view of the bay.
You have only to push the button to open the bay window.
The airport is in Osaka Bay.
We overlook the bay from our house.
He kept the invaders at bay with a machine gun.
A mirage sometimes shows up in Toyama Bay.
Christopher Columbus enjoyed the torrents of Pirate Bay and would often go surfing there.
The oil spill polluted the bay.
A petroleum platform exploded in the bay.
The space hotel had enormous bay windows overlooking the rainbow stripes of Jupiter below.
Since Tom arrived at Guantanamo Bay he has been exposed to different forms of torture: sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, extreme temperatures, prolonged isolation, lack of sunlight and limited health care.
The Big Salmon River is a small river in southern New Brunswick, Canada, that flows south into the Bay of Fundy.
We were granted the privilege of fishing in this bay.
Mt. Fuji as seen from Suruga Bay is beautiful.
The bay has more yachts than sailboats.
Jade Rabbit has landed in the Bay of Rainbows.
We swam across the bay.

Movie subtitles

Summers Bay.
Give or take. So, you would've left Smiths Bay at around say, 11:30am?
He's up at Smiths Bay, hopefully verifying a couple of things.
You're forgetting that I was at Smiths Bay.
And if you want to keep the pain at bay, you can always try the singing.
Do I hook up the reddish horse or the bay?
Lx-nay, the oss-bay.
Ardeth Bay.
I am Ardeth Bay.
I don't think one would forget meeting you, Ardeth Bay.
Ardeth Bay introduced himself.
Then, Ardeth Bay, au revoir.
Is our boat still standing in at the bay?
We have Sebastopol under siege and our forces have the Russians at bay, so to speak.
Do you think you're the only one hearing' Rankin in sick bay. talkin'half the time about that hole through his lung and the rest about his kid?
Tell me - how's it about the bay?
My bay founders a bit.
Please take care of the bay for a while. Come, Ben.
You threw the body in the bay without any help?
It's all according to what a Boston crowd called Bay State Power does.
Then let's drink to Bay State Power.
No, we'll drink to Johnny and Julia and Bay State Power, love and happiness and..
We have an order to buy 60,000 shares for Ross of Bay State Power all the way up to 30.
Sam, saddle the bay as well.
I'd transport all the riffraff in Bristol to Botany Bay to save one beautiful woman a single headache. Something you don't understand.
Do you see? Across the bay.
Doc, I'd like her to say good-bay to my.
Pardon me, sir, Mr. Travers and Miss Tremont, sir. they're drifting out to the bay in a gondola, sir.
He's probably at his Oyster Bay place.
Oyster Bay 1-1-7-0.
Tom Wilson said he saw you leaving Sheepshead Bay this afternoon.
Sam, saddle the bay as well. Chadwick.
I'd transport all the riffraff in Bristol to Botany Bay to save one beautiful woman a single headache.
Keep the mare and bay in good condition, won't you?
Across the bay.
You will notice the bay window with the most beautiful look over the city.
That cottage bay seemed to be going to rack and ruin.
Come on, everybody, down to the bay. Notify the coast guard. She's aground.
Except last year when he sideslipped into Hudson Bay and killed four passengers.
And my guess is they'll toss the safe and the mine into the bay and what floats is yours.

News and current affairs

Above all, the rest of the world has looked on with alarm as the US holds more than 600 men at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba without access to family or counsel, and without prospect of an impartial hearing or trial.
It is not enough to say that the hijackers--and, indeed, the many Saudis being held at Guantanamo Bay--represent a subset of duped youngsters and that the rest of Saudi youth are different.
While growth was so concentrated that popular resentment simmered, communism was kept at bay.
Another unspoken consideration may have been at work in the Guantanamo Bay case, which has garnered considerable international attention.
I do not mean to suggest that the Justices decided the Guantanamo Bay case as they did so that they would be toasted at their international cocktail parties.
In the Guantanamo Bay case, by contrast, the Bush Administration argued that a ruling for the detainees would undermine the war effort by diverting manpower and material from the battlefield to the courtroom.
When a government falls violently, the new regime usually rules by force, not by democratic procedures, if only to keep at bay those it has defeated.
The postwar mixed economy was built for and operated at the level of nation-states, and required keeping the international economy at bay.
This is why the examples of the prisons at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay have been so costly.
But the ECB is not going to cut rates even though, for public relations reasons of keeping the political wolves at bay, it deceptively hints it might.
The concept behind this vision is that the size and population density of a future Palestine will be roughly the same as in extended urban regions like the San Francisco Bay area or greater Cairo.
In the debate over the Guantanamo Bay prisoners and the Geneva Convention America's realists have, once again, won out over America's ideologues.
Outsourcing keeps terrorists - and other foreigners who would get expensive welfare subsidies - at bay without sacrificing the benefits of globalization.
The World Wildlife Fund declared in 2004 that polar bears would go extinct by the end of the century, and that the calamity would start in Hudson Bay, where they would stop reproducing by 2012.
In the short term, countries may be able to duck their global responsibilities, but the threat posed by events beyond their borders cannot be kept at bay forever.
Looking at the best-studied polar bear population of 1,000 bears, in the West Hudson Bay, how many polar bears would we save in a year?
Each year, 49 bears are shot in the West Hudson Bay alone.
A strong currency keeps both inflation and ECB interest hikes at bay.

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